This is NOT a Gun Free Zone

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Moderator Emeritus
Oct 22, 2007
Central PA
awesome, but oneounceload is right. those won't last the night
awesome, but oneounceload is right. those won't last the night

If I was on that township board, there'd be a STACK of them by the door. "Free, take all you want!"
There is a local business that is right at the outskirts of my county that used to put "Welcome to XXXXX County! Home of very friendly well armed people!" on their ad sign.

Always thought that summed us up nicely.
I've seen signs similar to that on business doors and windows. The pipe and cigar shop I frequent has the one that says something like, "Firearms are welcome on these premises. If the need arises to use it, judicious marksmanship is appreciated".

But this is the first time I've seen it on a sign referencing an entire town.

I read a Boise ID media website article that said a state elected official there wants to push a new state law allowing citizens to carry concealed firearms without a license. It would be like AZ, AK & VT.

ID has valid open carry already. This isn't a bad law. Id vote for it if it was on the next ballot but where I live now I doubt it would fly, :( .

Well, it's the equivalent of a Gadsden sign:


Folks are (justifiably) proud of their gun ownership and crime rate and want to keep it that way. Cause and effect are intertwined there.
Yeah, I really don't see this as an honest attempt to curb or restrict crime. Sending a message to some folks a certain way actually sends a message to lots of other folks, and to yourself and your people, too.

A city that puts up that sign, probably isn't going to support many gun control laws.
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