Urban Coyotes

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Aug 17, 2010

Chicago's Cook County now has over 60 coyotes fitted with radio collars (plus a good many uncollared ones) roaming parks, alleys, yards and thoroughfares in one of the biggest cities in America. The animals earn their keep eating small rodents, especially rats and voles. The Cook County, Illinois, Coyote Project calls itself "the largest urban study of coyotes in the world."


Odd that a city would see these varmints as being useful. Am I wrong? Are coyotes not nearly as useless as they seem here in my part of Virginia. Thanks to the yote population, you can't even find rabbits anymore. They also work over just about any other critter they can catch. So I ask...why hunt coyotes?
Close to the same here in Va except on national forest. I'm not sure about night hunting regulations.
In florida no closed season eather but no night hunting. I have killed song dogs that went 50 lbs!
GA is the same and night hunting is cool too. Yea maybe they should radio collar their pets, then maybe we'd know how many have been turned into dog logs since the coyote project began.
gun restrictions + dangerous (ish?) animals on the loose = great idea! (sarcasm implied)
Correct me if I'm wrong because I am going by what I read on the internet, but it seems strange to me.
hey, we come across the answer to the growth of illegals in America....just fix the males and turn em loose, population of anchor babies will drop to nil....GENIUS....
I find comparing humans to an animal described elsewhere in the thread as a "varmint" offensive. I'm sorry that you felt the need to take the thread off to some political, off-topic place.
They captured 60 coyotes and didn't kill them? That's a shame.

That's what I thought....but when I replied on how to kill coyotes in an urban setting I ended up with a bunch of "Why do you want to kill them?" questions...

It seems a bunch of bike riders don't know zip about coyotes and wild game & pets.
Reason NOT to kill every coyote is that they are absolute death on feral cats... Coyotes will go out of their way to kill cats. We had some move through, cleared us out thank God...
considering I live in Cook County, Chicago to be exact. I do not appreciate these animal rights nuts sticking a collor on these coyotes insted of killing them. They have the gull to tell us if coyotes are attacking our dog we cant shoot them :cuss: inst Crook County a wounderful place to live :(
JohnBT said:
They've been having that problem in D.C. The coyotes are coming out of Rock Creek Park and eating pets.

Someone should point them to Capitol Hill. Anyone know if coyotes will eat their own kind?
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