Texas Independence Day

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Mar 10, 2005
Bradford, VT
Coming up Saturday, March 3. The anniversary of Texas declaring its independence from Mexico. As a proud Texas-ex, I always observe it.
Anyone else?
March 2, 1836 to be exact. :D

I too am a Texan, born and raised. I will be celebrating also.
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Oh yeah

As the illegals flood across, I will be celebrating it. Born in the near the Alamo. BBQ, pretty women and cow patties.
I was born a Texan and will never be an "ex". :) Gig'em. :D

Also along those lines, the Siege of the Alamo started 2/23 and ended 3/6.
The Battle of San Jacinto was not until 4/21.
Most of the key battles happened in a pretty short time frame, but there was conflict with Mexico pretty regularly up until the War with Mexico after Texas joined the US.
I'm not a Texican, but 'Remember The Alamo' is one of my favorite battle cries.

Thank you, Art!

Yes, March 2nd is Texas's Independence Day. But I'll bet most celebrations will be held the next day (Saturday.)
I was in sixth grade in Garland, TX during the sesquicentennial (sp?) in 1986 and it was VERY big deal.

Plus it was only about a month after the Space Shuttle Challenger ceased to be.

Why did Texas declare her independence from Texas anyway? Hmmmm?

The government's lack of respect for the constitution (disolution of the 1824 constitution) and rampant corruption. Interesting...

(Oh yeah, and they were upset about the restrictions on slavery.)
While I was born on the left coast, my Dad's family is from Texas, and I had the privilege of living there for the past 3 years. I was lucky enough to experience my first tornado:eek: and understand what a real hot summer was like.

All that aside, the people are wonderful, life is a little bit slower, and there was nothing better than driving out into the countryside to do some shooting.

Oh yea.... hook em
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