The Vice Presidential debate

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A Yahoo poll is showing a huge number of respondents giving a win to Edwards.

I don't think they were watching the same debate that I was.
And the CNN poll showing 82% thinking Edwards won???? :confused:

What are people thinking? Or should I say, what are they not thinking?
Edwards brought up Medicare not having enough funds. Cheney replied that part of reason for that is trial lawyers like Edwards setting up dummy corporations to skim $600,000 off their personal taxable income. :D

That one brought me up off the couch!

The left is already spinning. Post debate analysis for CBS is being done by Dianne Feinstein. :cuss:

Rather pitched her a softball question about women voters tending towards stronger male candidates. She said that Edwards appears as more manly than Cheney????
I was hoping Cheney would take littlejohn's notepad from him and beat him with it. Edwards kept tearing sheets of paper while Cheney was talking.

one thing I found funny was when Edwards tried to get away with cheating, just like a typical lawyer. when the moderator screwed up and gave him another turn, even though he knew he wasn't supposed to go again, he started to talk again. like he didn't know he had just spoke and wasn't supposed to have another turn :rolleyes:
The CNN/MSNBC polls only show that the Dem's live in la-la land.
Let's ask Dan Blabber whom he think's has won the debate.

Even FOX is showing about a 60/40 split with the majority saying that Edwards won...:rolleyes:

Its going to be a loooooong four years. :barf:
All these polls showing people think Edwards won? Are people IDIOTS?
I'm sure the DU and idiots had the poll stuffing plan in place for awhile. Means nothing. Cheney scored big, and more important, set up Bush to really spike the ball on Kerry Friday.
"Even FOX is showing about a 60/40 split with the majority saying that Edwards won..."

Don't worry it's only the Dem spin masters at work!
At least Edwards also doesn't like Glocks.
On a side note: What's his dad learning math on TV got to do with anything? He wreaks of the trial lawyers who are raping medicine. Whoops - He is a trial lawyer who rapes medicine. Sorry. I got a little caught up in things.
People ARE crazy. I work with several people that would vote for Bush IF Cheney was not his running mate. I'd vote for Cheney if he'd dump Dubya. Edwards has nice teeth and hair...cute kids...a fat wife....I can't think of anything else positive to say about him.
I'm on both the DNC and RNC email alert lists. Only the DNC email alerts have come out on the days of the debates. They urge people to go to the online polls and vote early and often. They also urge people (Democrats) to call the networks to voice opinions, and to write letters to the editors of newspapers immediately.

The Democrats learned decades back the value of grassroots efforts. It's only been in the last ten or so years that the Republicans have tried to play catch-up.
I thought both Cheney and Edwards did a pretty good job. I wish it had been this close in last week's debate. But in the end, I thought Cheney came across as more calm and experienced, and Edwards as more idealistic and youthful. Since national security issues are likely to decide the outcome in this race, I'd guess the electorate will feel more comfortable with the calmer, more experienced VP. So chalk it up as a minor victory for the Republicans.

It will be more important to see how the next two presidential debates go. The weird and almost-certainly-unplanned consequence of Bush's weak performance in the first debate is that the public was reminded of what a poor speaker he can be, so the expectations of him are lowered, while Kerry caused people to increase their expectations of him. Meaning, I think, that if the next two debates are even close, Bush will be viewed as the winner.
I'm lazy, so I'll just repeat what I said on my blog

It was like a more intense version of the Presidential debate. It certainly was much more vicious, sharp, and fast-paced, despite Cheney looking bored for the majority of the time - but I can see why, it was a cakewalk for the veep.

Edwards was certainly pretty slick, and on the surface, it would appear that he comported himself well - however, anyone with a brain (and who chooses to use it) would clearly score this as a catastrophic win for Bush/Cheney.

Edwards spoke in general platitudes, offering very little in the way of details - and that is why Cheney was able to wipe the floor with him. For just about every point Edwards trotted out, Cheney came up with a countering (and often correcting) fact. Cheney spoke in specifics, and was able to completely refute many of Edwards' Michael Moore talking points.

Note to Cheney - stop covering up your lapel mic with your hands.

I just can't believe how strongly Edwards has stressed that Kerry's (and his) position (on everything) has been consistent - really? In light of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary?? Can Edwards just not remember more than one Kerry speech at a time? Heck, Kerry had managed to contradict himself in the span of a single speech (and even a single sentence) more than once!

As an aside, what a good moderator! I don't ever recall seeing Gwen Ifill before, but she did a great job asking the hard questions, keeping things on track, and getting the candidates to clarify their positions. And she wasn't pitching Democrat softballs like Jim Lehrer was.

The Bush/Cheney's team debate fact-checking here
Lets go to the transcript for my all time favorite part of the debate.
CHENEY: Gwen, I want to go back to the last comment, and then I'll come back to Israel-Palestine.

The reason they keep trying to attack Halliburton is because they want to obscure their own record.

And Senator, frankly, you have a record in the Senate that's not very distinguished. You've missed 33 out of 36 meetings in the Judiciary Committee, almost 70 percent of the meetings of the Intelligence Committee.

You've missed a lot of key votes: on tax policy, on energy, on Medicare reform.

Your hometown newspaper has taken to calling you "Senator Gone." You've got one of the worst attendance records in the United States Senate.

Now, in my capacity as vice president, I am the president of Senate, the presiding officer. I'm up in the Senate most Tuesdays when they're in session.

The first time I ever met you was when you walked on the stage tonight.
I think Edwards is winning the "Can He Take Cheney's Heat" contest. He had the low expectations game in his favor and he stood toe-to-toe with the VP. I personally thought it was a draw, but was impressed that Edwards only got rattled once, and got over it before he had to answer another question (on the "never met you" line).

This, I'm afraid, is going to help the Kerry/Edwards ticket more since now both Kerry and Edwards will be seen by many as credible. :uhoh:

Let's get our grassroots sh*t together!!
You know what cracks me up about these debates? No matter what happens, everyone comes out having some crazy idea of what really happened. Some people get all worked up about how no matter how good our candidate looked, the sheeple aren't persuaded by logic and reasoning and we lost. If our candidate does bad, we are convinced we lost. It seems like no matter what happens, people put a bad spin on it. Lets be optimistic for a change. Afterall, when it comes down to it, no one cares. I mean heck, how can anyone be in the middle is beyond me. A whole nation of people without principles and beliefs. Shifting and changing with the tides. That is something to be sad and upset about.
As others have mentioned, don't fret over those online polls. The Dems are directing their hordes to "vote."

For example, you'll see such herding at this site: (after scrolling down).

That site gets OVER 400,000 hits per day and is for frothing at the mouth libs, socialists, statists, etc. If you have nothing else to do. read some of the numerous comments posted in response to the kos-droppings.
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