What are the best foods to eat before you shoot.

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never thought about it, but its possible that those morning shoots where my friend brought the targets and I brought the coffee and donuts were hurting my shooting. I didn't shoot pistol very well back then. Now I usually shoot in the afternoons, a few hours away from the morning coffee, and shoot much better. Could have something to do with a few years practice and a better gun, but I'm gonna go with the donuts for this thread.
I am lean on the suger and high on the protien side.

Protein is great. I find that to maximize my energy - and this is what I do before I work out - is to start with some sugar..... simple sugar even. Why? This allows you to produce serotonin more quickly, and you will fee full faster. Really, I only do this so I don't over-eat. Then I eat complex carbs. Carbs are great for fast energy. I think of them as $1 dollar bills in your wallet.... you can get by with $20 bills only, or $100 bills even, but often times $1 bills are more handy and convenient for most purchases. So, the carbs help me get energy fast. I make sure that the carbs are coming from things high in fiber, which will help control my metabolism and make me feel energized for longer periods of time, with hunger taking longer to reach afterwards. Then, I go for protein. Our bodies can turn protein into energy, but it takes more time - that's where the carbs come in handy. Carbs are like a starter kit of energy, and protein is the real deal to keep you going. Remember though - your body can only process so much protein at a time, so more protein and less carbs isn't going to work, because the extra protein will not be accessible at all...... whatever protein is accessible, will take some time to be converted into energy.... so the high-fiber carb foods help out. Also, a little bit of fat is a good thing too.

I find stuff like a big salad with dressing and some kind of meat is a great way to get energy. A big bowl of high-fiber cereal and some eggs is another. Sandwhiches with whole-wheat high fiber bread (I love the new Double-Fiber breads that are out these days) packed with some ham and mayo, along with some fruit is also good. These are all ways to get good energy. I start meals believe it or not with a Pixie Stick for the simple sugar.

Unfortunately, I have Crohn's disease, so in a flare - 90% of what I just listed is not edible for me. However, right now my health is good, so the above is stuff I eat.... and it's also helping me slim down too.

Also - Pure Protein is an awesome drink. You guys have to try it. They sell it in GNC and I just buy it 4 cases at a time.
I usually have an MRE before I go shooting and follow it up with some T-rations when we return home.

The Foxtrot recipe for having a great excuse for why you couldn't hit anything at the range:

The night before:

Pepperoni Pizza- As much as you can cram down your pie hole (for me, that's a lot)

Maker's Mark whisky (Imbibe until you get really philosophical about things. Stop before puking)

Java Monster- Irish Blend (Best energy drink ever, bar none)

Stay up all night, drunk and jittery.

In the morning, get a Carl's Jr. Breakfast Burger (Best fast food breakfast sandwich, bar none) and a black coffee.

Have another energy drink. You'll need it to wash down the aspirin and antacids.

Go shooting.

There it is. I've done this. Frankly, it doesn't affect me much, but I'm not the best shot, anyway. I'm immune to caffeine by now, and Maker's Mark is a clean-burning booze, leaves me pretty clear-headed. If I feel like crap, no healthy-eats are gonna make me feel better. If I feel good, it takes more than the most unhealthy diet I can devise to bring me down.

I am a human cockroach, though. I've learned through experience that I can survive on pringles and beer for days. That's not the kind of thing you can learn about yourself without realizing that you're the bottom rung of humanity. So, if you're a normal person... don't do this.
I find that when out hunting I can get bored so that's when I eat. I eat just about anything you could think of! lol
I drink a pot of coffee before I leave, then I eat whole cartridges on the way, using my mouth to shoot the bullets at motorists who irritate me while spitting the casings into a bucket on the passenger seat.

If you want a serious answer, then this was the best one back on page 1:

Like every other "BEST" it all depends.

It depends on glucose tolerance.
It depends on your allergies.
It depends on lactose intolerance.
It depends on how fat you are or are not.
It depends on your physical conditioning.
It depends on how much sleep you got last night.
It depends on how good or bad the traffic was on the way to the range.

It depends.

You need to eat a healthy, well-rounded breakfast of foods your body accepts readily.
.cheese said:
who mentioned Propranolol? Why would you need a beta blocker for shooting?

see recent Olympic thread: http://thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=385466&highlight=propranolol+beta

My matches start at 9am. I generally have to leave for them by ~7:30am.

I have found that I can't have caffeine at that time and still shoot at my best. Sugar, too, kills me (perhaps because I am in "fasting" state). At lunch some tuna fillets or an Italian.

and Hydrate! When I brought "extra" water, i found I drank them.
I used to shoot with a Dr and he took a valium before going shooting.

I ask him what was up with that and this is what he told me.
When he did surgery under a microscope or any fine motor skill
operation he took one. He said it removes the micro tremors and
almost every surgeon that did vascular or very small sutures did this.
He said the young Drs are ok but after 35 or 40 years old the
micro tremors did increase in men.

I have seen him shoot with out the valium and his groups do open up.
He shot 300yd all the time so it did seem to work for him.

He also avoided all stimulants 12 hours prior to shooting. He also avoided
aspirin and advil as he said it changed his prosteglandin(sp) level.
Now I do not understand the aspirin thing but he was a hell of a shot.

Any Drs here that might comment on this?
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A begal, juice, and propranolol does wonders

a Beagle? You shouldn't eat your dog.

I use a camelback loaded with ice and let it melt throughout the day. I also keep a cooler stocked with water and gatorade. I take a few high protein and granola style bars and Im good to go. I have to watch it if my blood sugar gets too low, I get shaky.
Howard Roark said:
Here is an article about nutrition from the USAMU.

While I agree that sound nutrition is a no-brainer, eating all that healthy crap right before a shoot is a no-no in my book.

Even if you have heart beat timing, breath control, sight alignment and trigger control down, you ain't gonna be hitting the side of a barn if you feel the urge to break wind every 30 seconds.

"clear on the left ... braaaap ... clear on the right .... braaap ... CEASE FIRE CASE FIRE braaaap."
5 carne asada tacos, 1 bean & cheese burrito, 4 cups of black coffee, and 3 Hersey bars.....the breakfast of champions.
From other thread about Beta-Blockers:

make stress disapear, make you calm and smooth

Total BS. I've taken Beta-Blockers. They do not make stress disappear. They are not Benzos like Xanax. What they do is change your body's reaction to stress. Your heart rate and blood-pressure are mainly what they control. When taken in conjunction with Xanax or some other anti-anxiety benzo, together they accomplish the above quoted goal. However, Beta-Blockers by themselves don't do that.
While I agree that sound nutrition is a no-brainer, eating all that healthy crap right before a shoot is a no-no in my book.

Even if you have heart beat timing, breath control, sight alignment and trigger control down, you ain't gonna be hitting the side of a barn if you feel the urge to break wind every 30 seconds.

"clear on the left ... braaaap ... clear on the right .... braaap ... CEASE FIRE CASE FIRE braaaap."

I couldn't eat that way and go to our range. They don't allow Class III weapons. Particularly the Methane Minigun. :D

Seriously though, I avoid caffeine and sugar. I usually shoot in the AM and get there around 830, 30 minutes early to set up chrono etc before range opens. I have my usual bowl of shredded wheat with raisins. I'll have a protein drink while shooting, as it's pretty much food, and I don't have to be grabbing a sammich with lead and gunpowder covered boogerhooks.
this is interesting...I always try to eat something before I go to the range, but usually I'm so excited I won't stop and get fast food. So usually it's a bagel on the go, or toast, or maybe a sandwich. Maybe I should start preparing huge meals before I go?
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