What Are These People Thinking?

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On the freeways around Greater Cleveland, you CANNOT leave the suggested 1 car length per 10MPH distance.

If there is 1" more than a single sub-compact car length, no matter what speed, someone will drive into that space, whether or not there is really room...forcing you to hit the brakes.
I live in Dallas. Everyday, driving to work, some jackass tries to kill me. Sometimes on the freeway I can't see their headlights because they are so close behind me. I am not a slow driver either, just surrounded by jackasses.
Treo, do you tailgate?

Nope, why?

just surrounded by jackasses

Scariest thing that every happened to me driving was the day I looked out the window and realized that the driver of every single car around me was yapping on a cell phone.
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The word you're looking for is 'lurker' rather than 'troll' :)

By the way twhtwlf a troll is someone who hangs around a forum and never joins or posts, but then all of a sudden they see something interesting and decide to join/post. Nothing wrong with it, I trolled around here for a while before I decided to join and start posting. I believe my answer is correct, if I am wrong, someone please correct me.
Good on ya. Just asking because I see a lot of folks doing so and they don't seem to realize it. Kind of like not realizing your headlights (;tire pressures) are out of adjustment.

Ed4032 said:
Sometimes on the freeway I can't see their headlights because they are so close behind me.
DFW here as well; when they get right on my ass and I can't move out of the way, I just hit the windshield wipers and spray for a few seconds - it's quite funny how they suddenly hit the brakes thinking something just hit their windshield - and it's only water ;)
You asked what are these people thinking?

I have been thinking about this question for some time prior to your posting this question on THR. The problem, as I see it, has been brewing for quite some time. The sense of entitlement that seems to be prevalent in todays society seems to give rise to most of these problems. It starts at a very early age in the elementary schools. People think they are entitled to act any way they want.

They drive crazy, it's their "right". They talk on the phone when driving and swerve all over the place, it's their "right". They get ticked off when you question their actions, it's their "right". Etc, etc, etc.

So many people have their "rights" and they don't care if their rights interfere with anyone around them.

This has carried over into all sorts of areas. I would mention a couple of them here but that would possibly turn this to a political thread (not my intent at all) so i will leave it here.
In many cases they're not. Thinking, that is. For most of us driving has become a largely automatic function and we follow our habits - good or bad. My situation is perhaps a little different than most of you as I am a delivery driver with a set route to follow every day. I often see the same folks at about the same time every day and it is remarkable how predictable they are as to their driving habits. The emotional state of the driver seems to be the main wild card you have to deal with and any expectation of rational thought is usually wishful thinking on your part. Someone once said, "Never attribute anything to malice that is adequately explained by stupidity." (good advice) The Boy Scouts taught me, "Be Prepared." (really good advice)
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