"Threat Silences Voice of Gun Control"

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Don Gwinn said:
1. Nobody has the right to threaten her like that, and I hope nobody here would condone it.

Okay, let me play Devil's Advocate for a second here... *puts on red hat with little pointy horns*

First off, nobody threatened her life. All they said was she'd never take "our" guns, and that they knew where she lived. This is a lot different from saying " I don't like what you're saying/doing and I'm gonna come kill you".

Next... some people NEED to be threatened. It's about the only thing that keeps them from doing something stupid. Hell, it's how our laws work. They (the laws) say "If you do *this*, we'll do *that* to ya." You don't do *this*, you got nothing to worry about.
It's a threat, plain and simple.

Now, considering that this woman's words aren't just her opinion... that the thoughts behind them are things she's willing to take action on and try to make a reality... Then maybe somebody pointing out that those actions can/will have a consequences isn't such a horrible thing?

Again, simply saying your piece and speaking your mind is one thing. Trying to shove those beliefs down other people's throats is another matter entirely.

Anyway, I'm done now, so I'll take the hat with the horns off. :evil: ;)

By my reckoning, the gun control and confiscation interest groups and all of their adherents are true and dangerous enemies of liberty and justice for all. Their mottos might as well be Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer or Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!

Accordingly, I harbor no sympathy or respect for them whatsoever.
*sigh*, I almost feel bad for these gun control types. They all sound the same, and I always hope and dream that someone can reach out to them and educate them. I would genuinely love to work with any of these groups to prevent violence in general with ways that actually work, but they are so closed-minded. And unfortunately, they are so obsessed with "witnessing" and "breaking the silence" (holdover from the civil rights movement, when the technique actually worked really well for a good cause?) that they can't take a look at the issue from the same side.

Oh well, the contention lives on. :(
I don't get how we're supposed to be communists vegan Hollywood liberals in favor of total state ownership of industry, and at the same time Uber capitalist fiscally conservative money grubbing hook-nosed bagel munchers who like lox with smear while we bask in the vast sums of money we derive from our privately held investments.

I may not be included in the vast conspiracy since I'm only half Jewish, but I'd like to think that my grandparents wouldn't keep me totally out of the loop.

I'd bet a nickel that she sent it to herself (or one of her associates did) so that she'd have something to rail against.
I forgot about the self loathing part.... are there any other stereotypes that I didn't address?
"We know where you live" is certainly threatening. On the other hand, I'll bet more than a nickel that this lady threatened herself. If she was really on the radar of the kind of whackos who send out death threats, she'd have received several. Nobody receives just one death threat unless it's (1) personal or (2) fake. (Disclaimer: I'm no FBI profiler, nor otherwise expert in criminology. Just spouting my not-so-humble opinion.)

Fake or not, this gal really likes to dramatize herself. A letter mailed two days prior does not constitute imminent threat of attack. If the death threat were indeed real, it would be absurd to expect the killer to be watching through binoculars intending to kill her right after she finished reading his letter.

I forgot about the self loathing part.... are there any other stereotypes that I didn't address?
Haha, death threats aren't cool, but this indeed could be quite funny:


If the death threat were indeed real, it would be absurd to expect the killer to be watching through binoculars intending to kill her right after she finished reading his letter.
Remember that all liberals are Hollywood types and this is probably a common storyline in crime dramas. ;)
The thing about the threat being fake is that there's no way you could possibly substantiate that. You don't have access to the threat itself; she hasn't even given out the text of the new one she says she got, the one that prompted this post (that "DIRTY JEW" thing is from years ago.)
I tend to think she is making it up too.

Or it was sent by some 14 year old troll.
People like us would never have used all caps.
I'd say it sounds like the crazy rant of a 13 year old--or made up--but I don't know either to be true. Anyway--My gut response is to SCREAM at the foolish person, for the love of G-D arm yourself and use caution!. Go stay with un-known quiet friends.
She saw and served Reagan and Brady, so she's claiming knowledge of gun violence? (Making such a claim, implicity or explicitly, is the only way to then go on to proposing "solutions.") That's like if I claimed knowledge of meteorology because I've seen, up close and personal, a couple of floods. Ridiculous.

Great analogy, KLD. I once served as honor guard while a member of the "Pershing Rifles" for Ted Kennedy when he came to give some speech at the college I was in(Year 1966 I think). Sure wish I had insight like Robyn claims. I could have led a campaign to ban Kennedys from politics.


Be careful who you choose to stand behind and support. If you are unwilling to take care of yourself, you must take what comes along. I've yet to see a flock of sheep, no matter how well cared for and tended, that doesn't get fleeced from time to time and eventually end up on the dinner table. Not many sheep die a natural death. B.E. Wood
People over react to death threats. Think about it, if someone pissed you off enough that you really wanted to kill them, are you gonna give them advanced warning to make your task harder to complete?
if someone pissed you off enough that you really wanted to kill them, are you gonna give them advanced warning to make your task harder to complete?
So far, no I haven't. :evil:

That was the only post where I said something I probably shouldn't have. I pride myself on my manners, but that "Dear God, I should have been able to empathize with them, because I'm a Libra, but they're just too alien" thing drove me to use the dreaded "W Word":

At worst, there is a pro-gun moron out there sending really dumb death threats. If she paints the entire pro-gun cause based on the actions of that single individual, maybe she should look at the people that are on her side of the fence, too.
When she knows a .50 cal can take down a plane/train/auto and kill a person from over a mile away, why did it take so long to make her fear for her life? I've heard of people being killed over something as silly as $20 in merchandise. What did she expect advocating taking away EVERYONES FREEDOM?

I'm more amazed a simple blue note worked so effectively. The pen IS mightier than the sword (or sniper rifle)...

Come on Rosie, keep spreading the fear in your circles. :)

Oh, she reads it all right. She usually doesn't respond in the comments section, but get under her skin and she'll devote an entire post to rebutting you--sort of.

I spend most of my time there pointing out their use of loaded language and other little tricks. Half the time they haven't even thought about it--they just parrot it right back. It's all they know.
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