Spotlights for HD?

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I guess no one is worried about turning on the light and having the bad guy pump a couple of sawed off shotgun rounds your direction.

All of you seem to picture yourselves as managing to put the light in the eyes of the suspect first rather than having your spotlight pointed the wrong way. If someone is waiting in the dark for you to reveal yourself, and you shine the spotlight just a few feet to the side of them, they can nail you.

To me, it seems like having a light on you at night makes you the first target.
Good Post.

Emergency Lighting is a proven Defensive Tool, as evidenced by Fires with smoke and needing to evacuate and FD folks running in.

Homes and property can also effectively use these, besides Fire, and other emergencies.

If the power goes out, whether is is due to Storms, or Civil Unrest, the Residence with Lights is less likely to be a target ("hey, that homeowner is prepared and not in the dark")
Interior and Exterior lighting, just positioned to YOUR Advantage to illuminate and work against those wishing harm.

In addition to Emergency lighting, like where your work has to meet code and regs...

Solar outdoor lighting is a good idea, just in the landscape, offer deterrance and light to your advantage.
I have not checked real well into the Solar motion detector lights...the ones that run on both electricity and Solar, but I am...

Just me, I want the threat deterred, and illuminated and myself not known where me and mine are.

I /we always set up the emergency and contingency lighting this business and even interior of homes.
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