Traitors amoung us; Cop threatens to shoot OC in the head

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I'm returning to this thread against my better judgment.

DTGuy's posts are just a tad disingenous.

A cop's normal attire includes an openly displayed firearm. The average citizen's normal attire does not. A uniformed police officer is as much a target for those who would do him/her harm as the average citizen whose appearance does not indicate presence of a firearm.

We've had a few cops shot up here in my county in recent times. One trooper cold-bloodedly murdered at the beginning of a "routine" traffic stop ... two deputies shot by a deranged sex-offender/kidnapper while attempting a low-key intervention at a local Wal-Mart.

The presence of an openly displayed firearm, while not normally cause for instant alarm, is something to at least be curious about. I don't need to confront an open-carrying citizen in an attempt to ascertain the reason he's (she's) displaying a firearm in public, but I am going to be alert.

I'm sorry, but I really don't know any serving law enforcement officers who won't at least pay attention to someone openly carrying a firearm out to their local eateries or retail establishments. It just ain't the norm, and for some of us, our experience tells us that not everyone carrying guns around is simply exercising a right.

Not disingenuous at all. You're simply showing the mindset that police have a different set of 'rights' to self-protection that any other citizen does.

Policemen have been shot? So have citizens; some by police. To cede a superior right of self-defense to a police officer is not, IMHO, part of American tradition. "Serve and Protect" has become "LET ME SEE YOUR HANDSSS!!!!!" far too often for me to think of police as benevolent Andy Griffith types out to give me a ride when my car breaks down.

Your entire post displays a 'but policemen are different' mentality; I can't blame you, I had it too, for many years. I overcame it, however.

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