Utah man shoots toilet @ Carl's jr.

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FWIW, regarding a few of the serious comments about how to carry into the stall, I've found that w/ an inside the waistband holster, and the right belt, I can leave the belt notched on the very first notch, which is enough to keep the gun in an upright position adjacent to my leg, while still being able to raise/lower the jeans or whatever. While my holster offers some retention, I don't like the gun getting top heavy and falling/slamming to the ground, much less even touching the bathroom floor.

And in a stall where someone might see or reach the gun from the neighboring stall, a quick flip of the waistband from the boxers covers the top of the gun, and in an IWB holster, the rest is covered by the jeans, etc.

I'd prefer not to handle the gun in the restroom, or put it where my other weapons go in the center of the pants etc.

FWIW, I have seen more than one Glock hit the ground, sometimes concrete at indoor range, in the middle of a competitive shooting stage, and never saw one go off. Always a good idea to keep it downrange though...

Seriousness aside, this was a funny thread too!

Keep shooting. We need the buisness.

......................................................I work for Kohler Co... Really.
Yep, semi-auto. Kahrs, Glocks...not safe if you drop 'em. A modern revolver has a transfer bar that prevents that from happening. That's why I carry a wheelgun.
If only modern semi-autos could incorporate some similar kind of idea, perhaps some method that prevented the firing pin from going forward until the trigger was pulled. I'm thinking maybe a little spring-loaded plunger with a cutout or a shoulder that blocks the movement of the firing pin until it is moved by the trigger bar as the trigger is pulled. Someone should invent that.
If only modern semi-autos could incorporate some similar kind of idea, perhaps some method that prevented the firing pin from going forward until the trigger was pulled. I'm thinking maybe a little spring-loaded plunger with a cutout or a shoulder that blocks the movement of the firing pin until it is moved by the trigger bar as the trigger is pulled. Someone should invent that.

If I patent it first can I get a trillion dollars in royalties for guns already sold?
Titan, some guy from Utah beat you to it by about a century.

dang Mormons, dang toilet hating, gun inventing, food storing little buggers.... Next you are going to tell me I can't invent the .50BMG (Big Machine Gun) round
The man was not cited, but police took the firearm for safekeeping while they finish their investigation.

He'll never see that little piece again.

and in 5 years, during an inventory of the evidence locker will turn up missing.

It will likely be awarded as a prize to the winner of the departments fantasy football game.
Here's my approach procedure for #2.

1. a 'real' gun belt.
2. a quality form fitted holster.
3. unbuckle belt and tuck the tab end back around into the belt loop, so the weight of the 'rig' wont pull the belt out of the loop.
4. controlled lowereing of zee trowzers

a proceedure for everything, that's the navy way :)
.40-caliber Kahr P40

"When the gun hit the floor, it went off, and the bullet struck the toilet, shattering it and sending sharp pieces of porcelain flying."

If this news account is correct, the Kahr P40 dropped out of the holster in his pants pocket and went off upon hitting the tiled floor.

I though Kahr was proud of their record of no discharges upon impact.
I'd bet he was fiddling around with the gun and negligently fired it. He's just telling everyone that he dropped it and it "went off."

Magical thinking. Or transference. Take your pick.
The humor is strong in this one. :D

He pulled that trigger one way or the other. I'm not buying that that gun dropped from less than 3 feet is going to discharge on impact.

Boy does this highlight the difference from one state to the next. This situation is virtually identical in every way to the Plaxico Burress situation (other than the state laws of course)... an AD in a public place with a carry gun; only the shooter being injured.

Plax is getting 7 years federal PMITA prison on multiple felonies... this guy is getting... "no charges filed".
Use a quality holster that attaches to a good belt at 2 points either side of the gun. It won't fall out, rotate, or turn up and none of this unholster-and-gently-place-in-"hammock"-of-pants nonsense.
Plax is getting 7 years federal PMITA prison on multiple felonies... this guy is getting... "no charges filed".

And yet some would call this justice.

As a side note I wonder if this helps explain why blacks are represented disproportionately in the prison system?
I was looking for a correlation between state laws, the racial make-up of the state and the idiot gun laws. California throws it for a loop because they have some of the worst laws and low % population of blacks.
This situation is virtually identical in every way to the Plaxico Burress situation (other than the state laws of course)... an AD in a public place with a carry gun; only the shooter being injured.

The "other than the state laws" is a pretty big difference. One gun was carried legally and the other was carried illegally. Burress was charged for illegally carrying, something this other guy didn't do.
Sounds to me like someone was playing toilet stall Clint Eastwood and had a accidental discharge, and made a real nice story to officials...My 2 cents
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