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swiss guard

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Sorry, didn't realize humor was frowned upon here.

I know they are elite guards and that will risk their own life, but then again so will the Secret Service...

The "clown" comment was based entirely upon their attire, not on their fighting/guarding ability.

Ligthen up, guys.
For the History Buff

The Swiss Guard took up where the Vikings left off. Prior to the Swiss Guard, it was Viking Mercs (no B.S. here either) that did the bodyguard work after their national Hegemony declined.

The Vatican (the Holy See) IS a nation state with U.N. (Puke) representation; as a nation state, they have an army, in this case, the Swiss Guard.

Another reason for Clownophobia. They might be armed to the teeth.

I like the outfits. You could conceal a FAL in them pantaloons.
If I remember correctly (from what I've seen on a TV program) they carry Sigs. I don't know if the strangely clothed ones carry sidearms though...
I don't remember the book, but it was on the topic of the evolution of infantry tactics and weapons before gunpowder. The author pointedly remarked on the fierceness and mercilessness of the Swiss in their massed formation. If you were fighting the Swiss you either won or you were dead.
As noted above, the Swiss Guards are the Vatican army; the Papal Gendarmerie is its police force, and there is also a small, very tough group of personal bodyguards to the Pope, equivalent to our Secret Service. Those guys are not only big but have very distinct bulges in their nice suits.

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