The Migration

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Dr T

Feb 28, 2010
Colorado and West Texas
Thanks for your efforts to migrate to the new platform. While I know you will be tweaking for a bit, I have been through enough of these to understand the amount of work involved.

I am looking forward to seeing the mobile aware platform. I also really appreciate your move to a more updated and industry standard platform. I would just as soon forget where the "\", "[", and "]" keys are located.
Thanks, T.

This site as-is should be pretty usable on your phone - just load it in a browser. Ads are wonky - lots of testing to do there over the next week, but I'm running on 4 hours sleep and I'm mostly going to let things be until tomorrow.

Except the lack of definition between the text entry area and the background. That's bugging me a lot, and I'm failing at trying to fix it.
Nice, not sure bout the green though ,
it'll take a minute or two to get used to but no biggie.
good job,,,,, two thumbs up.:)

Thanks, T.

This site as-is should be pretty usable on your phone - just load it in a browser. Ads are wonky - lots of testing to do there over the next week, but I'm running on 4 hours sleep and I'm mostly going to let things be until tomorrow.

Except the lack of definition between the text entry area and the background. That's bugging me a lot, and I'm failing at trying to fix it.
From 35+ years of prior experience, I can assure that things usually look a lot better and the solutions a bit more obvious after 8 or 10 hours of rack time and perhaps an adult beverage...
Go get some sleep.
Just hopped on the site after a few days away ... awfully busy, graphics-wise. My eyes are hurting ... So we can upload an avatar now?
Yay. I didn't realize how much I would miss this forum. Glad it's back up and running.
I have to admit, I have been nervous about this change. I'm not fond of lots of the other formats and I was kind of expecting to prefer to old format to the new one.

Thankfully, this one seems great from the little I have looked around so far.

Congratulations on job well done.
Personal problem, probably also age-related:

It seems like you have fallen into the "pretty colors" and "elegant font"
versus "readability" trap.

Give me contrast !

Is there another skin I can select for readability?

Yeah, I know.... "personal problem..." Readability, readability, readability.

Terry, 230RN
[STRIKE]Are we only allowed one edit now? Seems the "edit" box is either off my screen or not present on my post of a few moments ago.[/STRIKE]

Never mind. Found it.

Definitely different. May take some getting used to, but it sounds like the long-term benefits will make it worth it. Thanks for all the work you put into this, sorry it didn't all go the way you expected. Now, to learn my way around this place... :D
And he did it over his birthday instead of enjoying it with the family! Good job Big D. We'll tweak it over the next week, go enjoy yourself.
I am an old dude but I can learn. At least I don't have to worry about mobile use.
Looks good! I agree about the text box for entering messages. I'm sure you'll sort it out soon enough.
Thanks for all your work Derek!:D
Good effort. I look forward to Tapatalk connection. I noticed that I can't find the blog in the top results when searching "the high road blog" in Google. Maybe that is by design.
Deepest appreciation and respect for all your dedicated hard work.

Double your salary from zero to 2 x zero.
Seriously, a major undertaking well done. Kudos to you sir.
Great Job to the THR staff! As a forum site manager myself I understand how tedious a migration is to perform. My hat's off to all who made this possible and to those who will make the necessary tweaks to get the forum back up to full operation.

Thank you for all the hard work. I have some idea of the amount of labor involved in this migration, and to say that you came this far and got the site back up in under twenty-four hours is amazing. Kudos, and I hope everyone will be patient while the inevitable bugs are worked out.
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