This makes me angry.

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I go to a private school myself, but my school is the complete opposite, we even have a rifle team.
All the gun "facts" you handle taught by people who know nothing about guns.

The course after this is going to be "How to Win Friends and Be Adored 207" taught by Professor Joseph Stalin.
Go after her first thing monday. Get your parents involved. Get her in front of the school board, or trustees, whatever your school has. I don't even see how this could be relevant to what needs to be taught in schools.... What subject was this? Did you say anything, speak up at all?

What school is this? I know a group of people(THR'ers) that would be willing to fill the email inbox of said teacher/principal/whoever has an email address at that school. Give us the teacher's name, give us the school's name...
I am a teacher in middle school and had an assignment where students picked a political point of view to write a persuasive paper. I had one person who thought guns should be banned and another person who was pro gun. They both wrote papers and had discussions. I made it a point not to give my personal views in class because that creates bias. Both sides presented compelling arguments, but the pro gun side was more compelling.

All in all the assignment was a success. Everyone learned something. I did have students ask me my personal beliefs on the subject AFTER the assignment and I told them I am pro gun.

Teachers need to keep their bias out of the classroom ON BOTH SIDES of the issue. The teacher in the OP's original post should have showed the other side of the argument and instead of a quiz, had a meaningful writing assignment, complete with a writing prompt for both arguments.

It sounds to me like the teacher is not an effective educator. Sorry OP, you are going to have that. Find the flaw in the lesson and move on. Your teacher does not have the right to try and sway class opinion.
Hey I've seen that video before! In fact, I use her videos to drive the point home to my more liberal friends as to why the anti gun crowd can't be trusted; because they're IDIOTS, NIMRODS, MORONS, take your pick! Anyone with a decent head on their shoulders, liberal or conservative, should be insulted by the blatant ignorance and stupidity of that video.

Spray from the hip?
Trench warfare????
Specifically designed to go through doors?????????

Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!

Seriously, I've turned fence sitters into pro gunners using videos like these, they're that laughable!
Um, ah, high capacity, um, can be, well, it's standard for six, hunters use six bullet rounds, so, um, capacity, banana clip expression...:banghead:

I love it.

I would think most hunters are pro-gun...

HA, you'd be surprised.:eek:
After watching the video, I feel much better about my AR-15, it couldn't be an assualt weapon because it doesn't spray rounds, it just drives nails:evil:
Wow! I'm speechless after watching 45 seconds of that video. I had to turn it off.
Stand your ground my friend.
That video is so full of technical and historic errors that the selection of it constitutes malfeasance on the part of the person in control of the curriculum. It should be pointed out to the administration that the video contains errors and outright falsehoods and that a better video should be found and that a balanced discussion of the topic instead of a biassed propaganda effort.
That video is so full of technical and historic errors that the selection of it constitutes malfeasance on the part of the person in control of the curriculum. It should be pointed out to the administration that the video contains errors and outright falsehoods and that a better video should be found and that a balanced discussion of the topic instead of a biassed propaganda effort.


1. "Machine guns" were made (not really made for the first time but made better) for trench warfare to counter the human wave attacks across the no-mans land between trenches.

2. Assault rifles were NOT made to shoot from the hip. They have stocks for a reason and it is not so the soldiers could rest them on their pelvis while blindly shooting.

3. ALL guns shoot through doors. My 22 shoots though doors. My .40 shoots through doors.

That you are PAYING for private school and getting substandard service with misinformation and flat out historically inaccurate info is unacceptable. I would take SERIOUS offense. I would demand they reteach that entire video and point out the inaccuracies step by step. I took me 20 minutes to get through it when I did that with my kids.
As some have pointed out here anti gun people are getting desperate. We are wining the battle and they know it. Just today a THR member posted about how Wyoming is joining constitutional carry. If only these people actually tried to shoot at a target from the hip they would understand that it does not work. :banghead::banghead: I am going to CCV and I find the same misinformation that gets thrown around. One person was telling me that you could not carry canceled in Vermont:banghead:. I corrected her I explained that it lower crime. Anyways good luck with talking to your teacher.
"designed to be spray fired from the hip"?


just goes to show you that if you want to shape the discussion, using completely biased educational materials is a good way to start
Instead of grousing about it, maybe someone should make an intelligent Gun Facts 101 series (that's right, use the same title, some of the same topics) instead of the usual "Here's a video of me shooting," "here's a gun review"
compare the leaders of 2 gun lobbies
this lady, er um well uh um this is a um uh
wayne lapierre of the NRA...he is one of the best public speakers ive seen, in a debate he could shut this lady down in seconds
I don't even see how this could be relevant to what needs to be taught in schools.... What subject was this?

That might be your most important argument right along the one that says she shouldn't sway the opinions of her students with unfounded data.

Sadly claiming a strong "Anti gun" sentiment as a contesting point would probably prove largely ineffective, as we all know.

However, if you frame your argument against her by two things:
1. Asking a question that is way beyond leading to a group of children.
2. Fielding an argument that is neither rational nor accurate.
... you might stand a good chance at getting her at least slapped on the wrist. The big trick might be to not make it as overt that you're complaining because she threw around bad Anti propaganda, but rather about her academic behavior.

Has anything come of this yet?
Hey People! I live here in Illinois, the most anti-gun rules on the Planet. These leftist Idiots promote this kind of garbage all the time. While the laws are not working, all the Criminals in Illinois have all kinds of weapons. The laws are mute to them. Mean while We have to fight hard for Our Legal and Law abiding rights to have and enjoy are hobby. If only our politicans would live and act by the 2nd Amendment We as a Nation would have LESS CRIME. Sorry for the rant. It makes me angry too to listen to such non-sense.
This woman is either very ignorant or is intentionally spreading lies. In either case, showing this in school (unless done as an example of propaganda) is indoctrination of the worse kind. This should be brought before the school board, PTA, or whatever school authorities so that teacher can be held accountable. It's this sort of thing that makes it impossible for me to sympathize with the Wisconsin teachers. Bad teachers should be fired.
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