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Update: (To my thread entitled "Very Angry")

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Mar 14, 2006
Southern NH
I was doing some shooting with my .22 out in the woods, behind my house. I was probably half a mile deep in the woods. It's hunting land with tree stands and stuff out there. This lady across a lake is screaming at me to stop shooting. I ask her whats wrong. She starts screaming how its private property. Unfortunately she was to far to see clearly so it's hard to have a conversation. I tell her its public land and hunting land and she starts screaming more. I was out shooting at paper. The way its set up is my house is on a road lined with woods behind it. Hers is 5 houses down and set back. I was well beyond 300 feet of a house or dwelling. I was about 500 yards away. She was way back in the woods behind the house on the edge of the lake. Its more of a giant pond really. But I didnt know she was out there so when she started yelling i had to turn around and scan the treeline 200 yards across a lake. The thing that pissed me off was how she was screamingit was private land when I was on hunting land that my neighbior often hunts. She didn't know I livved down the road becuase shes never ben seen before. I think she has people issues. But I yelled across I'm not on her private property. But started screaming more so I hiked home. It really made mad that becuase she must be deaf when she hears hunters in the backwoods of NH she tries to claim the miles of wilderness are her private property. I debated going to er house to talk to her and explain but I assumed it would cause more trouble and maybe bring the police out there. But I was acting in a completely legal manner and have reveiwed the laws and my neighbor who I am freindly with unts out there on that land. So I can't understand how she can hike oput there and then yell across this lake that its her private property and there's no shooting allowed. What really makes me mad is that im out there At least once a week and haven't had any complaints. I dont want to have to go to the reange and i really need advice on how to handle this. I hand't even let off 5 rounds so my hike was worthless. If you care to help or can't understand my rant I could make a diagram of the land if anybody knmows. I just really need advice because nobody knows this lady becuase she doesn't talk to anybody and acted like she was queen of the forest. Since I'm 18 she may think Im a stupid kid and not take me seriously.
I had this happen once when I was alot younger and some friends of mine and I were duck hunting. The people across the creek and down about 400 yds claimed they were their "pet ducks"...wild mallards.

We continued to hunt.

I would suggest that if you let someone come out and scream you out of the woods, they have won. If it's public land and perfectly legal to target practice then you continue to do so. Don't be an ass about it, but do what you have the legal right to do.
Even though I know its perfectly legal, I dont know if ill get a hard time for the cops becuase I think she might be crazy, and im 18. Though I look about 25. I kept saying to myself I'm going to go talk to her, but I had no idea where she was yelling from. She was so far away all I could hear was the direction she was yelling from. After I said yelled it was on public land she tried the children thing. THHERE ARE CHILDRENNNN OVER HEEERE!! I'm really debating going to her house, but like I said nobody has ever seen her before, and she could very well be crazy, and I be uncomfortable knocking on her door. If I couldve seen her I wouldve hiked across to talk to her. I just dont want this to jeopordize my leagl target shooting. I just dont know if i could et screwed and dont want to make this a legal mess. Although I would be in the right. Im thinking I shoot keep shooting out there and if she starts yelling again, I should go and find her.
You think she's crazy and you plan to seek her out when she's yelling at you from across the pond? Why would you want to do that? You don't really think you can have a constructive conversation with her, do you? Don't put yourself in a position where she can accuse you of doing something you didn't do. Maintain distance. If you absolutely must talk to her, do so with a credible witness present.

If you're shooting legally and safely, let her yell all she wants. If she calls the cops, fine. They are trained to deal with irrational people.
The first thing to do is to be absolutely sure it's "Public" land. Just because people hunt on land, owned privately, that does not make it public. There are also rural ordances that limit shooting in populated areas, even if property tracts are more than a few acres. You still have to verify the local laws.

If you find out that it is private land that is not posted to tresspassing or hunting, then contact the owner and get in writing that it's OK to target practice or hunt in a safe manner.

Do not go to this woman until you have the facts in writing. Your county auditors office will have the information on the land. If she calls the cops, they'll make you stop until the facts are verified. A cop may verify that you have permission, have a safe area to shoot with verified bullet stop down range, without her home or property down range. He'll be the one to confront her and let her know that you are shooting in a safe manner on land with permission from the owner, or on public land. Clean up your litter.

She's worried about safey of her young'ns and the noise. Why is she quiet during deer season? Because she's well out numbered. She's probably not crazy.

If you'll get to know your neighbors, you'll all probably get along better. This is not the moment to get to know her though. If she's running a daycare without license, you might have a chance to strike a deal. You don't turn her in, you shoot the other direction. If she's got a business like that, with license, you might have to quit shooting there whether it's public land, if you have owner permission or not. A judge will probably override you on that one.

To qualify for a rant, it doesnt have paragraphs. lol. And I know for a fact its public land, but where do I get the in depth info on the land? Is there an online source?
First, make sure you were/are 100% legal.

Second, you call the police and tell them you were on that land and acting legally when harassed by some woman who lives across the pond. You don't want them to do anything, just be aware of the incident.

Third, do not seek her out or engage her in any kind of arguement. If it happens again, call the cops right then and there in front of her.

Fourth, make sure you were/are 110% legal.
1. Call your town hall to confirm that it's public land.
2. Be sure of your target and what is beyond.
3. Go shoot there every day. :evil:
4. Once you've made your point, buy a suppressor. It will make everyone happier.
Yeah, YOU be the first to go to the local law. Not to file any complaint, but to inform them so if she calls in they'll have some clue as to what's going on. A written statement is best.

But darned sure, stay away from her.

It sure wouldn't hurt to double check the boundaries of private and public lands around there, just as insurance.

go to the courthouse (and leave your gun at home) and get their map. it will show you who owns the land
Do the whole legal doublechecking of the land thing, then if your good to go shoot every freaking day at really odd times:evil: when she comes start the s*** tell her it public land, then start shooting again :evil: :evil: :evil:
Nobody does, my family was the first person to move into the area. When we got her 20 years ago, it was all woods. A road was cut into it, and we built a house back there, had to get water and electricity run in. Now its a development.

I helped cut that trail. This is where the lady was screaming from. This is clearly not her property becuase when I was a boyscout we constructed and cut trails through the area she was screaming from. I'm in those woods all the time and if we were allowed by the town selectmen to contsruct trails and bridges I very much doubt she can try and claim its her land, but I already knew that. maybe in her mind, wherever she can hike to from her house becomes her land. It makes me angry shes trying to kick me out of an area I help to make.
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respectfully, the posts encouraging you to piss her off are neither clever or humorous and are appreciably shy of the High Road.

The worst thing for you to do is sit around and grouse about it on the internet. Civilized people COMMUNICATE. Just go friggin talk to her.
Go shoot some 300 WIM MAGS there around 2 am. She won't be able to see you and you can hike home before the cops get there. Like you said, she don'ty know who you are. Might was well wake her up at 2 am about five nights in a row just for ****s-n-giggles. :evil:

(ya I know its immature)
Immature but funny. lol. and talking can always make things worse. Everybody knows those types of people who feel like you are after them if you talk about it. Shes obviously an anti, so Im not sure letting her know who am is a good idea. it could just bring me more trouble. You all know the person whos gone nuts on you for attempting to talk rationally and you wish you said nothing. Maybe keeping my identity a secret will work out better. Ill see what happens when the next deer season rolls around. Until then I'm gonna wait a few days and eother try going out again, or rethinking my options. It just makes me mad because Ive bewen out in those woods before people even knew they were there. My families been here for a decade longer in theswoods and this neghborhood too.
Where in NH? We have a lot of MA folks who have moved in and are to put nicely MA&^%(%.

I shoot in a sand pit that belonged to the police chief in my town.(town and state recognized range) I have shot there since a teenager as have many police from the area. Then a person from MA buys property next to it. I am talking acreage, now every time someone shoots in the pit this moron calls the police.

He has even made false statements that my 1919 was bouncing bullets of his roof. Kind of hard as his house is 90 degrees from the line of fire and there is a hill in the way. Tried being nice about it to him but it did not help. Now I call my chief and let him know I will be shooting there. To bad if he does not like the noise he BUILT next to the range!

Check at town hall as to owns the land. Public property in NH is multi -use. When you are target practicing you must be 300 ft from a house, trail, and attraction i.e. picnic area ball field etc. and must have a safe backstop. Follow these rules and you will be fine.
more to add..

most of these are very good advice, and some others were kinda humourus. but take the responsible road.

talking with the law first is a great idea, and like they said, get it in writing that you are allowed to shoot there. also, get the lawman's name you talked with and badge # if it was an officer. have them put a day and time that this was written up and always carry that with you to the area.

when you get that, take it to her, address her with respect, give her a COPY of the written statement and the name of the law person she can call for questions. tell her that you are a responsible adult and will use all safety precautions. let her know that you will not tolerate being harrassed. ask her if there are any certain times of the day that she would perfer you to shoot, maybe she has a very young child that takes a nap during the afternoon?

see if she has any interest at all in what you are doing, invite her over some time to watch how you handle yourself and the safety percautions you take. now dont do this if she is a psycho of course LOL. you may even ask if she would like to learn something about shooting and give her a safety talk and, if youre comfortable with it, let her shoot a few rounds. who knows, maybe you can make a convert! memorize some pro-gun statitics about women and guns and anything about guns in the home preventing crime and share these with her.

see if she is married, try to get in good with the husband. you dont have to hang around or anything, just familiarize yourself to him, show him youre a responsible shooter and he and his wife have nothing to fear. maybe invite him to shoot sometime.

It feels great to make a convert but it can be hard work. if nothing else she will see that you are a decent young man and you will have the pride of knowing you did all you could as a gentelman and did not give shooters a bad name by yelling, threatening, and not caring about your "neighbors.

Best of luck, let us know what happened. -Eric
Civilized people COMMUNICATE. Just go friggin talk to her.
She sounds unstable to me, so I'm not sure talking directly to her is a good idea.

Our culture has moved beyond civilized into litigious.

I was going to post pretty much exactly what jonnyc posted. I still stand by that.

Don't try to "communicate" with her (because some people confuse "communicate" with "confront" and this lady sound like one of those).

Do all you're "communication" with the fine folk down at the Sheriff's office (via non-emergency lines of course) give them the heads up on what happened/is happening and then just ignore this woman.

Knocking on her door and trying to calmly come to some sort of civilized agreement is a good way to end up with a restraining order (which is an automatic end of your Second Amendment "rights").
She sounds unstable to me,

that's because you're hearing ONE side of a story, from an 18 yr old who started a thread titled "Very Angry" with a self-described rant.
So being 18 makes me an irresposible liar when you have no idea who I am or what kind of a person I am? Passing judgement solely on age doesn't work.

And I'ts not a rant, just typed quickly so details are not forgotten. I think the details and circumstaces are relevent to the situation. And my side of the story is not a threat to this woman or any other kind of rave. The title is appropriate becuase this upset me and I'm merely asking for advice.

I beleive if I posted this as a hypothetical situation you would have responded differently. I'm just asking becuase I'm sure others have encountered this and may be knowledgable.

If you read more closely I'm upset becuase I feel that somebody tried to deceive me in making me leave land I have been on as long as I can remember in which I have reviewed the legality and abided by the applicable laws. I am also very familiar with the type of people that perceive conversation as confrontation so I am weary of going to this woman's home.

I will triple check this week though. My town hall should have land maps on public record right? And then maybe a drive to the local PD to talk to them? But advice is appreciated, and I hope any advice found here can be used if anybody else encounters this kind of situation. Thanks again.

Gezzer: I am in Plaistow, right on the border. Literally 2 miles from it. Mass residents frequently shop down route 125 because there's no sales tax.
I helped cut that trail. This is where the lady was screaming from. This is clearly not her property becuase when I was a boyscout we constructed and cut trails through the area she was screaming from. I'm in those woods all the time and if we were allowed by the town selectmen to contsruct trails and bridges I very much doubt she can try and claim its her land, but I already knew that. maybe in her mind, wherever she can hike to from her house becomes her land. It makes me angry shes trying to kick me out of an area I help to make.
Since you asked for advice, I'll begin by suggesting that you calm down and get your facts straight. First, your initial post began by saying the woman yelled that it was "private" land, but thereafter you ranted that she was claiming it was "her" private land. Which is correct? It doesn't need to be her land in order to be private land. Did she claim it was "her" land, or did she just tell you it was private?

Secondly, you claim to "know" that it's not private land, yet you don't appear to know who owns it. You're in New Hampshire, Mate, one of the original 13 colonies that existed before the American Revolution. There isn't a square inch of New Hampshire that doesn't belong to somebody, so if it doesn't belong to the State or the town -- it belongs to some private entity. The way for you to find out is to go to the town hall and ask the tax assessor to show you the assessor's maps. Find the parcel of land on the map. There should be some kind of a reference code, and the assessor can use that to look up the record and tell you who owns it.

Another thing to consider -- if it's open or public land, anyone has a right to be there. The land may (or may not) be open for hunting during the hunting season, but right now isn't the hunting season. So wandering out there and shooting without a proper range, backstop and berms may not be the wisest course of action even if it is legal. Remember the four rules. One of them is to always be sure of your target AND WHAT'S BEYOND IT. Do you know for a fact that there was nobody else in those woods in what might loosely be described as a "downrange" direction? If not ... you are lucky you didn't wound or kill someone.
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