Treadwell's death and body recovery - a live-action account

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This guy has to be the most seriously disturbed individual I have ever seen- hopefully he never passed on his "super stupid gene"- if he hadn't been the main course this time he might have tried to bed down with one of them eventually- watching this thing was like watching a train wreck- I was disappointed one of the commercials wasn't the old guy sitting on the side of the bed complaining "I can't believe I ate the whole thing"
It's on right now on the Discover Channel (east coast)

This guy sounds a lot more irritating that I had guessed.

It's like his all encompassing love for animals completely overtook his humanity... and he died an animal's death.

Fitting, I suppose.
He was supposed to be there to "protect" the bears but the in the only documented case of even harassment in the film (the rock throwing) he is too scared to even step out and say "Hey, stop throwing rocks at my bear friends".

Instead he hides and just cries about the bear getting hit with a tossed rock. I'm sure the bears would have given him a medal when they learned smelting.

Even if there was a poaching problem, what did he plan to DO about it? Hide, cry and be a good witness later?
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There is some serious unintentional comedy in this.

Treadwell, filming himself during a walk and pontificating: "I wonder why girls don't like to be around me for long?"

After a fox steals his hat

"Gimme back my ****ing hat!! Aw man!"

What an idiot. This guy deserves a Darwin Award. The worst part about is that this moron is being painted as a hero who died bravely defending the poor, helpless bears.

On the bright side, maybe the coverage of this fool's actions will inspire some pansy member of PETA to emulate can only hope.
so... did you guys read the related fark entry? the headline pretty much sums it up

Bear mauls 80-year-old petting zoo worker to death. Still unclear why bear was in petting zoo
natural selection alaska style

It appears that the concept that natural selection is alive and well in Alaska. I only hope that Treadwell did not infect some city school kid with his stupidity although I am certain that another will take his place thus providing a meal for a deserving bear. No matter where you find them nor how benign they appear predators have a nasty habit of reminding us why they are closer to the top of the food chain than we are.
carebear said:
He was supposed to be there to "protect" the bears but the in the only documented case of even harassment in the film ...

Of course, the entire film is one long documented case of wildlife harassment. Almost everything Timmy Boy did was harassment of wildlife, from touching the bear to taming the foxes. And you know he was giving them food.
The whole of this film about the clod, Treadwell could be summed up in one single picture.


Bear poop.
Yup! I just saw the documentary about Treadwell. As I said earlier in the thread he was "Dances with Bears". Now he is just "Scat". What a yo-yo! I rally feel bad for the young lady who died with him.
I sat through the entire film last night on the Discovery channel.

It's unfortunate that he died such a horrible death, I would wish that on but a select few. Worse, that he got his girlfriend killed who seemed to have seen that he was a wacko, but it was too late for her.

That aside. He was a self-centered, self-promoting idiot with some real issues.

And to top it off. His stupidity resulted in one of his beloved bears getting killed since it ate him. If he would have stayed waiting tables in CA he probably would have found a creative way to get himself killed and the bear would still be alive. Everyone would have been better off that way.
I must say I'm really dissapointed with the people that have posted here in this thread. Since when was it the THR way to make fun of a dead man? No matter what someone does in life they do not deserve ridicule in death. Sure Treadwell was a few beers short of a six pack, but how often do you point at a kid in a wheelchair and start laughing. Treadwell really was trying to do something noble he was just completely lost.

I've always regarded the folks here on THR as respectable, knowledgable, and courtious. What happened guys?

For all of you that say "He deserved what he got", well, you deserve what you'll get.

I watched 'Grizzly Man' last night and I was amazed how everyone the director had interviewed said Treadwell was a great guy. They told of his love of life and how he was actually well rounded talking about football and women and so forth. What right do we have as a bunch of nerds on the internet to make fun of him? As far as I'm concerned he was either very stupid or very brave but either way the guy had balls, and I'd pat him on the back if given the chance.

I suggest that the MODS close this forum. It's turned into nothing more then a public bashing, and frankly, it sickens me that you let it go this far.

Have some respect people.

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carebear said:
He was supposed to be there to "protect" the bears but the in the only documented case of even harassment in the film (the rock throwing) he is too scared to even step out and say "Hey, stop throwing rocks at my bear friends".

Instead he hides and just cries about the bear getting hit with a tossed rock. I'm sure the bears would have given him a metal when they learned smelting.

Even if there was a poaching problem, what did he plan to DO about it? Hide, cry and be a good witness later?

I want to see you tell a group of unknown armed hunters to F*CK off.

M-Rex, I don't even have words for you.

As far as I'm concerned he was either very stupid or very brave but either way the guy had balls

Until they got eaten.

I have less respect for Treadwell after seeing Grizzly Man. What he did was experience very minimal "tolerance" by a bunch of bears. He wrongly portrayed that tolerance as evidence of a special bond. Anyone with any experience with ANY animal (you don't need to be a bear expert) could see that the bears were more often than not annoyed by his presence. When that tolerance limit was finally pushed to the breaking point, Treadwell learned the true nature of wild carnivores. They don't love people, they don't hate people. They just want to be left alone.

I think one of the most unfortunate things in this whole mess is that I'm sure some bears did learn that humans are no big deal. Not an ideal situation for man nor beast.

I don't celebrate his death, or his "work". He was clearly a troubled man with very little respect for nature, despite his claims.
The dead do deserve simple respect and in that we on the whole may have gone to far, however to allow Treadwell's lies and foolishness to pass uncorrected and unremarked upon simply because he died is neither justice nor wisdom.

For Treadwell's actions and belief did not only affect himself, if they had it would be enough to point them out as foolishness so they wouldn't be repeated, but Timothy wasn't satisfied to simply indulge himself.

In the process of his life he slandered Alaskans in general as poachers, lied to credulous people in the States to finance his fantasy and unjustly publicly besmirched the reputation of both the USFS and SoA F&W.

He set himself up as a savior of animals whom (as Cos pointed out) he was actually behaving criminally towards. He chose to willingly expose an innocent party to extreme danger and did not heed her requests to leave. His actions in the end led to the death of animals he "was protecting".

He did not demonstrate the courage of his convictions to confront on film persons he felt were acting in a way to threaten his "protectees" (the rock throwers) and, in the end, he even lacked the courage of his convictions to die according to his own principles. The monks who lit themselves on fire in Vietnam to protest in the courage of their convictions did not end their lives screaming for someone to bring a fire extinguisher to save them.

Treadwell was noble in no sense of the word, he was a fraud, a self-indulgent false prophet who entrapped other innocents, both people and animals, in his self-destructive fantasy life.

He'll get no pass from me until that truth is known and admitted by all who now defend him.
DevLcL said:
I want to see you tell a group of unknown armed hunters to F*CK off.


They weren't hunters, they were sightseers. The only weapon I saw was the guide's bear spray. Hunting isn't allowed in Katmai. Treadwell was protecting the bears from NO lethal threat. Even poaching is not an issue. All he had to do in that situation was point out that rock-throwing constituted harassment and was illegal.

That is one of Treadwell's biggest constant lies and justification for his behavior, that he was a "protector" of the bears. They weren't and haven't ever been under any serious legal or illegal threat.
The only weapon I saw was the guide's bear spray.

WOW....Are you serious? I've seen a man DIE from getting hit in the head with a rock smaller then the one thrown in the movie. For you to say these guys were not armed is a foolish misunderstanding.

Not a single bear was killed in the 13 summers he spent in the bay. The year after his death alone there were 6 (possibly more) dead bears found to be killed by poaching. The bears were in fact in danger and as far as I'm concerned he did save some bears. I'm not saying Treadwell was right or that I would have done what he did. I'm saying he DID save bears (aside from the one that ate him) and he actually DID make a difference.

It's interresting to note that everyone in the thread certainly 'talks the talk'. I wonder how many of you would actually 'walk the walk'.

I don't want to get in a pissing match over the lethality of rocks here. He was 50+ yards away in the brush with a video camera. The guy throwing the rocks with the pepper spray is almost certainly a state licensed guide whose business is taking people (tourists from Debuque) on wildlife floats. Do you seriously think Ma and Pa Kettle are going to go all Lord of the Flies and chase Timothy down in their chest waders?

My point is, he didn't EVER do anything to "protect" the bears mostly because there was nothing to protect the bears FROM. The reason that young bear came so close to the touristas was curiousity as it probably hadn't seen any other people but Treadwell in its life.

The best thing that could have happened to that bear (or any young bear) is to realize the funny-smelling bipeds can throw things and hurt you at a distance. They stay alive longer that way compared to thinking man is a harmless annoyance.

For the record, I was "semi-retired" for a bit last year so I spent way too much time on here. Lately it's been cold here in alaska so I haven't been out away from the keyboard as much as normal.

I'd recommend getting a more balanced point of view on the situation in Katmai (and in dealing with Alaskan browns and grizzly's in general) than Treadwells before defending his behavior too much.

I'd be interested to see the source for the "6 bears" number cause I can't recall it being published in any of the recent newspaper articles. (though I may have missed it)

I found a report of 3 on the other side of the park in August of 2004, but 3 out of a population of hundreds or thousands, while bad for those 3, does not constitute a threat to the population. The carcasses were found by a local guide, investigated by F&W and a reward was offered, hardly a "nobody else is protecting them" situation. Treadwell could only protect what he could see, by self-admission he remained hidden and yet in those 13 years he never got any film of the poachers using "machineguns" from boats and aircraft. Not a single frame.
I'd recommend getting a more balanced point of view on the situation in Katmai (and in dealing with Alaskan browns and grizzly's in general) than Treadwells before defending his behavior too much.

I have no illusions about the danger of grizzly bears. It was very stupid what Treadwell did. However, at no point will I be glad that it happened or say that he deserved it. I do agree that Treadwell wanted to be a 'rockstar', as his friends put it, and that his filming was more of a confidence booster for himself then a will to save anything.

Think of the fear that would be running through you as your being eaten alive by a grizzly. I don't see how anyone can find humor in that.

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