Victim shoots kidnapper

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Oct 29, 2010

A woman was kidnapped and abused by a man, but she was later able to get ahold of his gun and shoot him.

The interesting thing I noticed in this article - nowhere did I see mention of "if we had stricter gun control laws, he wouldn't have a gun" (this is good). Also, the comments were all discussing whether the kidnapper "got what he deserved" or whether the girl was exxagerating the story to cover-up murder. In either case, the posters attributed the guilt of the death to the person they felt was more guilty and not to the gun. (A few say "he died because he had a GSW, but none say "the gun is evil").
Good for her. One less low-life dirt-bag the hard working citizens of Tennessee have to support in prison.

I hope the young lady is able to heal from her ordeal and enjoy the rest of her life.
Good on the lady; i wish her well. BTW: The perp leaked awhile before expiring.

Cronk's body was discovered Friday in his 2004 Nissan pickup by a gas station clerk at a local truck stop about 15 miles from the hotel.
The interesting thing I noticed in this article - nowhere did I see mention of "if we had stricter gun control laws, he wouldn't have a gun" (this is good).

Its funny how on just about every thread posted referencing a gun related news article there are posts about a "surprising" lack of media bias.
Eh, Justin, I've seen a lot lately that the reporters are spewing out bad information and have a strong bias against "assault" weapons, so I thought this would be a nice change from those.
If only we had stronger anti-kidnapping laws this would not have happened.... sigh!
We need signs, in every park, shopping mall, parking lot, saying "No kidnapping allowed." That would stop it.

(Depraved criminals always obey signs, don't they?)
Eh, Justin, I've seen a lot lately that the reporters are spewing out bad information and have a strong bias against "assault" weapons, so I thought this would be a nice change from those.

You could be an exception but in my experience most people who make such claims about "the media" tend to watch fox news exclusively.

And sorry but not sharing the gun communities definition of the world "assault rifle" is not proof a media conspiracy.
You could be an exception but in my experience most people who make such claims about "the media" tend to watch fox news exclusively.

And you know that to be true, how?

And sorry but not sharing the gun communities definition of the world "assault rifle" is not proof a media conspiracy.
And using the "N" word instead of "African-American" is not proof the Ku Klux Klan is bigoted, either.
But the police say that you should NEVER resist a criminal.
Good for her ! You know that strikes me as funny the police say that you should (NEVER) resist a criminal. But when I was in the (ARMY) if you were captured it was your sworn duty to escape & or kill the enemy !
We should make every where a no kidnapping zone, then all the kidnappers would just move to another country. Worked for no gun zones didn't it? What we really need is a swift justice system with 1 trial and 1 appeal, don't drag it out for 10 years, maybe put in an express lane in the death chamber.
Glad she had the presence of mind to grab the gun. Now if she'd only have the presence to carry one.

Funny how the content of this story is pretty much the same as one I posted last week, but it was pulled by a mod as inappropriate and spam: a person defending themselves with a firearm. Thanks for the infractions rbernie! :rolleyes:
Now I am not a journalist, and I am sure there is a reason for it, but isn't there a better way to report a story and make it clear you are only reporting what you heard from the police without writing "police say" in 8 of the first 9 sentences? Come on now.
Owen, your comment is pretty cute. I wish I would have thought up that one. It makes me think "If I just could make up a few signs, official looking of course and very similar to the 'No Guns Allowed' and; every time I see a no guns sign, stick up my 'No Rape Allowed' or 'No Robbing Allowed' next to it." It would be pretty funny and just might make some of the liberal sheep think a little about how stupid these gun free zones are. Then again, it probably would just go right over the top of their heads and think it was a really great idea.
It would be pretty funny and just might make some of the liberal sheep think a little about how stupid these gun free zones are.

It may come as a surprise to some but there are people who hold antigun views who are not liberal and vice versa.

And you know that to be true, how?

Umm, i think that was pretty obvious when i said "in my experience". Or maybe they all just lied to me and make sure to turn their TVs or computers straight to fox every time i walk by.

"And using the "N" word instead of "African-American" is not proof the Ku Klux Klan is bigoted, either."
Actually, it kind of does. But quite irrelevant given that unlike use of the term "assault rifle" their is no ambiguity as to its meaning.
A few thoughts about the coverage that local (or any other) news outfit provides when something newsworthy occurs. In the 22 years I was in law enforcement the coverage of things I was personally involved in was always inaccurate. Sometimes it was so bad you wondered just what incident they were talking, writing, etc. about. I don't mean they didn't get the names right - I mean they didn't get anything right...

Mark Twain (Sam Clemens) is supposed to have written that if you don't read a newspaper you're uninformed... if you do read a newspaper, you're mis-informed... I guess things haven't changed that much in the last hundred years. If anyone has the correct quote, I'd love to see it since it speaks volumes.

By the way, no matter what you hear initially about a violent incident... with bad guy and good victim, a smart investigator always looks at it two ways. The first is that it did occur as claimed, the second (and much less fun) way is to look at it as though nothing you've been told is true... It's enough to make a fellow pretty cynical.

Eh, Justin, I've seen a lot lately that the reporters are spewing out bad information and have a strong bias against "assault" weapons, so I thought this would be a nice change from those.
You could be an exception but in my experience most people who make such claims about "the media" tend to watch fox news exclusively.

And sorry but not sharing the gun communities definition of the world "assault rifle" is not proof a media conspiracy.

Well, I must be an exception too. I voted for Obama, have centrist political beliefs, think Hannity is a complete moron and panderer, and I watch CNN, MSNBC, and FOX.

Most of all, I think the media is skewed toward the "assault weapons are evil" ideology. NOT because those reporting it truly believe it or that they have some hidden agenda (they may). The "media" does it to get eyeballs (aka money). Follow the money...
Umm, i think that was pretty obvious when i said "in my experience". Or maybe they all just lied to me and make sure to turn their TVs or computers straight to fox every time i walk by.
So you would have no objection if someone else said in their experience all liberals are anti-gun?

Actually, it kind of does. But quite irrelevant given that unlike use of the term "assault rifle" their is no ambiguity as to its meaning.
Where's the ambiguity in "assault rifle?" The original was the Sturngewher (Assault Rifle) 43 which was a selective fire rifle chambered for an intermediate cartridge.

If it isn't selective fire and it isn't chambered for an intermediate cartridge, it isn't an assault rifle.
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