The most ludicrous campus ban yet...

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Mar 22, 2007

LARP fans at Bowling Green State University may have to contend with a crippled game of Humans vs. Zombies after the University banned Nerf guns on campus. In the live-action game, players are either humans or zombies. The goal of the game is to change all the humans into zombies, or for the humans to evade capture by zombies for a certain amount of time. To defend themselves against zombies, humans may use Nerf guns. Players (most likely the human ones) are petitioning the University to lift the ban. The game had troubles back in 2006, when participating students were arrested. That issue has since been cleared up."

And - from the same article.

So college students are considered so untrustworthy they can't be allowed Nerf guns. That's... pretty sad.
But wait... didn't Bloomberg want to ban Duracoat because it make guns look like Nerf guns?

So now we ban the nerf guns?

It just never ends with these folks.

And Humans vs. Zombies isn't a game. Its basic training. You'll thank them when the zombies come.

-- John
What are these dorks doing wasting time shooting each other with nerf guns? There are no girls at Bowling Green State?

LARP fans at Bowling Green State University

I think you misread the story...

rofl, I'm joking, some of the LAPR kids are ok...

anyway, heh, we do something like that, but we don't call it LARP, we call it "free for all with airsoft till there's only one left", heh

really, it's good training and excersize.
Live-Action Roleplay - basically, you take a roleplaying game like D&D or Vampire or pretty much anything, and instead of playing around a table, you act out the game "live." It's kinda like, I guess, playing chess on a giant field.

I'm a roleplaying game geek, but I have never LARPed.

I think Live-Action actually transcends geekness.

I thought I was bad in the 80's when we did pencil-and-paper AD&D.

Getting a mock-up of a +6 Broadsword and looking for goblins kinda tops that.

Although I won't pretend that the limited-edition replica scimitars of Drizzt from The Forgotten Realms isn't cool. I've been working on the wife to see if she will go for me putting a pair on the wall of my study.

After all, I am now at 113 Forgotten Realms books read.

-- John
Getting a mock-up of a +6 Broadsword and looking for goblins kinda tops that.

You know you want to. :D

In all seriousness, I think the ban on Nerf guns is dopey. I wonder if the students asked permission for the game or anything. When I play airsoft (which I suppose is LARPing - which is okay, because I'm from the Internet and I'm here to save you) we always give a heads-up to various peoples so as not to cause undue alarm. If they'd cleared it ahead of time, then the school is doubly ridiculous.
You know you want to.

To couple with the "Skippy" thread....

Only if I can paint myself with Woad and run around naked while doing it. :)

But I'm an old frat boy. I once went to a party wearing "a" sock. Notice I didn't say "socks."
Sigh... the pictures from those parties are what would forever keep me out of politics.

-- John
We played something very similar when I was in colege (we called it 'assasins', but the gist is the same), using cans of silly string, nerf guns, squirt guns etc, and had no issues at all.
I really cant see how nerf guns could have caused anyone to be "concerned"....its not like nerf guns even REMOTELY resemble a real gun in the least (at least not any I've ever seen)., and its not like a nerf ball/dart/ whatever could possibly harm anyone in any way.I guess I could see if they were using airsoft, as many do look pretty darn real, especially from even a slight distance, and evene a really cheap one like I have can hurt pretty good if shot from fairly close on exposed skin, so I could see where they could say "you'll shoot someones eye out!" (although, I still wouldnt buy that as being even remotely likely, but still.
If your students, faculty, and campus/local cops cant tell a big, multi colored, space gun looking thing isnt a real gun, even from a distance, your faculty is too dumb to be allowed to teach anyone anything, your students are too dumb to learn, and your cops are too dumb to be allowed anywheer near a gun.......

And.... another school gets added to the list of places where I won't pay for my son's education.

Voting with your dollars is a bit more satisfying when you consider how much money is involved with a college education.
+100000000000000000000 On JRFOXX post! If you can't be persuaded that a nerf gun is safe (they are made for eight year olds) or you see someone with a nerf gun and get a sinking feeling, knowing you're facing the most serious situation of your LE career, you don't belong in a position of authority on ANYTHING.
We played something very similar when I was in colege (we called it 'assasins', but the gist is the same), using cans of silly string, nerf guns, squirt guns etc, and had no issues at all.
Yes, this sound mor like a game called assassins. They school probably bans squirt guns too.
For instance, in this case, if you are adding the school to a list of places where your kids definitely won't go, it's good to keep in mind that...


They don't know what you're doing or thinking unless they see you, or you tell them about it.
I just realized...


The administrators have been listening to us! They have heard us say "When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns."

So what do they do? The outlaw nerf guns! That way the outlaws will have nerf guns!

Who's gonna be afraid of someone shooting up a classroom with a nerf gun?
AAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guns are so scary.

If my child ever makes a gun with their finger and thumb and goes "bang bang bang" I'm going to tape that finger back.

Guns bad.

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