What is the closest powder to Unique?

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And PP is very close to unique in both burn rate and load density ;)
That may or may not be true. Burn rate charts are relative and chart position will change when tested in different cartridges. In addition, the chart can tell you which is faster and slower but not HOW MUCH faster or slower. It's very possible number 23 and 24 are further apart in burn rate than number 24 and 26 or 27. (the numbers are just examples)
I would say Universal, however there is none to be had. Cleaner, meters better than Unique.
BE-86 is around the same burn speed. And Widners has some now. (or did yesterday evening) Slower than Unique, faster than Power Pistol according to Alliant.
From the Alliant post in the linked thread.
It is the same magic formulation as Bullseye(R) and Power Pistol(R), and virtually the exact geometry of Power Pistol. It is a little faster burning that Power Pistol though, and very similar to Unique(R), burn speed wise.
I can't believe people continue to rumor that universal is cleaner than the newer unique! It ain't so! If you load it too light it's going to be dirty, but so is universal. That foreign stuff does meter a little better, but it still ain't unique.
Universal is faster than Unique, and burns extremely clean at reasonable pressures. It isn't a good choice for downloading IMO. It is spikier at the top than Unique.

As far as being a replacement for Unique, I think there are other choices more similar to Unique.
I have used Univrsal and the new "cleaner" Unique. For my uses in 9mm and .45 I have found Universal to be cleaner.For me Universal seems cleaner when downloaded.
I have not loaded my BE86 yet but I am hoping for good things.
Actually odered more from Widners the other day since it was in stock......
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