So you don't care about Jose Padilla

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Nov 11, 2004
It only happens to terrorists, right?

Check out this smuggled letter from a guy accused (not proven) of tax fraud (not "terrorism"):

So much for ‘Rights of the Accussed’.

(This is the text of a letter received from Walt in the DC jail in late November. it was handwritten in pencil on the back of recycled legal documents, transcribed by his assistant, Donna. Some minor edits have been made for legal and space considerations.)

I am a United States citizen, but I find myself in what could be described as a third world prison. I have been incarcerated since February 28, 2005, prior to my trial on a financial/tax matter related to my job of the last twelve years managing the endowment of a not-for-profit organization. I am 52 years old and have never been involved in any serious criminal matters or even a minor financial scandal.

The prison is near the edge of the Capitol City of the country. I moved into this city 21 years ago thinking it would be a comfortable place to work and live. I travel a lot for my work but was always happy to return to my home here. I never believed that the this country would turn its attention against me.

The city is reasonably prosperous but, unfortunately, the political climate which is nominally “free” and “democratic” has been edging into a more polarized and "security-conscious" attitude.

Nevertheless, I remained here because I was comfortable. My home is on the top floor of a building with a view of the river which passes from the mountains down through the city. Having lived here so long I know the territory: which restaurants are good, which shops have the things I need and, of course, I have developed many personal connections over a long period of time. When I learned about the IRS and Justice Department's investigations, I could have easily remained overseas, but I chose not to. I did so because I am certain of my innocence, and naively believed that would actually make a difference once the authorities invested sufficient time into their “investigation” to want a result.

Perhaps I was an easy target. I lived in this capitol city but never sought to 'buy" any political influence, unlike many corporate leaders and financiers. Many of my business activities are outside the country and my goal has always been to achieve on merit and hard work, not through politics, favors or corrupt dealings like, unfortunately, much of the business in this city. Some of the causes I have supported were not politically popular.

The jail in which I have been placed is one of two facilities in the city. One is the older jail which is falling apart but still overflowing with inmates. The other, newer facility, of which the government is very proud, is next door to the old facility, yet is also overcrowded.

When I was charged my lawyers tried to convince the judge to release me. However, the prosecutor convinced him that so much of my life was outside the country there was nothing here to hold me. Very senior government officials had made public comments about this case and the judge, perhaps out of caution, decided to play it safe and incarcerate me.

I am housed in a unit in “Building D”. This building holds around 350 persons. I have now been here for eight months or so trying to prepare for my trial. I had a top law firm working on the case during the investigation. This firm had worked with me for many years on other matters. I believe the government has intimidated this firm into dropping out of the case. They will not even return my phone calls.

I was able to hire one of the most prestigious law firms in the city. They were very costly. This firm has won some major cases against the government. A few months after I hired this firm the government helped to block the funds which were paying for my defense. This firm no longer wants to hear from me either.

A few months after my incarceration, possibly due to the poor air quality in the prison, I came down with a very serious respiratory infection. I repeatedly asked to see a doctor but had to wait four weeks while the infection worsened. Finally, I saw a person claiming to be a doctor. I was not given the antibiotics needed to cure the infection. I waited another four weeks and was having some very serious breathing problems. From outside the facility my family and friends began calling. To avoid bad publicity, the senior doctor finally saw me and provided the correct medication.

Building D is fully enclosed with tiny windows which can not be opened. During the hottest part of the year, the air conditioning failed in the building. The inside temperature during the day was like an oven, often reaching above 130 degrees F and never going below 100 degrees for weeks at a time. This continued for six weeks. The local newspaper finally wrote an article about the conditions and the air conditioning was repaired within a few days.

The warden was clearly not focused on medical care or infrastructure of his facility. He spent some of his time visiting the individual rooms of the inmates to make sure that no personal pictures were taped on the wall. He would tear them down personally or have his assistant do it.

Lawyers visiting their clients in the facility often wait an hour or more for their clients to walk the five minutes to the visiting halls. The staff required to “escort” prisoners was often busy with private matters and could not be bothered.

The prisoners are allowed to receive paperback books sent by family and friends. The books are to be sent by book dealers or publishers directly. Most of the books sent to me were returned. This happened over thirty times. I did receive books a few times. Perhaps the person in charge of "returning books" was off duty those days.

My legal and personal mail is often lost or delayed. Outgoing mail sometimes never arrives. The commissary sells stamps but for five weeks my orders were blocked so I had no stamps. One of my friends tried to send me some in a personal letter. The stamps were “seized” and I was told that this "contraband" (stamps) could be considered to be part of an “escape attempt” (!).

The first draft of this story was taken from among my personal and legal documents during a search of my room. Some other documents were also taken. This is supposed to be illegal under this country’s Constitution. That did not seem to concern the official much.

Now my lawyers are not allowed to see me in person. My case involves a lot of documents but we must work with thick glass separating us. We can not talk to each other because the electronic “phone” does not work. We must try to shout through the glass.

On November 29, 2005, I was moved into “total segregation”. I did not get to keep any of my things. I was placed in a dirty room. I do not have soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, towels, pillows, clean sheets, toilet paper, brush or a comb. I have no legal tablets. I managed to hold onto one pen. I am writing this on the back of another document. Five days ago most of my legal documents have been taken away from me and put into storage. When I asked for toilet paper one of the guards jokingly suggested I prepare a “shopping list”. I have not been allowed to use the phone here.

My remaining hope is that my lawyers can make sense of the documents they have and present a convincing case in my trial. I still have hopes for justice as my third world prison is in the city of Washington, DC and only a few miles from my home in Georgetown. I have lived in the Washington area all my life and still have some faith and hope that the truth and an impartial jury will win my freedom.

Walt Anderson
November 30th, 2005
Control Detention Facility
Washington, DC
Until it happens to them or a close family member, 90% of Americans don't give a whit about civil rights.

Yet I see all those "Support the Troops" magnet bumber signs out there....meaningless.

Until someone they know is raped in prison, the prevailing attitude is, "*** 'em."

Jose Padilla. Terrorist. Right. The way things are going, and the way the laws are written, some of what is written here could pass for "domestic terrorism".

Land of the Free....Home of the Brave....

If this is true I feel very sorry for the man. This is only one side of the story. What is the other?

Well I read the website including the public transcripts. It looks like he used offshore accounts through false companies so he would not have to pay income tax, and business tax on his earnings. Well under US law this is illegal. Now the question of his being detained and not be allowed a trial is up to interupation depending on whose side you believe. He could be using current public information about illegal abuses of terriost to make himself look simpathatic.
If this is true I feel very sorry for the man. But, I don't know what he is being charged on or the circumstances for his arrest arrested. This is only one side of the story. What is the other?

The other side of this story may never be known, for I doubt that he will get a fair trial. I do know he was charged with tax evasion, but even the guilty deserve a fair trial and legal council.
this the same walt Anderson that wanted to turn the space station into shopping center or something.

The guy could best be describes as eccentric, I don't think I would trust his word, as to conditions and treatment, by itself

O.J was held for about a year wasn't he?
joab said:
this the same walt Anderson that wanted to turn the space station into shopping center or something.

The guy could best be describes as eccentric, I don't think I would trust his word, as to conditions and treatment, by itself

Let me get this straight; because this man is eccentric he can be arrested, and held without bail for a year? Even if you don't believe his inside accounts it is an uncontestable fact that he is being held without bail and has no contact with anyone (except for shouting to his lawyers through thick glass).
Fletchette said:
...and that means that we can suspend the Constitution?!?:banghead:

Do you know for a fact he is telling the truth or anything he said is true. Sorry, we don't know if any of the information about is treatmeant in prison is even true. He could be lying.
No. BUT <--- big BUT

He seems to be eccentric enough that I would like to see some sort of corroberation of his side of the story before I get my shorts in a bunch.
Do you know for a fact he is telling the truth or anything he said is true. Sorry, we don't know if any of the information about is treatmeant in prison is even true. He could be lying.

I know for a fact that he has been charged with a crime (not convicted) and cannot contact anyone except his lawyers, and that is only through the thick glass.

Why can't he speak with family or friends? Why no bail?
Let me get this straight; because this man is eccentric he can be arrested, and held without bail for a year? Even if you don't believe his inside accounts it is an uncontestable fact that he is being held without bail and has no contact with anyone (except for shouting to his lawyers through thick glass)
.OK here we go again
Please show me where I said that he should be arrested for being eccentric.
Or I can just show you where I said that due to eccentricity ( polite word for being a nut job) his word cannot be taken as gospel.

As someone who has been in jail before I find his account to be fantastic to point of utter cow flop.

But just because he says it's true then it must be to some people.
There isn't even any proof that the letter actually came from him and if it did and he has to smuggle a pen into his cell and all his mail is intercepted and censored how the hell did he get the letter out.

Suspending disbelief is fine when watching Cinderella but real life requires a little common sense

Flight risks usually get held without bond, didn't they hold OJ for about a year
I know for a fact that he has been charged with a crime (not convicted) and cannot contact anyone except his lawyers, and that is only through the thick glass.
How do you know that for a fact?

And where has the constitution been suspended?
He had his due process on the bail issue and it was denied just like it was for OJ
He 'forgot' to report 1/2 billion in income, yet he's trying to paint himself as a middle aged innocent man who has a little mixup with the IRS. :rolleyes:
I really feel bad for him, I really do. Maybe he and Kenneth Lay can be bunkmates.
The internet is a great tool. You can learn of stuff you never knew existed.

You can also be the subject of scams and propaganda based on the word of one individual and a server.

Maybe true, maybe not. Can't tell. I'll withhold my comments about a fascist US until I learn more. I will not be stampeded by self-serving propaganda. There is always at least two sides to every story. I draw no conclusions until I see at least two sides. Skepticism and cynicism are two sides of the same coin.:D
I rest my case until further verfiable information is found. Personally, I have no synthpathy for con artist and people who take advantage of the system for their own personal gain. I dislike the IRS, but doing what he did was still illegal under the current law. Some people are held in jail for years until a court is able to hear there case.
Waitone said:
The internet is a great tool. You can learn of stuff you never knew existed.
I apologize for going off topic, but the above member's
remark induced me to recall this sort of disturbing, at least to
me, website I saw featured on CNN one time and how easy
it really was to find info regarding others..> :uhoh:
I apologize for going off topic, but the above member's
remark induced me to recall this sort of disturbing, at least to
me, website I saw featured on CNN one time and how easy
it really was to find info regarding others..>

Thanks for the link, I'll have to send it to my Father-in-law. It will save him a lot of money in the long run if he can weed out the deadbeat or drug dealers that try to rent apartments from him.
The way the justice system is supposed to work:

1) Police/DA suspect an individual of a crime.

2) Police gather evidence. This often entails convincing a judge that there is sufficient evidence to violate the suspects privacy. If the judge agrees there is sufficient evidence, he can issue a search warrant. If not, the police cannot violate the suspects privacy.

3) Once sufficient evidence is gathered, the police arrest the suspect and charge him with a crime. If they cannot charge him of a crime in a reasonable amount of time (a couple of days) he must be released.

4) Once the accused is charged with a crime he is allowed legal council. If he cannot afford it, legal council must be provided to him. The accused and the legal council must be given adequate time to assemble a legal defense. Unless the accused poses grave danger to the community, he must be allowed to post bond (bail) and released pending trial.

5) A trial must be scheduled in a reasonable amount of time (speedy trial). If a Grand Jury agrees that there is enough evidence to proceed, then the accused must stand trial. If not, he must be released and charges dropped.

6) After a fair trial, where the defense is allowed to examine all the evidence and cross-examine the witnesses, a jury of citizens (not the government) decides guilt or innocence. (Note: This is where the accused is deemed guilty). If guilty, the defendant may file for appeal. If innocent, the government may not retry the defendant a second time on the same charges.

The way the system is currently working:

1) The police/DA suspect a individual of a crime (or simply don’t like him).

2) The police arrest the individual, may or may not charge him, and put him in a cell.

3) No one gets to talk with the individual.

4) Years go by. People forget, or make excuses and assume that the government is right.
cbsbyte said:
I dislike the IRS, but doing what he did was still illegal under the current law. Some people are held in jail for years until a court is able to hear there case.

How do you know he did it?

Some people are indeed held for years before trial, that does not make it right.
cbsbyte said:
I rest my case until further verfiable information is found. Personally, I have no synthpathy for con artist and people who take advantage of the system for their own personal gain. I dislike the IRS, but doing what he did was still illegal under the current law. Some people are held in jail for years until a court is able to hear there case. if he's a violent offender and a danger to the public.:rolleyes:
1) The police/DA suspect a individual of a crime (or simply don’t like him).

2) The police arrest the individual, may or may not charge him, and put him in a cell.

3) No one gets to talk with the individual.

4) Years go by. People forget, or make excuses and assume that the government is right.

To make that leap of faith you would have to believe the claims made by Mr Anderson. I don't.
Tax evasion. Charged for evading something that by its definition is supposed to be voluntary, not mandatory.
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