The Arabs...

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Since it seems the intended scope of discussion is to include the entire Moslem world,the gunshops of Pakistan have to be mentioned.OK,so there's no Pashtun JMB that I can name but you have to hand it to those guys that will literally make a functioning version of any firearm you can name with simple hand tools!

As has been said,the need was never there,mainly coming down to the same reason that most developed nations have also bought or license produced foreign arms.
I always thought it was the Egyptians that created Algebra. As for weapons, ever wonder where this came from? dagger.jpg
Also, without meaning this to be a racial slur, just like a certain culture from Africa is natural at certain sports, these Arab boys are unbelieveably dangerous with a weapon called a "rogatka", Nomad_slingthrower.jpg which is what David used to kill Goliath.
the Islamic world (which i think is what the OP meant by "arabs") was pretty much the cultural, scientific, and economic center of the universe up until the early 1700's. They pretty much made the European world look like a bunch of ignorant barbarians until the Age of Enlightenment

Well, there's some truth there, but mostly exageration. Not to mention anachronism.
For awhile, their edged weapons were highly developed. They also revolutionized sailing vessels in the 14th century. As far as firearms are concerned, I’m sure they had their own versions of muzzle loading firearms. During the industrial revolution, Europe and America quickly dominated the worlds military ability. I think its safe to say America, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, 1950<’s UK and Russia have had the most profound impact on firearm development. Almost all other countries produce their own copies or buy guns from one of these countries.
Though Iran doesn't count, the topic-starter might care to know about the Khaybar KH2002, which looks like the ugly offspring of an AUG and a QBZ-97.

Wow, it's been forever since i last checked
I wonder if a company makes a soap-box big enough for ALL of you to get on.

is it ok that i brought my own soap box? :neener:

i dont claim to be a middle eastern/Arabic expert. but i know the base differances between sunni and shi'ite, Arabians, Kurds,Persians ect. i may not be qualified to discuss thier cultural, political, or ethical differances, but i feel almost anyone with a High School education and basic firearms knowledge can discuss thier contribution to firearms advancement.

MOST of whats going on in this thread is math nerd jokes.
I am thinking Ethnic Arabs. Places like Iran,
As stated, Iranis are Persians and speak Farsi, but if you were to include that ethnic group, and their Afghani cousins, then you could be interested in the cottage industry of shotgun production going on in Afghanistan. I believe they are unlicensed copies of FN/Win1300, and they make them with some very low tech.

I was under the impression that the Syrians made AKs, but my Iraqi coworker from Basra says that his family had Russian Kalashnikovs, not Maadis or anything else.
I don't know what they invented but i do know they have guts and if you give them a few old enfields, some brass and powder they will fight the world.

Islam and the Arab culture is backward and barbaric and I'm ashamed that our country has anything to do with them. If it weren't for oil, they would still be living in tents and riding camels. It's not racist; it's reality.
and they're very happy living that way and we should leave them alone
Found one. The Viper JAWS, recently designed and produced in joint cooperation between the American Wildey Guns company and the state of Jordan for Jordanian military forces.

Nothing revolutionary, but most firearms aren't.

P.S. Thanks Max...I love the site.
Well, this might have started as a genuine question/topic, but the steaming pile of racist drivel Dogbreath just left brings us straight down off the high road. Bloody trolls. :barf:

BTW romma, I suspect that comment was meant tongue-in-cheek. Although if not, then it's just another reason to close this thread.
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