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This just in, VPC attacks airsoft assault weapons

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Apr 13, 2009
"What make look-alikes so appealing is that they look just like the increasingly popular assault weapons, this is precisely what makes them so dangerous."

A co-worker was telling me about airsoft and how it's better than paintball at work today. He was telling me all about his airsoft Thompson, the matches you can get into, airsoft stores and shoot houses in the area, etc. etc. He was also telling me about how much it hurts to get hit by one. So maybe the VPC is right, airsoft can leave a welt.

I was taking a break from cleaning my Beretta 92 and found it, here's the link: http://www.vpc.org/studies/awalook.htm It's part of the VPCs series of webpages on "assault weapons". On a sidenote, I've noticed many of the Brady bots beginning to use the terms assault weapon and assault rifle interchangeably.

Well, time to oil the Beretta and put it back together ...
Could be the same one; he was telling me it has a battery in the buttstock, fires on auto, looks real, weighs enough to feel real, and will shoot a good 30m at least.
Stupid is as stupid does I suppose.
I really do wonder what makes these people think.

Maybe they'll go after the LARPers soon
FYI--the term 'assault weapon' first used by the media about 1991(2), the day after the Luby cafeteria massacre, to describe the Glock used by that perpetrator. IOW, the 'confusion' over the nature of assault weapons goes back about twenty years.

The term was deliberately spread by various antigun folk, ranging from Josh Sugarman (head of VPC) on over to a retired Supreme Court Justice. It was picked up by the antigun Democrats to ram through that 1994 ban.

read up on the history of Gun Control at sites like Guncite.org--and see the library here. A review of the "modern efforts" begins about 1976, with Pete Shields--not to mention the 1968 GCA as the beginning of modern infringements.

Jim H.
Airsoft players arn't "paramilitary", we just want to runaround the woods shooting at our friends. for those of you who don't know, guys WANT to shoot at each other. How many of you played cops and robbers or cowboys and indians as kids? Just because i wear Rusian camo and run around with a airsoft AK-74 doesn't make me paramilitary, it maks me a kid who has grwon up and still wants to shoot his friends. Paramilitary is adults with real guns in camo trying to play army. See also militia.

Edit:The appeal of airsoft is that you can have a full-auto gun that shoots plastic BBs. You can't get real-steel G36s, P90s, M4A1s, RPKs, M60s, etc today (unless you have $50k+)
I have no problem with air soft weapons.However,I feel that it is insane for anyone to walk about anywhere they want and start playing kiddy games.Because they look so real,maybe it should only be played on private property with signs displaying air soft in action?
Sorry guys,but in this day and age,adults cannot run around with make believe guns that appear real and not expect some grief.
From VPC
"Although handguns claim more than 20,000 lives a year, the issue of handgun restriction consistently remains a non-issue with the vast majority of legislators, the press, and public. The reasons for this vary: the power of the gun lobby; the tendency of both sides of the issue to resort to sloganeering and pre-packaged arguments when discussing the issue; the fact that until an individual is affected by handgun violence he or she is unlikely to work for handgun restrictions; the view that handgun violence is an "unsolvable" problem; the inability of the handgun restriction movement to organize itself into an effective electoral threat; and the fact that until someone famous is shot, or something truly horrible happens, handgun restriction is simply not viewed as a priority. Assault weapons�just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms�are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons�anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun�can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons."


I'm reading through their series of webpages and I'm starting to think that they were written in the late 80s/early 90s timeframe. For some reason, they're still on the VPC's website.

The VPC is far more interesting to read than the Brady Bunch because the VPC just comes out and says what they mean whereas the Brady Bunch seems to be much better at PR. These pages seem as though they were written to be used as talking points for groups such as the Brady Campaign, not for the purpose of putting out in public to convince anyone.

Airsoft can be good for training with a pistol in your living room on the cheap (just don't miss and hit your TV). It's also good for force on force training and just having fun. The Army Times recently had an article on airsoft for training and fun. The VPC are a bunch of buzz kills. Wonder what these people are like in real life ...
I didn't even bother reading that stuff initially.
They're sturcturing is absolutely terrible. I think they would put all my past english teachers into tears
Happygeek said:
Could be the same one; he was telling me it has a battery in the buttstock, fires on auto, looks real, weighs enough to feel real, and will shoot a good 30m at least.

Ask him if it's the M1A1 version -- the "Saving Private Ryan" style from WW2. It sounds like mine from your description.
The only other airsoft Thompsons are the 1928 military style with the cocking handle on top and the, uh, "gangster" style which is the same gun as the first but with a vertical foregrip and drum mag. Both however, are spring guns and fire single shots.
The M1A1 has a cocking knob on the side and it reciprocates but serves no real function.
With the battery fully charge it shoots quite fast and the BBs puncture corrugated cardboard. I don't shoot living things with it but it would sure leave a welt behind if I did!
I'm just wondering i they've come out with an electric M1928A1 style --- that'd be nice!
in the UK we now have the reduction in violent crimes act that brought in a licence for reakistic looking replica weapons.
so airsoft guns blank firing replicas you have to be a renactor/ airsoft player minimum of 6 games I belive or member of amuteur dramitics to own such dangerous weapons:rolleyes:
but real deactivated guns or co2 realistic airpistols are not covered by that law:confused:
so it already makes little sense but there more.
cheap samuri swords are banned but cheap ninja swords are not:D

to be fair most armed robberies in the UK are committed by replica weapons and the police have been sick of sending armed response units to deal with teenagers carrying airsoft pistols. but this law does'nt even manage that you can legally buy a bright green airsoft gun and paint it any colour you want:D
The author needs to check her facts a little....mistakingly saying daisy was the father of airsoft was ridiculous. Tokyo Marui was well ahead of them, and they aren't even the father of airsoft...it was the "classic airsoft" makers that started it all. Classic airsoft uses external gas tanks to propel the BB, unlike modern airsoft which has an internal gas chamber in the magazine or uses an internal air pump.

The appearance can be decieving, but my take is: if it looks real, it is real. NEVER, N-E-V-E-R expose an airsoft in a place one is not supposed to be. Any idiot who runs around their house in tactical-gear with an M4 replica without any orange markings deserves to have a negative action taken against them for being that reckless as to suggest they were out in public with a "real" firearm. This is coming from an airsofter.....we're sick of that crap too. Play it right or go home.
Remember "A Christmas Story"?

Ralphie: I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!
Mrs. Parker: No, you'll shoot your eye out.

Now picture Mrs. Parker, liberated, educated and opinionated, with blue-tooth, microwaves and wireless internet. That's what's driving groups like Brady.org, VPC, and all the other national nanny groups.

We are all Ralphie, all grown up and still wanting to play cops and robbers. They know whats best.

Never mind the fact that violence is as innate to the human condition as farts and bad breath. The only way to deal with these idiots that think you just simply collect all the guns and the violence will end is maintain an absolute zero tolerance for BS policy. It sounds over the top. And some people say they're pro 2nd amendment but can't get behind the NRA. But, the "slippery slope" concept IS alive and well in the USA.

Careful kid, you'll put your eye out with that thing!:banghead::banghead:
I have no problem with air soft weapons.However,I feel that it is insane for anyone to walk about anywhere they want and start playing kiddy games.Because they look so real,maybe it should only be played on private property with signs displaying air soft in action?
Sorry guys,but in this day and age,adults cannot run around with make believe guns that appear real and not expect some grief.

This is actually called "backyard Airsoft". Basically meaning your playing in a residential area, like someones backyard. This for the most part this looked down on by serious Airsofters, because people that do this make the whole sport look bad. It's usually being done by people that buy the 15 dollar airsoft guns at Wal-mart, not anyone who is actually serious about playing. If you are a real player, then you should find a dedicated field to play on.
I bet they play Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

Maybe. But what got me into guns was Call of Duty World at War. It made me want a 1911 and a M1 Garand, which I later got.

Then again Call of Duty 4 multiplayer is maybe what got this idea of "spray fire from the hip" and "hosing down a large area with a lethal spray of bullets" into their heads.
I just noticed that the VPC website has no press releases listed since 2003, and most of the artlices are years old. Sounds to me like they aren't a player in the current political arena...
I used to play in the yard or at a friends house, but my Thompson cost 200$ more than an airsoft Thompson. I think it is funny that parants will buy kids 3 or 4 hundered dollar bb guns.
$300-400 for an airsoft is nothing, look into a Systema PTW, $1000+ airsoft rifle. Precision barrel, full metal, quiet electric gearboxes to reduce unwanted/unrealistic noises, blowback action (recoils about as hard as the .22lr version of the gun it's mimicing), etc. And the big part....compatibility with most of the "real steel" hardware. The ones I looked at can fit the real stocks instead of replicas.

Given, these are meant for police training, but some adult airsofters and kids who either have parents who give them way too much cash or they save up way too much cash from their after-school jobs buy these because they're so over the top.
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