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Underwear Pistol?

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Apr 9, 2008
I currently keep a 1911 or a 327 in my bed stand, but I was thinking the other night that if I had to use them I would likely be in my underwear. Since I likely wouldn't have a place for a spare magazine, I started wondering in 8-9 rounds is enough for an underwear gun.

Now I am thinking about something like the XD (M) in 9mm; it holds 20 rounds and 9mm is low flash and blast and probably wouldn't over penetrate when loaded with something like the new Critical Defense ammo from Hornady. I could also mount a weapon light or lazer.

What do you think?
I keep a pair of shorts with a belt threaded, holster attached, and a couple mags in pocket near my bed. If I have any time at all I can step into them, pull them up, close belt, and I don't have to greet the cops in underwear after the encounter this time. Plus this lets me holster the pistol if I can retrieve the shotgun.
Actually a buddy of mine has a really good solution to this. Lives with no kids and him and his wife are both avid shooters and keep night stand guns. He went out and bought a cheap law enforcement duty belt loaded it up with a gun, couple of extra mags, a good light and some other goodies. Now if he hears a bump in the night. Tosses on the belt and he has everything he needs.

The risk is that if you do have to shoot somebody the cops may end up seeing you in your underwear and a duty belt which would look kinda odd.
The risk is that if you do have to shoot somebody the cops may end up seeing you in your underwear and a duty belt which would look kinda odd.

Less so if your wife is handcuffed to the headboard ;)
Here are some ideas
-keep spare mags and speedloaders hidden throughout the house
-keep a purse with reloads hanging within reach. throw it over your shoulder when you get up

if you're trying to use this as an excuse to get a new gun, then just admit to yourself that you simply want a new gun and go buy one ;)
Fumbler brings up an interesting point. I keep a katana sword and a shotgun by my bed, but could not carry both if I was in my skivies. Neither could I carry my 45 and shotgun or sword at the same time. Shotgun has fewer rounds than the 45, but the sword is supremely stealthy. I guess keeping the utility belt handy is the best remedy. The thought of stalking through my house with a 45 on my hip and a katana in scorpion position is just too funny.
I vote for the Man-Purse too.

Theres just something about a naked guy carrying a purse!

Probably scare the BG clean away so you don't have to shoot him!

Shorts and a sword. That brings back memories.

This story's a few years old, before I owned any firearms. It was part of the impetus for purchasing my first shotgun, actually.

Let me preface this by saying I live in a bad neighborhood in Lake City. Google Maps calls it Olympic Hills. The Seattle PD north precinct officers call it Little Beirut. I call it home. Two years ago I came home with my hands full -- a backpack and fast food, as I recall -- and forgot my keys in the door. It's easy to do. My deadbolt retracts when you turn the key back, so one must enter the apartment, pull the key out, *then* close the door. My keys dangled in the lock unnoticed that night.

Around ten thirty I was getting ready for bed, was on the john in my briefs and not a lot else, and I heard an odd noise. It sounded suspiciously like someone was in my living room. No, SOMEONE WAS IN MY LIVING ROOM. I dashed back into my bedroom, grabbed a souvenir samurai sword, tossed the sheath, and charged the door. Standing in the middle of my living room was one very confused-looking Japanese man with my keys dangling out of one hand, and he gave me a considering look before declaring in the loud voice only a drunk can possess, "Where are the women?!"

"What the Hell are you doing in my house?" I know. Not terribly poetic, but at bedtime I lose the ability to improv. I eyed the keys in his hand and it dawned on me where he might have found them, though that didn't excuse his presence in my living room! Slapping them from his grip, I calmly added, "Thank you for returning my keys, now get the Hell out."

He didn't understand. He was drunk! Very drunk. Thrusting the sword under his chin soon convinced him something was, indeed, wrong with his womanizing plans. I gave him a light shove back towards the door, he stumbled out, and I bolted it behind him, thinking that would be the end of it. Knock knock knock. A quiet tapping at the door. Polite, even. Knock knock SLAM SLAM SLAM! Our Japanese friend reached down and found something less timid deep inside, and he wanted in.

"I paid forty dollar sleep with woman here!" he cried, pounding at the door. "Give me my woman! Give me my woman or give me my forty dollar!" My neighbors, roused by the drunken pounding at my door, gathered above on the second-floor porch and heckled the drunk below. I found the encounter less amusing, and called 911. Three minutes later two Seattle PD officers and one very energetic German Shepherd bounded out of a blue and white on the lawn in front of my apartment building, fanning out to flank the now much mollified sex tourist. I cautiously opened the door, sword stashed away and in a robe, to watch them interrogate my new inebriated friend.

"Sir, do you live here?" they asked. "No," he replied, shaking his head and staring at the ground. "Do you know anyone inside? Is any of your property in this house? Are you visiting this house? Do you know this man?" They asked relentlessly, and to every question he replied simply 'no.' Finally, an officer asked of the Japanese man, "Sir, why are you here?" The now thoroughly humbled lech replied in a barely incoherent mumble, "I dunno."

I was grinning by now at the absurdity of it all, and spoke up in as straight a voice as I could manage, "He said something about paying forty dollars to sleep with a prostitute at my apartment." My eyes gave lie to my somber tone.

"I WANT MY FORTY DOLLAR BACK!" he yelled, "I payed man," he explained hastily, pointing back at the street, "forty dollar sleep with woman here, and I want my money back!" He'd been robbed! Surely the police could help?

The police couldn't help but laugh at that reply, and a quick glance into my home and one approached the drunken tourist, "Sir, I don't know what you've been lead to believe, but this is not a place of business. This is a residence. Someone stole your money." They asked if I intended to press charges, and at that point I'd had enough of the ordeal. I opined that since the man hadn't hurt me, nor stolen from me, nor threatened me, I really just wanted him off my front lawn. The police directed him back to Lake City Way, camping out on my front lawn and laughing amongst one another for fifteen minutes before rolling out themselves.
I keep a katana sword and a shotgun by my bed,
A katana, seriously? You do realize that something like a glock field knife would be much more effective indoors,right?
I've often though about that too. Even if you had an extra mag.. how crisp will your reloads be half asleep in the dark?

My nightstand gun is a Crimson Trace equipt Browning High Power with a 15 round mag.
how crisp will your reloads be half asleep in the dark?
I think you might be pretty wide awake by the time you needed to reload in a gunfight.

I know I would be.

Don't want to be snarky, but in all hosesty, if you can't do the job in 8 rounds then you need to get a base ball bat or learn how to aim instead of spray and pray.
The man-purse/buttpack/dutybelt ideas are all good. Quick to throw on and everything in one place. Don't forget to add a cellphone to the kit.
I keep an XDM 9mm and an extra mag by my bed. Shoot one handed, hold on to extra mag with left hand. That gives me 39 rounds, I'm pretty sure that enough to take care of most BG's unless we're talking about an army or something.
My underwear gun is a Glock 17 with a 33 round clip. Have to admit that's overkill, but I shouldn't have to worry about reloading.
Don't want to be snarky, but in all hosesty, if you can't do the job in 8 rounds then you need to get a base ball bat or learn how to aim instead of spray and pray.
+ 1,000!!!

Lot of guys fought WWII with a 1911 and two or three 7- round mags!

Lot of guys fought WWII with a 1911 and two or three 7- round mags!

And a lot more would have survived if they had 8, 10, or 15 round mags. (or hollow point ammo or sights that they could see... etc.) Your point isn't clear or valid IMO.

How can more ammo in the gun be a negative thing????

Because we all (at least us old farts) watched black and white TV on an 8 inch screen --- does that mean that my new 42" Sony HDTV is a bad thing??????

Come on!
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