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Vermont to impose UBCs, mag limits, 21 age requirement

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Because Justice Scalia, writing in the Heller case, ruled that membership in the militia has nothing to do with the RKBA. At the time, gun people applauded this. Now they're learning better.

I believe what he said was that it wasn't a 'requirement' of RKBA which is emphatically different than 'has nothing to do with' the RKBA
How will private sales be monitored?

If it's anything like it is here in WA. they won't be. WA. is a big state and so is CO.

A few people have been tagged here for the UBC violation but it was a result of an investigation for another crime. One was a murder.

I'm not saying it won't be enforced in VT, but it requires additional resources and is generally a very low or non priority for LE. A good number of them here said they wouldn't enforce it due to resources and it looks like they aren't. Ours went into affect a few years ago.

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I'm not so sure how you could think that a state that passed constitutional carry won't ban semi-auto rifles and high capacity magazines.

Vermont didn't pass constitutional carry. It had been part of the Vermont Constitution since its inception. After two centuries Vermont is experiencing a constriction of rights that previously existed unfettered where in NH and ME obstructions to the RTKBA are being removed. I'm not saying that ME & NH couldn't enact an AW/High Cap ban; it's just that, given recent actions, it's unlikely.

No, New England is not a "hot bed of conservatives". However Washington State, along with the rest of the West Coast, isn't either.

...and I don't think the 2A abolitionists are done with Vermont. For that matter no state is 'safe'.
Vermont didn't pass constitutional carry. It had been part of the Vermont Constitution since its inception. After two centuries Vermont is experiencing a constriction of rights that previously existed unfettered where in NH and ME obstructions to the RTKBA are being removed. I'm not saying that ME & NH couldn't enact an AW/High Cap ban; it's just that, given recent actions, it's unlikely.

No, New England is not a "hot bed of conservatives". However Washington State, along with the rest of the West Coast, isn't either.

...and I don't think the 2A abolitionists are done with Vermont. For that matter no state is 'safe'.

Unlike you, I have no illusions of being spared a state AR/mag ban. The entire west coast will have one sooner or later. So will the New England states. The lower federal courts have already made it possible and there's enough support for it by polls that suggest the voters are ready for it. All it will take is one or two more mass shootings and AWB's will be popping up like dandy lions in blue states.

I already know it's coming for me. I'm making plans right now to move.
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Unlike you, I have no illusions of being spared a state AR/mag ban. The entire west coast will have one sooner or later. So will the New England states. The lower federal courts have already made it possible and there's enough support for it by polls that suggest the voters are ready for it. All it will take is one or two more mass shootings and AWB's will be popping up like dandy lions in blue states.

I already know it's coming for me. I'm making plans right now to move.
It's creeping down the east coast too. Virginia is literally one legislative election away from an AWB. Depending on the form that this takes, I may have to move.

But, nationally, no place is safe. I think we're going to have to reassess where we stand after this fall's congressional elections. Eventually, the best result may be to add AW's to the NFA. But if the antis smell blood, they certainly won't stop there.
...and I don't think the 2A abolitionists are done with Vermont. For that matter no state is 'safe'

Unlike you, I have no illusions of being spared a state AR/mag ban.

What part of my comment above gave you the impression I was under an illusion of being spared?

What we all should be concerned with is the possibility of a Federal AWB. If that happens your next relocation might involve learning another language.

Take a knee, 'Train, we're on the same side.
But, nationally, no place is safe. I think we're going to have to reassess where we stand after this fall's congressional elections. Eventually, the best result may be to add AW's to the NFA. But if the antis smell blood, they certainly won't stop there.

That won't be enough for some states. They like to drive the bus so they will just continue to do as they please with restrictions on semi-auto rifles. When states can pass any legislation they want regarding AR's there is little reason for congress to pass any federal legislation although they keep trying.
Virginia is literally one legislative election away from an AWB.
I have seen you post this sentiment many times, and am wondering where you got it from. I believe we should remain vigilant, but am not sure I believe that it is as imminent as you do. What is your source? Thanks.
where in NH and ME obstructions to the RTKBA are being removed. I'm not saying that ME & NH couldn't enact an AW/High Cap ban; it's just that, given recent actions, it's unlikely.

My point was and is that people are beginning to realize that having a handgun for self defense is a good thing. I think it's a mistake to equate concealed carry with AR's. If a mass shooting with an AR happened in VT tomorrow, there would likely be legislation passed to restrict the rifle in that state. It happened in Mass.
I have seen you post this sentiment many times, and am wondering where you got it from. I believe we should remain vigilant, but am not sure I believe that it is as imminent as you do. What is your source? Thanks.
The governor, Northam, is an avowed (almost maniacal) antigunner, and has made an AWB a top priority. The House of Delegates is split, 51-49 in favor of the Republicans, but with several races going to recounts and coin tosses. (In the previous legislature, the Republicans had a 32-seat advantage, so you see where this trend is going.) Likewise, the Senate is split 21-19 in favor of the Republicans, with the next election in 2019. A flip of one seat would give control to the Democrats, since the Lt. Gov. has the deciding vote. As far as I know, all the Democrats are in favor of an AWB, since the party has made that a litmus test (much to my chagrin, I might add). I would say the odds are that we'll see an AWB in early 2020. It would be almost a miracle if that can be avoided.

The key question will be, what form would an AWB take? Grandfathering, or not? Remember, Virginia is one of several "Uniform Machine Gun Act" states. It would be a simple thing to bring AW's under the relatively toothless UMGA (registration with the State Police is required, and that's about it). The proposed 10-round magazine limit is actually more troublesome.
The governor, Northam, is an avowed (almost maniacal) antigunner, and has made an AWB a top priority. The House of Delegates is split, 51-49 in favor of the Republicans, but with several races going to recounts and coin tosses. (In the previous legislature, the Republicans had a 32-seat advantage, so you see where this trend is going.) Likewise, the Senate is split 21-19 in favor of the Republicans, with the next election in 2019. A flip of one seat would give control to the Democrats, since the Lt. Gov. has the deciding vote. As far as I know, all the Democrats are in favor of an AWB, since the party has made that a litmus test (much to my chagrin, I might add). I would say the odds are that we'll see an AWB in early 2020. It would be almost a miracle if that can be avoided.

The key question will be, what form would an AWB take? Grandfathering, or not? Remember, Virginia is one of several "Uniform Machine Gun Act" states. It would be a simple thing to bring AW's under the relatively toothless UMGA (registration with the State Police is required, and that's about it). The proposed 10-round magazine limit is actually more troublesome.

That's the situation here in WA. GOP has lost both the senate and the house by several seats in both. We also have a very AG governor who would sign any gun control bill put on his desk. I think we will have an AWB here as early as the next session in 2019.

The AR restriction won't affect me, but the magazine ban will. I don't expect them to exempt any 15 rd magazines, even M1 carbine mags. I might just sell them before the law goes into effect. I'll wait and see. It's a sad situation.:(
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That mag ban grandfathers magazines possessed on the date of enactment. The Vermont legislators backtracked on a blanket mag ban, as well as an AWB. Because of the grandfather provision, the mag ban is completely toothless going forward. Anything could be a "preban" mag.

NY USED TO allow "preban" until they changed the law. It is not toothless it very much toothed and if this becomes your law you will become like NY sooner or later.
The AR restriction won't affect me, but the magazine ban will. I don't expect them to exempt any 15 rd magazines, even M1 carbine mags. I might just sell them before the law goes into effect. I'll wait and see. It's a sad situation.:(
As I understand it, Washington State residents who owned machine guns prior to July 1994 (in compliance with federal law) can continue to possess them. Without feeding devices (magazines and belts) these are just wall hangers. Trying to shoot a machine gun with a 10-round magazine (or 10 rounds linked in a belt) is ridiculous.

This just goes to show how dishonest grandfathering is. After all, machine gun owners are people who have jumped through all the hoops, and are certified to be the cream of society. If they can't own guns, then nobody can.
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