Using PayPal for Firearm transactions

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Paypal is the single reason I will never deal with Ebay ever again. They are raping the sellers and the buyers and now they are not allowing any other form of payment. Ebay used to be a good deal for everybody. It's a sham now.
Around HALF the stuff on feaBay is STOLEN yet hey make NO apparent efforts to stop that yet are VERY willing to attack gun owners.
Reality is this is the fact when we allow the laws of a single state (the PRK) to dictate their laws on those of us who REFUSE to enter that state because of these absurd laws.
Yes, the Peoples Republik of California has EXTREME limits on guns and fleabay and Paybarf are both required to follow them. But that does NOT mean those of us outside the PRK are bound by their laws! So I just do NOT use their services.
Besides any one who has dealt with these operations know that the chances of either party getting anything resembling service in the event of a problem is so low its unmeasureable.
Used to be OK operations, but then the Goobermint noticed them...
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