Today's headlines (Immigration)

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And Senator Byrd was a member of the Klan.

The kids on campus are wacked out college leftitsts. It's college.. that's what they do in college. Their views dont reflect those of immigrants or Hispanic-Americans in general. It's almost like you guys are falling for their propaganda hook, line, and sinker though

I guess my point is, they dont scare me. They have no real power.
The assertion that illegals want to capture the Soutwest and make it Mexico again is ridiculous for one reason. THEY JUST LEFT MEXICO. If they wanted to be in Mexico so bad, why risk so much to come to America? Doesnt seem very logical to me..

IMO, Their rantings are exactly that.. rantings.

Of course I could be wrong..
While what you say is true, I don't remember seeing hundreds of thousands of Klan members at a rally in downtown LA carrying signs advocating overthrowing of the government etc.

Ok... and I don't remember seeing hundreds of thousands of La Raza members at a rally in downtown LA carrying signs advocating overthrowing of the government etc

It's racist, treasonous, and dangerous.

Racist and dangerous.. OK.
Treasonous? Maybe..

In this case the extremists outnumber the calm, cool, and collected.

I guess this is where me and the rest of the board would have to agree to disagree. Living in San Diego, I have a lot of Hispanic friends and acquaintences. Many of them are sympathetic to the plight of the illegal immigrants, but none of them suscribe to La Raza's crap. This is just my personal experience.. yours may vary I guess.
LEGAL immigration helped make America great.

ILLEGAL uncontrolled immigration will be America's downfall.

Reality check: We cannot take in the five billion people who
would rather live here than where they are.
The Constitutional manner in which we can all just "get along"

Representatives of the Federal Legislature appear to not recognize, or are otherwise hiding their knowledge of their powers and duty as set forth in the Constitution of the United States to protect the United States against invasion. Any reasonable individual would agree to the fact that Twelve Million Illegal Aliens crossing our borders is unquestionably classified as an “Invasion”.

Article One, Section Eight states, in part…

“Congress shall have the power…
….To provide for calling
forth the militia, to execute the
laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions.”

Regarding the organization of the Militia, the Article provides…
the “Congress shall have the power…“To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress…”

Further, that Article sets out the duty of the Congress to enforce “naturalization” regulations, and states that…

“Congress shall have the power… To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States

Although our Founding Fathers addressed the repelling of invasions in Article I, Section Eight, of the United States Constitution, almost to a man or woman every Congressional Legislator, and in addition, the President of the United States, while acknowledging the fact Twelve Million Illegal Aliens invaded our borders, has claimed nothing at all can be done to remedy this situation, other than surrendering to the idea of making illegal entry, legal.

Thousands of lawfully acting, legal American citizens have announced their willingness to volunteer their services in a Militia for this very cause by joining together, even previous to Congress acting dutifully and calling them forth. These citizens have entitled this Militia the “Minutemen” in respect for the very designers of the Article One of this Constitution. These citizens not only stand ready to serve in the Militia, they are more importantly, ready to stand down immediately upon completion of this duty.

Federal Legislators have collectively stated nothing lawfully can be done to repel these invaders due to the Immigration and Naturalization Service not being of sufficient number to repel the ongoing invasion. They go on to state they cannot detain the Twelve Million currently in our midst. These Legislators are at best, ignorant of Article I, Section Eight of the United States Constitution, or if not ignorant, duplicitous by misleading legal American Citizens into believing only the INS is charged with suppressing insurrection and repelling invasion from foreign soil.

Instead of fulfilling their duty, they meet in Congress for the purpose of granting Amnesty to the lawbreakers who burn our flag, and hoist the flag of another country where Old Glory had stood. The act of lowering our standard, and hoisting their own, is evidence of the Insurrection resulting from this invasion. Meanwhile, the legal applicant for immigration waits lawfully and patiently behind those who have no respect for our law.

To our knowledge, not one of these Congressmen has officially said in public, a single word about the fact that the Constitution of the United States prescribes a remedy which is both real, and available for this purpose, as lawfully set out in Article I, Section Eight, of the United States Constitution. They instead, talk of making illegal action, legal.

This Government has failed in its duty to exercise their powers to regulate immigration, for naturalization of aliens entering our country, thus, over twelve million illegal aliens are known to have crossed, and remain within, our Nation’s borders. The Legislative branch has admittedly failed in its duty to protect our shores from invasion.

Concern voiced by the legal citizenry, the very “People” of our Nation, at being disregarded by their Representatives in Congress today continues to fall on deaf ears while we watch Congress address the “need” of passing laws to make mass invasion legal, rather than Congress performing their duty as prescribed within Article One, Section Eight of the United States Constitution

It has long been established that Congress is bound with a duty to uphold our nation’s Constitution in good faith, and take actions reflecting the will of The People. But sadly they have not done so, and have acted only in their political interest in this matter. So much so, that we face the bizarre realization that our Congress is drafting a law specifically so as to please only one group of people, that group being the masses of Illegal Aliens mounting in number daily.

The legal citizens of the United State’s voice over their concerns about the Congressional plan to legalize the violation of our existing immigration laws, has gone unanswered too long.

Should we not demand Congress utilize the powers granted under Article I, Section Eight, of the Constitution of the United States, and take certain steps therein described to enable the Militia to lawfully halt the invasion of our shores by Illegal Aliens invading our borders as soon as possible?
Biker, I appreciate you saying that. I am not any type of "constitutional scholar" and had to do a little research regarding this issue.

But I am trying to figure out if a country boy who barely made it out of high school can find that information, why a U.S. Senator (who has a copy of the original damned document right down the hall) can't figure it out.

This Republic is bound for failure, if the clowns we have in there now continue to give in to the demands of those who would invade our shores.
Well Ira, I've never been accused of being an 'Eensteen' either, but as Robert Zimmerman said, "Ya don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows".
The duplicity of our politicians is beyond belief. Their actions say that they don't give a rat's patootie for this country or its citizens with the exception of a few like Tom Tancredo. I'm really starting to believe that this *is* part of a bigger plan to tear down America as we know it and replace it with something unrecognisable to its former occupants.
crazed_ss said:
I guess this is where me and the rest of the board would have to agree to disagree. Living in San Diego, I have a lot of Hispanic friends and acquaintences. Many of them are sympathetic to the plight of the illegal immigrants, but none of them suscribe to La Raza's crap. This is just my personal experience.. yours may vary I guess.

And that may be your experience in San Diego, and I am glad thats how it is.

Here in the DFW area there are a lot more of the extreme elements out with the "innocent high school kids". And certainly you are correct that not all of the protesters believe that stuff, but at a point it gets to be a dangerous percentage.

You get 1000 people you will get 5 or 10 wackos, that's just statistics. But when it gets to be 20, 30, maybe 40 percent you have a problem brewing and from what I've been watching here in Texas that's where we sit.

crazed-ss said:
Senator Byrd

Well, I didn't vote for that fruitbat :D
original by Carl Brown:
LEGAL immigration helped make America great.

Absolutely true. :) Those immigrants who made america great were immigrants who learned to speak english and swore allegience to the United States Of America, accepted our way of life and swore to support the constitution of the United States.:D

Illegal immigrants are just that "illegal" and should be rounded up and trucked back to where ever they came from:fire: until they are willing to go through the process mandated for citizenship.:scrutiny:
Well, Dallas and other Texas cities seemed to tolerate when the New Black Panthers marched in protest while toting rifles and shotguns...

Nothing illegal about that in Texas... Regular old white people who were fed up with drug dealers on their streets did the same thing.
THEY JUST LEFT MEXICO. If they wanted to be in Mexico so bad, why risk so much to come to America? Doesnt seem very logical to me...

It's just typical hate of the haves to the have nots. There is a lot of aminosity - much of it from US born - who have a lot of misplaced anger.

Seriously, they should be taking on their own government and corrupt wealthy who have staved off a real middle class in Mexico. The difference between rich and poor is drastic, and it's a shame. There are those who profit from a situation in 2nd/3rd world conditions, and it's the middle class here in the US that bears the burden in this situation.
I guess this is where me and the rest of the board would have to agree to disagree. Living in San Diego, I have a lot of Hispanic friends and acquaintences. Many of them are sympathetic to the plight of the illegal immigrants, but none of them suscribe to La Raza's crap. This is just my personal experience.. yours may vary I guess.
Just curious, since you are a not member of "La Raza", do you really think they would share that information with you?
As Biker advised, is a good place to help, I have been sending faxes,calling and writing letters by the dozen for the last 2 weeks, with the help from numbersusa, it is fast and uncomplicated to do so.
Moderator Note

To the great shock of everyone involved, I'm not closing this thread.

But the next person who advocates murder will have their posting privileges cheerfully removed.

I guess my point is, they dont scare me. They have no real power.
The assertion that illegals want to capture the Soutwest and make it Mexico again is ridiculous for one reason. THEY JUST LEFT MEXICO. If they wanted to be in Mexico so bad, why risk so much to come to America? Doesnt seem very logical to me..

Agreed. It's downright STUPID.

The only concern I have is summed up in: "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.":p

...and remember our esteemed Lieutenant Governor along with a number of our legislators come from this same movement. It's hardly powerless.

My parents are immigrants who became citizens years ago. Lots of our family friends have been, too. I grew up around a lot of people who went through a hassle to become Americans. I think a lot of illegal immigrants just want to be immigrants, but didn't have a chance of being let in legally under current policy. (Note: I'm not naive. Some, of course, are criminals, gang members, etc., but there are some in every crowd, including native-born American citizens.)

A better message than the whole "Aztlan" crap would be: "American immigration quotas are silly! We just want to be Americans, too! We work hard, we grew up here. Rationalize immigration policy!"

But the whole movement seems so random, with so many mixed and crossed messages and philosophies. Some are positive, some are negative. Some people are fearful, some are ambitious, and some are hateful.

I think THAT'S what scares some people.
It's not that the Mexican illegal immigants want to turn the U.S. into Mexico, it's that you do what you know, that's all. They bring their culture with them, and part of that culture is stuff that helped create the problem that is Mexico. They will live and behave as they have learned to south of the border. If we make no effort to enforce assimilation and teach them otherwise we will, yes, have Mexico inside the U.S. because doing what you've done before is always the easy way out. Right now our elites are obsessed with the idea of "acceptance," "welcoming," multiculturalism, and diversity, all ways of saying, "Hi, you don't have to change or adapt, WE will do that instead."

This shouldn't be a race issue but it's becoming one. The Aztlan zealots, with their chatter about "bronze people" are clearly racists, albeit romantic ones. The entire debate about race, culture, and ethnicity has been contamnated by extremists so that any rational discussion is all but impossible. And this is, obviously, very, very unfortunate, and very, very, very dangerous. We'd like to think that we've gotten beyond the point, here in mainstream USA, of identifying whites as a bloc but it is apparently just dandy to keep referring to People of Color. That is overtly racist and implies that all People of "Non-Color" are oppressors, which is precisely what the ultra-leftists behind all of these radical movements believe. They think white people are the scourge of history; they've told us that often enough. What's alarming is to see that same vile and invidious philosophy embraced, subtly or not so subtly, by alleged educational institutions that really ought to know better. Instead they harbor and abet such odiousness, and more often than not it's whites themselves who encourage it. Yes, the modern sickness is very pervasive.
political shell games

I'm beginning to get an anxious feeling about all the unrest caused by this issue also, but it is not about what may occur socially. The politicans are acutely aware of the critical situation here in our homeland.

Whenever the political, economic or military status of a nation, ours, or any other had reached a crises point in their histories, their respective governments would engage in some unexpected and attention arresting ploy in order to distract the citizens from the situation. Often it was war or another attention getting device. And they acted in advance to beat the crises "to the punch."

Now, what will the government of the United States of America engage in so that we the people are completely captured and distracted from the current immigration crisis?

Brace yourselves, and do not be distracted! Just wait. Whatever it is, it may come very soon. And suddenly too.

May God bless and protect America.
This will not end well.

Perhaps we'l see this movement start to break apart as one section achieves a goal and settles down. Hopefully, we can simply start our own protests and head this off a bit early.

Failing the vote is ignored and the politicians ignore us, what choice does that leave?

Arrival of aliens ousts U.S. workers
By Jerry Seper
April 10, 2006

An Alabama employment agency that sent 70 laborers and construction workers to job sites in that state in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina says the men were sent home after just two weeks on the job by employers who told them "the Mexicans had arrived" and were willing to work for less.
Linda Swope, who operates Complete Employment Services Inc. in Mobile, Ala., told The Washington Times last week that the workers -- whom she described as U.S. citizens, residents of Alabama and predominantly black -- had been "urgently requested" by contractors hired to rebuild and clear devastated areas of the state, but were told to leave three job sites when the foreign workers showed up.
"After Katrina, our company had 70 workers on the job the first day, but the companies decided they didn't need them anymore because the Mexicans had arrived," Mrs. Swope said. "I assure you it is not true that Americans don't want to work.
"We had been told that 270 jobs might be available, and we could have filled every one of them with men from this area, most of whom lost their jobs because of the hurricane," she said. "When we told the guys they would not be needed, they actually cried ... and we cried with them. This is a shame."
Mrs. Swope said employment agencies throughout Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi faced similar problems, when thousands of men from Mexico and several Central and South American countries -- many in crowded buses and trucks -- came into the three states after Katrina, looking for employment and willing to work for less money.
The number of foreign workers who flooded the area after the hurricane has been estimated at more than 30,000. Many of them have been identified by law-enforcement authorities and others as illegal aliens.
The Gulf Coast Latin American Association noted in a report that whether those workers will remain after the cleanup work is completed is not clear, but the longer those jobs last, the more likely it is that the workers will settle permanently. After Hurricane Andrew hit southeastern Florida in 1992, the association said, the construction boom attracted large numbers of Hispanic immigrants to several areas, including Homestead, Fla., where the Latino population doubled during the 1990s.
Many of the illegal aliens came into the Gulf Coast states not only from south of the border but also from California, Arizona and Texas, responding to the demand for workers. U.S. Border Patrol officials in the three states have reported an increase in the number of illegals apprehended.
Some of the migrants who did get jobs in the Gulf states also were mistreated, records show. Two class-action lawsuits are pending in federal court in New Orleans in which thousands of migrant workers said they never were paid, although many worked 12-hour shifts, seven days a week and were required to remove toxic contamination from hurricane-ravaged buildings.
Some of the named companies were working on contracts from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other government agencies.
Government estimates put at 400,000 the number of jobs lost in the Gulf region as a result of Katrina, which displaced more than 1.5 million people, and many of those workers left the area to seek employment elsewhere because available construction, laborer and cleanup jobs in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi had been filled by foreign workers, including illegal aliens.
President Bush last week signed the Katrina Emergency Assistance Act of 2006, which extended for 13 weeks unemployment compensation benefits to more than 140,000 residents of the Gulf states who were displaced from their jobs by Katrina. Their benefits, funded by FEMA, had expired March 4.
Would-be employers in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, awash in cleanup and reconstruction jobs, faced little in the way of legal problems in hiring the illegal aliens after Katrina because the Department of Homeland Security temporarily suspended the sanctioning of employers who hired workers unable to document their citizenship.
Mr. Bush also had suspended the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires local contractors to pay "prevailing" wages, in the areas hit by Katrina to encourage reconstruction and cleanup.
"The men we sent to jobs in Alabama were local fellows looking for work, men who needed jobs," Mrs. Swope said. "After driving 50 miles to the work sites where they had been promised $10 an hour, they discovered the employers had found substitutes who were willing to work for less."


ken grant
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Today, 08:23 PM
Are these contractors being paid by the Federal gov to perform this work? If so, then the Davis-Bacon Act applies for federal funding, correct?

So when the President suspended Davis-Bacon requirements he endorsed lower wages for labor translating into higher revenues to the contracting companies, since the contract is written for prevailing wage.

Strange to me why he would put the locals out of work. Maybe he didn't think it through.

Am I not looking at this properly?

What am I missing?

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