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Walmart Sporting Goods Manager Denies Computer Reports

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May 31, 2008
Went into a Walmart yesterday and had a discussion with the sporting goods manager about .22 ammo deliveries.

I mentioned that I had seen Walmart computer printouts showing his store had recently gotten a bunch of .22, a few times in the last week or so. He vehemently denied it, says he hadn't had .22 ammo in 8 weeks, and the reports were erroneous.

I pointed out that there are accusations on the internet of ammo being hidden or held rather than being put on the shelves. He said he was a shooter and had seen the same reports, but they were fictitious.

So who is one to believe, computer reports that Walmart does business by, or the local employee? :confused:
Went into a Walmart yesterday and had a discussion with the sporting goods manager about .22 ammo deliveries.

I mentioned that I had seen Walmart computer printouts showing his store had recently gotten a bunch of .22, a few times in the last week or so. He vehemently denied it, says he hadn't had .22 ammo in 8 weeks, and the reports were erroneous.

I pointed out that there are accusations on the internet of ammo being hidden or held rather than being put on the shelves. He said he was a shooter and had seen the same reports, but they were fictitious.

So who is one to believe, computer reports that Walmart does business by, or the local employee? :confused:
Talk to the Sporting Goods manager's boss (or the boss of his boss) and see if that gets results. If there are any irregularities in inventory count and whats coming off the truck. I'm sure the higher ups would be interested in setting the record straight.
I am good friends with the sporting goods manager at our local Wal-Mart. There is no nation wide Wal-Mart conspiracy to keep ammo outta the hands of customers, nor is there a secret code/password needed, if they have ammo. Many local Wal-Marts get their ammo/components from local distributors. So just cause a Wal-Mar in Ohio has .22 LR, don't mean every Wal-Mart in the nation does......and just cause you heard it on the internet, don't mean it's the gospel truth. Simple solution is, if you don't trust your local Wal-Mart sporting goods manger, don't patronize them. I'm sure the other folks lookin' for ammo won't mind.
Does walmart offer "site to store" where you can order it online and it is delivered to the store in your name and you pick it up?

Just looked at http://www.walmart.com/cp/Site-to-Store/538452#37416 and it says hazmat items are not on the list, wonder if that is ammo too? Just by seeing whats going on at the stores ammo would never make it to the shelf if walmart let you order it.
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Does walmart offer "site to store" where you can order it online and it is delivered to the store in your name and you pick it up?
I have suggested something like this. Let me pay for the item (s) at the store and email or call me when it comes in.

They said they can't do that, but it beats having to go there to ask when "the truck comes in" and then have to come back again later so I can start waiting in line for a box or two of ammo.
I mentioned that I had seen Walmart computer printouts showing his store had recently gotten a bunch of .22, a few times in the last week or so. He vehemently denied it, says he hadn't had .22 ammo in 8 weeks, and the reports were erroneous.

I guess my first question is how did you come to see these computer printouts? How were they made available to you? My question then becomes why should I believe you? If you do not have copies of the printouts it is your word against his as I see it.

There are smart phone apps that show inventory and when things are coming in.
Personally, it is not worth waiting in line to buy from Walmart to save a dollar or two. A person's time is worth something more than $1/hour
Now if Wal-Mart was short but no other store I might feel there was something to it, but Academy Sports is short to. Gander Mountain to.

But they are all short.

The small Walmart on the west side of Lawrence, Kansass, had some CCI standard velocity 22 last week as well as 45acp 100 packs and some other pistol calibers. (plenty of 40 cal) The north side Topeka store had some 9mm Thursday but I think it was Tula ammo.
3 box limit is still in effect...
My WalMart is always bone dry unless you want big rifle caliber stuff. Or cheap shotgun ammo.

But head over to Cabelas about 20 minutes away, and their shelves are busting at the seams. But nobody is buying it because it's so overpriced...everyone is betting on Walmart inventory showing up....
Walmart here in Hayden/Coeur d'Alene, Idaho has centerfire pistol ammo.. Plenty of .380 and 45 ACP. the was around 20 boxes of 38, and 10 of 45 Long Colt and there was some 40 S&W. I needed the 40, so I bought 2 boxes and left 8 WWB on the shelves for the next guy. I bought the WWB for $19.95/box of 50. Same price it was before the shortages. No 22 LR to be found, except on gunbroker, where there are litterally millions of round for sale with bids generally starting around $60 for 500 rounds. SOm of the exotic 22 LR ammo is as much as $200/500 rounds. I'll stick withe Walmart for now and keep my 22 rifles and pistols in the safe for use later.

Good luck finding ammo locally, wherever you are.
Speedo66 is merely asking a valid question concerning the reliability of the information he received from the dept. mngr. He does not appear to be bashing walmart as BSA1 seems to be implying.

I personally have seen ammo shipment reports sitting on the counter at walmarts on more than 1 occassion, so I doubt that he is making it up as Reloadron suggests.

Has it really become so bad that we are accounting Walmart employees demanding they turn over shipping manifests that we have no claim or right to see? Really? Wow.

I see nowhere in the post that the OP demanded to see anything. He just had some questions that any reasonable person would have in this situation. It is perfectly logical to question the veracity of an employee who denies that a shipment has arrived, even though there is evidence that would suggest otherwise, especially when that product is probably the highest demand item that walmart stocks, and has the potential to sell for double retail cost. Its an easy way to double his salary for the week if he just sells it to his buddies or buys it all himself, etc.

It is also possible that the OP saw an order for .22, and mistakenly thought it was a BOL (Bill of Lading). I have heard from several walmart employees that they can order it, but they just get whatever shows up.

Also, at a walmart that had just opened a couple weeks ago, I happened to be present as they were unloading HALF A PALLET of ammo into the display case. They actually had to bring it back to the back, because there wasnt enough space. I was told that new stores get priority. Wish I had taken a pic of all of it...
Hey, what's a panic without hoarders? Or rather, what's a panic without people baselessly accusing each other of being hoarders? :rolleyes:

I highly doubt Wal-Mart would stand for deliveries being diverted. That stuff is completely and totally against all business norms, and would likely even land important people in jail if it was tolerated.

I do however believe that floor-level goobers play games, hiding ammo in random spots instead of stocking it, or holding it in the back room, so their buddies can get their fix in exchange for a kick-back. It's a bit hard to do when the ammo is bought off the truck as is claimed these days, though.

And if the ammo is diverted off the truck, there's no way for the store to get money, and that most definitely would get reported and corrected ;)

The moral is, "Human behavior is economic behavior; distort the free market, and you get warped behavior"

How much panic would there still be if Walmart had ammo, but it was expensive? ;) Pure marketing brilliance :evil:

I mentioned that I had seen Walmart computer printouts showing his store had recently gotten a bunch of .22, a few times in the last week or so.
He just had some questions that any reasonable person would have in this situation.


How many of us bring up computer printouts of internal inventory when our favorite box of cereal, or beer is not on the shelf?
If people would just stop paying for ammo that is overpriced online (Gunbroker, Armslist, Craigslist) then this would all stop. Look what happened with AR's. People panicked and were paying $2,000 for AR's that prepanic were $700. Now prices are back to pretty close to normal and they are back on the shelves. And the people that bought them at those prices probably wish they hadn't. But in their defense they didn't know that they wouldn't be banned. So, at the time, they though they were either making a smart decision either from a "I may never get the opportunity to own one" or an "investment" standpoint. It just didn't pan out that way.

As long as there are people willing to pay "high" prices for ammo, there's no reason for people that have it, or can get it, NOT to sell it at "high" prices. Quit giving the "hoarders and resellers" a reason to keep doubling their money and they will stop. We are our own enemy with this one. We're continuing to fuel the "ammo shortage" fire. JMHO
I've had more than one WalMart person tell me they have no .22 even though the online site shows they do. Same story- haven't had it in weeks.
On the other hand I've bought it when their site shows none in stock at that particular store.
Bottom line- I think most of the time they haven't got a clue.

What bothers me more is the WalMart on Bush River Rd in Columbia SC has a guy in sporting goods who REFUSES to sell more than one box even though the sign clearly indicates a 3 box limit.
I hope WalMart management reads these threads and straightens out the guy with the self appointed one box limit:p
I would walk in that store and immediately ask for the store manager, tell them whats going on and then take them to the sporting goods department with you. A clerk, or even a manager, doesn't have the authority to change corperate policy.
Walmart is the 800lb. gorilla in retail marketing. Their buying power sets the standard for American business, they're an American institution, and sell more merchandise than any other business in the world.

They regularly charge manufacturers for shelf space simply to get their products out for sale. Inclusion at Walmarts guarantees millions of sales. They basically shake down manufacturers to insure they get the lowest wholesale prices.

When there are phantom problems in the supply line in a company with the scope of Walmart, which based on their sales is run in an efficient manner, you have to wonder if foul play is at work.

In my initial post I didn't accuse anyone of anything. I put my findings of that particular stores inventory history vs. the oral report I received from the dept. manger, and asked for the members of this board's take on the disparity.
Speedo66 is merely asking a valid question concerning the reliability of the information he received from the dept. mngr. He does not appear to be bashing walmart as BSA1 seems to be implying.
Good luck with that! :rolleyes:

I think what got Speedo66 started was a locked thread started by me, in which I also pointed out that I merely asked questions, but was the subject of ad hominem attacks by certain folks that apparently don't understand reading is fundamental...or maybe it was just a case of some folks protesting too loudly.

Blessed be the curious, as their questions will be taken as hardships.

BTW - yesterday was a "bad" ammo run, as I only picked up 1,050 rds. of 22 ammo, but I was on a "scope" run yesterday.

Had a friend looking for two of the new Bushnell Throw Down PCL scopes, so I hit a few stores that I knew had them - ammo was secondary on the list yesterday.
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