The "Homie Hold" and other firearm annoyances

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You're still aiming man, you've got it wrong. And did you remember to push the bullet? If you jab your gun around while firing, you get a few more FPS!

Don't tell that to Loupassi - chairman of the public safety committee. That vein throbbing in his forehead is just about to burst. :D
You're still aiming man, you've got it wrong. And did you remember to push the bullet? If you jab your gun around while firing, you get a few more FPS!

Did you hold the gun over your head in the proper position? And did you make the requisite "jabbing" motion each time you pulled the trigger in order to make the bullets go faster?

Guilty on all counts of the indictment Your Honors. I aimed and lost untold FPS due to poor jabbing technique.

Don't know what came over me?? :evil:

two you can possibly sanp your wrist if the gun has a sufficent enough blowback,

How is it going to snap your wrist?


Correct me if I am wrong, but are not some semi-auto handguns a bit finicky about how they are fired?

Yes, and some of them are subject to failure from "limp wristing" and other "user induced" failures.

I suggest that everyone who thinks they may, God forbid, have to use their firearm in a defensive role, practice firing it in every possible hold. Upright, on either side, upside down and every angle in between, and with both strong and weak hands. If it won't function, no matter how it is held, it is best to get one that will. At least by trying you will know what it is capable of.


Now try holding it upside down and using your little finger on the trigger. If you cheat and use the sights, you will probably be just as surprised by the results.

As for the "jabbing" motion adding feet per second, well maybe 2 or 3 not enough to count. However, if you move the weapon through an arc, like a hammer, you know - the way they did in the old westerns, it increases the muzzle velocity by 50- 60 fps. This is a much greater gain and judging by the number of guns shot out of BG's hands in those old movies does not affect accuracy at all.

There are at least two reasons for the "homie hold" that I know of:

1. Some Hollywood genius figured out that when the pistol is held sideways and low, it won't obscure the actor's face from some camera angles. (Hollywood does stuff like that - notice how many autos have had their inside rear-view mirrors removed for the "through the windshield" camera shots.)

2. It only makes sense to hold the pistol sideways, since that's the way it came out of the box, right?
Hommie hold A brief history & (why we are safer because of it)

The Hommie Hold,

The Hommie hold as it is called was originally pioneered by the Israelis Intelligence Service for use in point blank .22 caliber pistol assassination.
They found that if you walked your shots across the target emptying the clip as you go you get 2 results.

1)The control required to stabilize the weapon is reduced and is easier to hold on target, This helps to minimize collateral damage around the target.

2)If you empty the Magazine on your targets center of mass the Target would bleed out before medical services could stop all of the bleeders.

Most effective for hit and run local trouble maker elimination.
The trials with this grip alteration were found to be most effective on .22 cal. LR Standard velocity or subsonic hollow point or AP rounds fired out of a modified Ruger type target pistol with extended Magazine and built in suppressor.
The grip alteration was found to have a negative effect on weapons of higher velocity from .380 and up.

So let the Hommies Gat each other using this grip on the weapons they posses they will hit everything but what they are shooting at if they is usin a 9mm the fav of the street punk.
That will give the rest of the people who can actually shoot a chance to take them down when threatened by them.

DarthBubba :evil:
Certainly the sideways hold looks weird. But didn't Cooper write once that the Israelis are, or were, taught to present the pistol that way -- or even to shoot that way? As I recollect, Cooper stated that the Israeli doctrine was to carry the pistol without a round chambered (Condition Three), and a sideways hold made it easier for women and children to grasp and rack the slide with the off hand.

Someone here will know.
I was under the impression that if you homie hold a Desert Eagle or .357 Mag
wouldn't the blowback occur in a way that the gun was not ergonomically designed for? It would be hilarious though if someone were to homie hold an auto, then the chamber ejected and hit them in the eye while they were flailing about firing their "gat"
+1 on the idiocy of shooting road signs. There are tons of bullet-riddled signs around these parts, and thousands of people drive by those things, and it just makes them think that everyone with a gun is prone to that. I was behind someone one night who did that out his car window. Scared the crap out of me. I hope the moron lost some of his hearing.

As far as Homie Hold, I saw someone do this at the range once. Dumb guy with too much money and too little training (he was wearing one of those pinkish polo shirts. To the range.). He held his G-to-the-L-O-CK sideways and ripped off three rounds. The shells ejected right into his face, at which point he yelled, "holy #$&*ing $%(#$ity #$&*!!!"

He grabbed his face with his left hand, and the gun was still in his right as he blindly swept the entire range. Finger on trigger. That was a tense few moments. When the owner was dragging him out, he kept screaming about a lawsuit. Good luck :neener:
Whoa, it seems we have some conflicting inforamtion.

I was under the impression that the homie hold came from chinese fighting the japanese. They would hold pistols sideways and use the recoil to move the pistols sideways as they continued firing.

Something like "The bandit shooting" it was nicknamed.

Although the isrealites may have used it too, before or after i know not.
when using the homie hold you must say the following:

"sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiit doggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg"

otherwise your test is not actually true to how it happens on 'da skreet' :cool:
flatdog - This is not the expected result.
Maybe not, BUT -
1] You know how to shoot properly.
a] Proper trigger control
b] Proper sight picture (even sideways)
c] Proper recovery

2] You have fired countless rounds in practice.
a] Your muscles are practiced in maintaining a steady, accurate eye - target relationship.
b] You don't jerk the gun around.
c] If you shoot with your off hand, you are probably almost as good with it as your dominant hand.

All of these things are NOT true of most of the Homies in the Hood. They don't practice 'cause The MAN might see or hear them and bust them. (and take away their gats.) Which of course is all the better for any of us that might meet them under unfortunate circumstances.
Darthbubba has it

of what Darthbubba says- this means something- </builds tower of masdhed potatoes>

1)The control required to stabilize the weapon is reduced and is easier to hold on target,

IF you are shooting at ultra close range AND you are ALREADY on target, it will help. if not ...............

also his post stated anything .380 (and/or?) above it wouldnt help.

but gangers are using this grip form 50 yds etc.

PS- one break, i noticed watching sopranos from season one-

they're sticking up a truck, and mafia guy is yellngi at gang helper-
"quit it with that sideways <&^*(>, who do you think you are?"
or something to that effect. dumb kid keeps doing it, getting yelled at.

then of course drops the gun and accidentally kills guy they were robbing.
kinda illustrated just how lame a "homi holder" is
Randy in Arizona: I appreciate your generous appraisal. Thank you.

Spreadfire Arms:

"sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiit doggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg"

By the time I get all that out I'll have run my piece dry!!

Double Maduro:
If you cheat and use the sights, you will probably be just as surprised by the results.

"I cheat real good." I've shot my S&W MOD 24-3 like you suggested. Fun ain't it? :evil:

Now about throwing shots. I saw Festus ( who was on his mule at the time) use it to nail a bad guy on a cliff at least 100 yards out. The bad guy had just dry gulched Matt and was about to put in the finisher.

Shot him right off that cliff.

So if it's good enough for Festus Hagen it's good enough for me!

I'm all in favor of the use of the "homie hold" - by those trying to rob or assault me. This means that I can get in several good, accurate shots while the BG is still trying to hit me the first time.

Don't count on being missed.

I ran a torture test on the Makarov to see if I could make it jam.
One of the tests was shooting "Hollywood style).

I guess maybe the gun might have to be held this way at some time so I tried it.
I really didn't think it could cause a jam.

It did turn out to be a little interesting.
At ten yards I fired (medium speed rapid fire) at the head of a normal size silhouette target.

I fired a magazine (8 rounds) right handed, gun laying on its side to the left.
A mag left handed, gun laying to the right.
A mag left handed, gun up side down.

All the holds are awkward and uncomfortable.

No problems with the Mak's functioning. No surprise.

What was a surprise, was only 3 of the 24 shots missed the head and most of the 21 hits made a fair group in the bottom half of the head.

Maybe those Hollywood idiots are on to something."
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I was under the impression that the homie hold came from chinese fighting the japanese. They would hold pistols sideways and use the recoil to move the pistols sideways as they continued firing.

I saw this many years ago in a Chinese manual for the full auto Broom Handle Mauser.

They held the gun on it's side so it would sweep horizontally when fired FA.

Clever these Chinese :D
Funnily enough, one of the characters in the game (Eva) mentions that same fact, and uses it quite, shooting buttloads of Russians with her Chinese Broomhandle Mauser copy.
Ouutlaw the Hommie hOld!

Preaahps we should ban the Homie Hold! Ther is no right to keep and baer homie holds, is there!

Woudl you people listen yourselfs? If this was a white hold you would be ourtraged over people making fun of it you just show that gunowners are all racsist biggots.

Do you haveto take your own sheet and hood to the NRA meting or do they hand thrm out at the door?
I've never been to one of thrm NRA metings.
Preaahps the racsists woudl haveto baer ther own sheets. :D
lol would they call it "the Honkey Hold." Maybe give that name to any shot performed one handed with a >.454 casull handgun, or preceeded by "hey y'all, look at this."

. . . or maybe the hillbilly hold?
Hi NCleo-

I'm glaade the moduraturs ddedn't ban yoo yet beecauze we haf fun playing with yoo. Yoor hear for amature hour, rite? I kant beleeve that anyone culd make such dum posts without beeing a libural plant.

~ Blue Jays ~
I feal brane sells leepin too there deths as i reed this. Lissen, ther gose an udder won...


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