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Want first gun, wife problems

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hey there guy,
the best is to do the above mentioned. in short educate yourself! also its a great idea to invest in a keyed gun safe if you win the war that is. the last thing you want is to hide something like a gun with youngens roming the house they will find it. god forbid something happening like that, i know i could never forgive myself if that happened to me.

all in all

1. educate your self on why you want to have guns

2. safty! keep em locked up and at close hand. pluse you can use the safe to house valuables.

3. when the kids get old enough, 5-8 depending , teach them about guns.

4. look into a handgun carry corse, it will give you the knowledge of the laws

5. never give up. i was raised around guns, and i thank my parents every day.

when you are raised around guns you have a different respect for them than if you are not. plus its something you and your kids can do as a group, it teaches responsablity, safety and defence. 3 of the best things you can learn.

secrets never work with a woman and kids, it never works out!
Geez! Tough One.....No Secrets! .... Bad Idea!

I cant even Imagine if mine ever said no to guns in house?

I would presume she would ask me in a few days....

"honey why are all those construction people outside pouring conncrete and laying block and sawing wood and stuff" ?

Uh! they are actually building us another house.....uh one for me with guns in it, and then I can watch over you in your house, from my house!

All jokes aside....I hope you two can find compromise!

Might start with, since no guns I think we should go take some self defense courses...maybe put kids in karate.

Buy the book "More guns less crime" and leave it beside your chair while you are away at work.

Leave your computer on with this web site up...www.thecorneredcat.com

And accidentally buy a subscription to Women & Guns magazine.

Start with a Mace "Gun" ..... not just a can of mace A Mace Gun! start putting the feel there maybe.... but there for their protection....

And one in PINK! couldnt hurt.

Also....If you have a Garage or Shop not attached to house...buy a quality gun safe and put it out there! start there and maybe, just maybe ....never know where it will go.....and maybe the Mace gun would buy you the time to get to garage if the bad scenario ever took place!


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Some random bits of advice:

The folks telling you not to keep secrets are quite correct. It's better to openly determine a course of action and take it on your own authority, and let her do as she will than try a doomed sneak maneuver.

But that plan above is a last resort. It takes time & patience to win a resistant spouse over, but it can be done.

Start with a fast access safe for your dresser/closet whatever. It makes sense to have a safe for the valuables, and to make concrete your commitment to safe storage.

Paxton Quigley's book Armed & Female is worthwhile: http://www.amazon.com/Armed-Female-...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1298006520&sr=8-1 My wife read the old edition, which was somewhat dated. I understand she's updated it recently.

Take lessons at a rental range for yourself. The more you know, the better off you are.
Well, I'd say divorce her (or at least threaten to), but then you would probably be stripped from your ability to protect your children. Buy the gun. Don't hide it. Take your kids shooting and get teach them responsibility. By having pressure from everyone else in her family, she'll cave.
Yours is a hard row to hoe.

This is something I would have hashed out before marriage.

You can have a serious disagreement with her about this which could lead to divorce and she could ruin your ability to be able to own firearms in the future if she so chose.
Looking to own my first firearm, in fact, I'd like two. A shotgun to keep locked up for calamity, and a pocket pistol to keep in dresser for home invasion and bring with me when I go out.

I have a loving, liberal wife and two young kids. She will not tolerate guns in the house.

Has anyone successfully kept firearms in secret?

Obviously, I would be extremely responsible. And yes I have balls, but I married a liberal and I have to live with certain consequences.

Thanks in advance.


According to your comment,
A shotgun to keep locked up for Calamity,
I had thought that "Calamity" was your wife's nickname... :eek::D

In all seriousness, never keep secrets of this nature from the wife.

As for further ideas concerning your problem(s), go with what has already been posted on this topic..
Ask her, why she feels it is your family's best interest for them to be defenseless against a burglar, rapist, kidnapper, drug addict or child molester that breaks into your home?
The only thing I can add that others haven't said is this. What happens if you successfully hide the weapon and need to use it. I don't think you'll appear the hero and she may take it away and use it on you.

I asked my wife is she cared if I obtained my CCW and she said she didn't care but she didn't want me to carry a gun. I told her that the purpose of the CCW is to be able to carry a gun.

I agreed not to go through with the classes but there have been recent evidence that would make carrying a gun useful. I mention those to her and explain that's why I want to carry.

You can do the same while watching the evening news.

My situation has her not wanting me to carry a firearm to not carrying the gun everywhere.

She's not a liberal but doesn't want to see us get sued or me go to jail for using it.
Don't keep secrets. Do you have a dog? If not get one. Learn empty hand techniques. Carrying a cane/knife will help. Above all don't take a knife to a gun fight.
I think the key is to find out EXACTLY what her concern is. Fear? Then focus on making her comfortable around them. Fear of hurting the kids? Get a safe. Fear of shooting anyone - even an intruder? Don't dwell on self-protection.

My wife is ok but less than thrilled with guns around. I try to focus on and show her we can be safe, responsible and normal folks.
Might start with, since no guns I think we should go take some self defense courses...maybe put kids in karate.


A gun should not be your only form of protection and defense! It should probably be your *last* form for use only if all other measures have failed.

At the risk of inciting the anger of some people here it should be mentioned that when you do show the facts to your wife she will see that over 2/3 of the reported violent crimes against women are committed by a person known to her. Those are just the reported crimes, folks.

I still want a big, loud, and intimidating dog to scare away an intruder, but I know very well I need to worry a lot more about being involved with a guy with a very hot temper and a "my way or the highway" attitude than I do about home invasions from strangers. Is your wife an unfit mother if she would hesitate to shoot you or someone you know if you or they inflict violence upon her or her children?
Don't know about the shotgun, but the little pocket pistol may be a good idea to start with. One thing I've learned about people is that you cannot change them and it's rude to try. I understand that marriage is built on trust and you must communicate all your choices to her, but you have to understand that she may not agree with you when you try to buy a gun. No matter how much you try and sway her, it probably won't work. That being said, it still doesn't hurt to try. If you don't even TRY to ask her and talk to her about it, she's already going to be 100% against it because you never tried. If you try to talk to her and reason with her, it's at least a 50/50 coin flip. So all in all, it's worth a try to persuade her. If all else fails, you're either going to have to buy then gun and keep it a secret, don't buy the gun at all or buy the gun and get into a big argument/dispute that may lead to separation. What is more important to you out of the three choices? Each come with their own responsibilities and consequences, choose your decision and live with it.
Pick guns from about ten categories(handguns, rifles, and shotguns of various actions, calibers, and usage categories) and tell her you've decided to have a collection of firearms. When she puts up an argument, drag the argument out as long as necessary then tell her you're willing to compromise and settle for just two or three.
Dont ask your wife again. Just buy it. You're a grown man. Men were made to lead women. We are the CEO of the household. Sure there are things the people we supervise wife/kids/dog etc dont like, but they have to respect that. Security of your home is a big deal. Your wife is scared because she just doesnt understand. If you take the proper safety precautions she'll most likely be happy later that you have it. I dont ask anymore. I just buy em and she may find out someday (she dont have the combo to my safe either:)
marriage is about compromise

marriage is about compromise,
Tell her you want four guns, since she wants none, meet in the middle, and everyone's happy:evil:

man you have more patience than I if you are happily living with a liberal wife. Hats off to you sir. I have to agree with the rest, secrets are never good in a marriage, I would much rather have the fight right here and now about the new gun, than a while from now about the gun I have been hiding form her ;)

Most of the rest of the gentlemen on this forum have given you good advice. But you know your wife better than we do. Here is how I would treat such a situation;

My thoughts are, you are the man, and if you feel it is right for you or your family for you to own a gun or two, then it is ultimately your decision. As man of my house, I have the final say where our finances go, what is and isn't allowed in my house(or who for that matter), general rules of the house, and punishments for breaking them. I abide by the rules just like every one else, and lead by example, Which is what you should do.

Tell your wife, You will be buying a gun, and you would appreciate her input on which one, and the best place to keep it. Buy a pistol box to keep the kids safe, and find a good way to secure your shotgun you will have. Educate your family about them, make them comfortable around them, while maintaining a healthy respect for them. teach your family the gun rules. even a liberal can be educated.
Well, I'm certainly no expert, but that's never stopped me from dropping my 2 cents before.

Don't keep it a secret. Really, don't. You say you're wife is a liberal and dead set against guns; now, I don't know your wife, but most of the people I know who are like that really believe that the only thing a gun does is kill innocent people. That the only possible reason to own a gun is to murder someone, or that at the very least owning a gun makes people in your household a bajillion times more likely to die (43 times is the oft quoted statistic). So if you buy a gun and keep it a secret, and she finds it, she just might think you were planning on killing her. Or at least being reckless with her life and the lives of your kids. People who don't like guns tend to get very irrational about guns.

The best thing you can do is educate yourself. NOLAEMT mentioned www.gunfacts.info earlier, it's an excellent site and I'd like to second it. If you spend a little bit of time doing research you'll be able to easily counter anti-gun arguments. Gun control talking points only make sense if you don't think about them to long.

Once you feel pretty comfortable with your knowledge of the stats, start to engage her, but be polite. When most people feel that their ideologies are being attacked, they get defensive, and tend to become irrationally stubborn. At that point they're not interested in the truth, they just don't want to be wrong. You can't let that happen, if she starts getting too defensive drop the issue, and bring it back up later. Be polite and patient, but persistent as well; you can be annoying, just not aggressive.

Be willing to compromise in the beginning, buy a gun safe first. Then settle for keeping a gun in the house but no ammo. Eventually she'll get used to the idea of having a gun in the house, and she'll hopefully start to see it as the simple mechanical tool that it is. And not the demon possessed, quenched in the blood of babies psychotic killing machine that they are often made out to be.

A lot of people really do ascribe an almost magical stigma to guns. A friend of mine who isn't an anti was visiting once and I showed my new revolver. He picked it up and got a little freaked out. He asked "So if i put this bullet in here, point it at you and pull the trigger, then it will fire? Just like that? I'm not comfortable with that." I responded "Well, are you going to load a bullet, point the the gun at me and pull the trigger?". He said "No" and we were able to continue our friendship.

But the point is that guns sometimes remind others of their own fragile mortality, and they become blinded by that and view guns as things that create the possibility for death. A possibility, that in their minds, did not exist before. They forget the fact that such risks exist around every corner (there must have been countless objects in my room that my friend could have killed me with just as easily).

Anyway, I've rambled way to much. To sum, be patient.

Or you know, I spose you could just buy a gun and then tell her. Hell, that's how I got a motorcycle past my parents.

Whatever you do, good luck.
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Maybe other people approach the situation differently, but there's no way I'd personally keep something like that from my wife. I made a COMMITMENT to HONOR her when I took those vows, and, in my mind, that means lying to her, especially about an issue so controversial, is simply out of the question. I spent 5 years engaged, learning about my wife, before ever saying "I do'. Theres no way I could personally marry someone with ideals so far removed from my own, nor do I recommend that course of action to others. To do so only sets one of for problems like these later in life.
When my son growing up (visiting the house) my only gun was a Savage. 22 rifle, up in the attic, unknown to him.

Had I been interested in guns back then, especially handguns, just the idea of a mistake being made when putting the gun away into what should be hdden from view-but noticed by a young boy, not noticed by me-would have scared me.

I never would have had a handgun with a young kid in the house, but if things workout for you, maybe you can develop a handling (exposing) method whereby no mistake can possibly be made, i.e. access, unlocked etc? They did a very interesting hidden camera episode on young kids who found empty handguns in a building.

This might be the primary concern of most guys' wives.

Those articles about self-defense situations in the NRA magazine are a very good idea: "The Armed Citizen".
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One of my friends went through this same sort of thing a couple of years ago.

Luckily I'm not married to a liberal and don't have to tolerate them in my private life. He took a gun safety class, looked at and studied his various options with me to help him, and then made his selection of appropriate firearm.

Along with the firearm he bought a lock-box to secure the weapon. His wife pitched a fit. I was proud of him, as I was standing there to hear him tell her, "I'm the man of the house, and it's my responsibility to protect you and our son. I have a gun and I'm keeping it. If you don't like it, there's the door."

They are still married and getting along great. She doesn't like his "gun", sometimes a man just has to do what a man has to do. If that offends the metro-sexual effeminate males among us, or the females that have emasculated their men, I don't much care.

Men and women have their roles and no amount of trying to deny that fact will change it. For those of you wondering, he was also the Best man at our Wedding.

Was never a problem for me because I always made sure one of the first three dates was a trip to the range. Weeds out the liberals! Then since they know I have firearms, they cant pull the 180 on me.

However in your situation I would start by buying a safe. Buy the 2 guns you want and place them inside. When wife asks about the safe eventually say "that old thing I had that since before we got married". If placed in your man cave (basement or garage) will atract even less attention and probably forestall the apoccalypse. Dont ever give her the combo unless absolutely necessary! I would also reiterate gun in sock drawer not a wise move! Firearms need a safe to secure them from kids! My 8 yo daughter goes to the range and fishes with me. It can be a bonding experience like no other!

Whatever you decide always make sure she knows she is #1, bribery goes a long way here! She gets bling you get gun nuff said! She may not like it but she will be happier!
Well, no one's brought it up yet, so I gotta ask, what's your experience with guns? Have you ever fired one? Did you used to shoot when you were younger but got out of it for awhile, and does your wife know if you did? One reason she might be hesitant is because she thinks you're going into this with zero experience, if you have some, that might help. If you are a first time gun owner, maybe try floating the idea of you two going to a safety class together. It'd be a good experience for you and would probably help allay some of her fears.

No matter what, don't try and hide it from her. When she finds out-and she will find out,-the fight's gonna be freaking horrific. We're talking grabbing the kids and leaving bad, because she'll see it as you betraying her trust, and rightly so. If you decide to go through with it despite her objections, tell her so, up front. You can pick the level of tact, or lack thereof, from the varying responses so far. You might try this, if you tell her you're getting the gun and she says "I'm leaving" call her bluff. If she goes with the "You'd pick a gun over me?" line tell her "No, I pick my rights over you." Liberals are supposed to be big into equal rights, who knows, it might ring a bell.

I'm glad me and my future Wife sorted this out before we got married. It took awhile, but she got her first gun for Christmas this year and is really starting to get into it.
Looking to own my first firearm, in fact, I'd like two. A shotgun to keep locked up for calamity, and a pocket pistol to keep in dresser for home invasion and bring with me when I go out.

I have a loving, liberal wife and two young kids. She will not tolerate guns in the house.

Has anyone successfully kept firearms in secret?

Obviously, I would be extremely responsible. And yes I have balls, but I married a liberal and I have to live with certain consequences.

Thanks in advance.

First, let's address a few issues you raise. Try this...

I have a loving wife and two young kids. She will not tolerate guns in the house...

....Obviously, I would be extremely responsible. And yes I have balls, but I married (
her) and I have to live with certain consequences.

You say you have a loving wife; does she have a loving husband? If so, why would you put her down in front of a group of people you don't even know?

"Liberal" adds nothing to the anti-gun issue and, as you an see, incites derogatory comments about her. Your wife could be so far to the right she thinks Rush Limbaugh is liberal and still be against guns in the home. Being conservative is no guarantee of being in favor of RKBA.

You want to buy your first guns. If these truly are your first guns, you've picked two of the worst I can imagine. Well, the shotgun isn't really "worst" but keeping it locked up for calamity just isn't realistic; calamity isn't going to wait while you retrieve it. In addition, a pump shotgun (the one most often recommended) requires two hands, can be difficult to deploy in tight quarters, and is the only single-action firearm I have ever heard anyone recommend for home defense. That "Ka-Chunk!" that everyone talks about may be intimidating, it will also give away your position. In a stress situation, it is easy to short-pump and fail to load a fresh round in the chamber, leaving you with a club.

Pocket pistols are among the most difficult firearms to master and many are unpleasant to shoot. Mere possession of a handgun doesn't mean you're prepared in case of an emergency.

If you plan to keep it in the dresser, get a larger handgun. As far as carrying it when you go out, check your state and local laws to see what might be involved with doing that. In practical terms, it's not difficult to conceal a handgun larger than a pocket pistol. There are some very good compact 9 mm pistols on the market. If you want something small and manageable, consider a Ruger SP101 revolver. A revolver has a lot going for it as a first self-defense weapon.

To be honest, my real recommendation for anyone getting a first gun is getting a .22 caliber firearm. A good .22 caliber automatic can be lots of fun, is easy (and inexpensive) to shoot and will give you the opportunity to learn safe handling and marksmanship and practice safe storage at home. A lot of people will recommend a Browning or Ruger, both of which are fine pistols, but I think you should look at a Walther P22. It's small, more fun than a barrel of monkeys, and inexpensive.

Moving to your actual inquiry, everyone has given lots of reasons you shouldn't try to hide it, but the main one is trust and one of the things you're going to have to do is trust your wife to love you and your life together more than she hates guns. This obviously isn't an issue that's going to go away, so you might as well be straightforward about it.

Tell your wife you want to buy a handgun. Tell her that it's important to you, not because of any real or imagined threat, not because you're standing up for God, country and the Second Amendment, but because you want a handgun. Sounds weird but if you're honest with yourself and with her, it's the truth. This takes away all the media brainwashing, all the politics and rhetoric and brings it down to the fact that you want a gun because you've always wanted a gun.

Tell her that you have considered her views and ask that she now consider yours.

Also tell her you have also researched safe storage techniques to prevent your children from gaining unauthorized access to the gun or any ammunition.

Now comes the second reason for selecting a .22. It's the least threatening and most sporting of the handgun calibers. Yes, it's still a lethal device, though not the best choice for a self-defense weapon, but you can go out to the range and spend the day punching holes in paper for $20.00 or so. And they're just little cartridges. Might make your pitch easier.

Above all, be firm. This isn't a decision you have made lightly, but it's a decision, nonetheless, and not subject to negotiation. Every marriage is built on love, adjustments and compromises. Just don't forget you owe her one down the road.
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Eventually she'll get used to the idea of having a gun in the house, and she'll hopefully start to see it as the simple mechanical tool that it is. And not the demon possessed, quenched in the blood of babies psychotic killing machine that they are often made out to be.

Despite the seriousness of the OP's question this little comment had me rolling :D

I agree with the majority here as well. Bad idea to keep secrets that are substantial. The pot roast from dinner being a little dry is ok to lie about when you smile and say it was great.

Money, kids, housing, and safety are among the most important issues that a family must be honest and up front about. Lying about a firearm is only going to sever the trust, possibly beyond repair. Take a gun safety course complete with certificate (Liberals love pieces of paper like that) and take her to the range to show what you have learned. Don't forget to keep shooting to keep your skills honed or else all that training will have been almost worthless.

Good luck to you!
Show her one of those bedside gun safes that you punch in a quick code to get access should you need it. Then show her home invasion stats, and some of the examples of people stopping violence with guns.

Sometimes it is a control thing, sometimes its just pure emotion. With liberals its usually misinformation and pure emotion. You may not be able to reason with her. If its important to you, you may just have to say, hey, I am doing this, I am an adult, trained, safe and responsible, I love you, but I am keeping a gun in the house in a quick access safe. I want to protect my family and will not be put in a position where I can not.

Keeping secrets is like lieing. Not a good recipe for trust or a good marriage. Be open and honest and tell her you can both have your needs met if you communicate and compromise.
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