Surviving in Cape Town

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Oct 13, 2004
Cape Town South Africa
Hi there, just introducing myself and giving a little background as to why I joined this site. I am living in Cape Town, South Africa. The violent crime here is beyond belief. I have lost people I know to scum and my family has fallen victim to violent crime and intimidation more than once.

Recently, heavy gun restrictions have been clamped down, we have 3 firearms at home and 1 at the office. The legislature has made it basically impossible to own a gun for home defense. The new stance on human rights here means that if I kick the snot out of someone trespassing, I could be facing jail time.

I am always armed, either with a knuckle duster or a knife. I just refuse, completely refuse to be an easy target. Looking forward to meeting all of you, sorry if that seemed like a rant!
No apologies needed in my opinion. Nothing is more frustrating than a government that forces people to be victims, and that forbids people from protecting themselves and their property. I am truly sorry about hearing about those close to you falling victim to such terrible acts. I was recently in that part of the world and am thankful for the rights and safety that I have in the U.S. Be safe and I am glad to see you here.
Thanks number 6, it's just painful to live in fear. I accept the way things are here as a way of live, but I never realise how bizarre and wrong it actually is until I speak to people living overseas.

I am planning to settle elsewhere, Canada, U.S, Australia, they're all options.

EDIT: and thanks Rich K! It sure feels like it already.
while I am all for self defense and the right to bear arms, and disagree with SA new gun laws.
I do have a problem with someone wanting to "kick the snot out of someone" for mere trespassing.

BTW, Canada and Australia wont be much better as far as gun laws are concerned.
Yeah okay. Trust me, nobody sets foot inside a persons house here unless they mean no good. The latest technique is to burgle the house while the owners are there, as the place is not as fort noxxed as it would be if they had gone out.
Flee while you still can. For reference, most Communist countries lock down to keep people in.

Yesterday may be too late.

For some sage advice try he left U of SA some time back.

Geoff Timm
Who doesn't like to see another country go down the hell road to communism. Of course, if John Kerry wins, this country is going down. :fire:
maybe our definition of trespassing is different. here, someone just walking across your property can be considered tresspassing. if someone breaks into your house here it is "breaking and entering" something completely different
Be safe.
Out of your future destinations, the US would be the wisest choice.
Thanks guys, well, it has not become Zimbabwe yet. It is a fear among many. We are not under the control of a dictatorship for the moment. I think South Africa would come under much, MUCH international scrutiny if that happened. Especially after our leaders have spent the past 10 years blowing their trumpets about economic and social reform.
SA has gone to hell since....well, you all know when.

One of my good friends blew out of there about 8 years ago but his parents and sister are still there.

The country is simply being driven into the ground by lawlessness. The fact that you can go to jail for defending yourself or your property is utter nonsense.

Not only that pal, but get this: Cops are no longer allow to fire upon fleeing suspects. I kid you not. You know how little cops here earn? One bloke has been a cop for 14 years and he still only earns $ 600.00 a month. It's sick.

Gangs are everywhere too. I hate gangs.
What 13A said.

I've visited RSA and Zimbabwe, and it breaks my heart to see what's happening in those countries now.

Somewhere around 2010 or 2015, RSA will be about where Zimbabwe is now. And the whites that are still there will be only a little better off than Jews who didn't leave Germany during Hitler's rise. (I don't see actual death camps, gas chambers, or cremation ovens, but confiscation of property, disenfranchisement, official oppression, etc., are likely.)

I hope I'm wrong, but . . . :(
I have always felt that Cape Town was one of the most scenic cities in South Africa.
Too bad it has become like the cities in my neck of the planet, pretty to look at, but a place one would not wish to live in!
Thanks guys and yeah, it breaks my heart. It's a beautiful place, (nature wise, we got a lot of slums though) maybe if more people here stopped and took a look around them things would be better. Litter is also a major problem, but that's a whole topic to itself.
The new stance on human rights here means that if I kick the snot out of someone trespassing, I could be facing jail time.

Welcome to the High Road, friend.

That so-called "new stance on human rights" is a wanton, witting, unspeakably evil violation of human rights. It's a lie.
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