What do my fellow gun enthusiasts do for a living?

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Licensed Aircraft Mechanic, Former Manufactuing Supervisor with a large Construction Equipment Company. Currently between Jobs

Enjoying some range time
I'm a bum.

I retired a few years ago and simply work on the days that I wish.

I must admit, I had a bit of a problem with that as I watched all of the other employeed "daddies" drive to their jobs early in the morning. Even saying the word "retired" was a hassle.

That was then, this is now. There are untold benefits in shaving only when you want and wearing crappy Harley clothes for comfort. I gave away my ties, fancy shirts and burned the rest.

I'm not on my second latte' of the morning...
I lead a three man rapid response team at one of the nation's leading indoor retail establishments.

Someone had to say it.

Actually an organic/polymer chemist by training. But I gave it up to stay home and raise my young kids. Best job in the world.:)
Retired, I still day trade, did that off and on part time, full time, since I sold the World Gym, in Deerfield Beach FL, have been trading from home, since 1999, bad back, inoperable, keeps me from doing more of the things I enjoy. Also owned and operated Haircutting salon, we had 5 of them with 200 employees, for 23 years called Peters Place, in Forest Hills Great Neck, Roslyn, Cederhurst and Manhatten.
Safety Engineer/Deputy Safety Manager for an ~ 8,000 person international organization within SAIC and part-time knife pimp.
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