THIS is CNN??? Could'a fooled me!!

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The more I see this sort of thing the more I think we should stop trying to protect what is left of our RKBA and start focusing on getting back what we have lost. It may be time to pay homage to that old saying, "The best defense is a good offense".
Maybe it was just the headphone system they used, but did the .38 sound too loud when the reporter fired it? Like maybe they made it louder?
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Get the Gays and Females interested and nobody will dare mess with the 2A. Like it or not, that's just the way it is.
Get the whole Family interested as a family activity. It's for the children!

Guess a "gun friendly" program director finally came "out of the closet" at CNN. :) Hooray! Keep this up!

Very true george29. Very true.
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