What burglars know about the Second Amendment

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May 26, 2003
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms:
What burglars know about the Second Amendment

Anti-gunners ain't got the guts to POST THEIR OWN HOMES & PERSONS AS "GUN-FREE.


What burglars know about the Second Amendment
By Joe Scarborough (former Congressman)

What would you do if you heard a burglar in your home, went upstairs and found him inside your child's room? If you had a gun, you'd probably aim it at him. And if he ran at you, you'd probably defend yourself and your family. And if you were in New York, you could end up sharing the same jail cell with the convict who was hovering over your child's bed. Don't believe it?

When I was in Congress, I lived on Capitol Hill for a year. I spent the rest of my time in my office or living in Virginia.

Why? Because life three blocks from the United States Capitol was too dangerous. Neighbors working on the Hill were routinely held-up, had their cars burglarized, or their houses broken into.

Many of the attacks were brazen and in broad daylight. It took me a while to figure it out, but finally, I did. These frequent attacks came in my neighborhood because Washington has the most extreme gun control laws in America. And no one working on Capitol Hill could afford to have his or her name show up in the Washington Post on an illegal weapons charge. But the thugs who victimized the neighborhood did not share the same concerns, so they roamed at will and terrorized law-abiding citizens, citizens who were not allowed to defend themselves, or their children from such attacks.

It would have only taken one or two Hill staffers firing back in self-defense to send the clear message to criminals that open season was over on Capitol Hill.

And as crazy as the gun laws are in Washington, there is the sad story of the New York man who was prosecuted by the government for defending his family against an armed intruder.

Ron Dixon moved from Florida to New York, worked seven days a week at two jobs, and was looking for the American dream somewhere in Brooklyn. After shooting a burglar who charged him, state prosecutors decided to spend as much time nailing Dixon as they did on the burglar, who was also a habitual offender. Dixon bought and registered his gun in Florida, and was going through the process of getting it licensed in New York, which is a bureaucratic nightmare.

Gun control activists hate to admit that guns save countless lives every year. Some studies suggest as many as 2 million. And the National Review has cited Justice Department studies showing that a criminal's greatest fear while committing a crime is facing an armed citizen like Ron Dixon, who has the ability and the willingness to defend his home, his family and his life.

Outlaw guns, and only outlaws will have guns. It's that simple.

~ Afterwords ~
We remind all the zealous anti-Second Amendment crusaders out there who are working to make all of America like Washington D.C. that they need to CLEARLY POST THEIR OWN HOMES & PERSONS AS "GUN-FREE."

See http://directedfire.com/SecondAmendment/GunFacts/gun_free_homes.html for more details. Remember - y'all who hate guns need to LEAD, not POINT, and, if you're sincere in your wanting to rid America of all "evil" guns, you should be proud to lead the way by letting everyone know that you and your home are GUN-FREE! When you have posted your home, business and self, please Email: [email protected] with a photo of your home and business, the street addresses, and one of yourself showing the world that you are "Gun-Free and Proud!" so that we can let everyone know your position (and your address...).
~ Afterwords ~
We remind all the zealous anti-Second Amendment crusaders out there who are working to make all of America like Washington D.C. that they need to CLEARLY POST THEIR OWN HOMES & PERSONS AS "GUN-FREE."

I've been saying this for ever ......... I mean hell ..... this whole deal is so damned obvious............. open season for BG's ...... let's give em some clues as to which homes can best be burglarized!:evil: :p
I've got a better idea. Why don't we get some of those "Gun-Free Home" stickers and posters, and display them in front of one of our members' homes - AFTER a few of us get inside, loaded for bear? We could enjoy coffee and snacks while waiting for the fun to start. After the smoke has cleared, we could post pictures of the result, under the caption "They THOUGHT they were attacking defenceless victims!"

:evil: :D :fire:
Aw, Preach, if ya did that, they'd probably bust ya under some variation of the "Attractive Nuisance" laws...

Or send the USF&WS Game Wardens, for hunting out of season in a baited field.

:(, Art
Why don't we get some of those "Gun-Free Home" stickers and posters, and display them in front of one of our members' homes - AFTER a few of us get inside, loaded for bear?
Unfortunatly, as lovely as that idea sounds, I'm sure some slimey lawyer could figure out a way to nail you for entrapment. I mean, heck....you're luring them in with candy.:mad:
Maybe we should make some posters and put them in the Anti's yard...then stand back and watch. They'd bust a gut getting those signs ripped down...and be mad as hell about the whole thing. :D
I've got a better idea. Why don't we get some of those "Gun-Free Home" stickers and posters, and display them in front of one of our members' homes

When I hear this, I remember my favorite line from "The Lost Boys"

"Never invite a vampire into your house"

I'd rather put the following sign at the start of the road:

"Out of 28 homes, 26 have guns. Out of these 26, 14 contain at least one ex-marine, ex-cop or professional security guard. Choose wisely, as nobody in these 26 homes shoots to wound."
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