What is the last gun that you bought?

Since this thread started i've bought 5 last guns the most recent being a S&W 1006 10mm. My next Last gun will be the AR10T that should be here next week.
This could be a never ending thread. I picked up another one Friday. A Bersa Thunder in .380 followed me home from Bud's in Paris. It'll be Tuesday before I can make it to the range, but it feels nice in my hand. I've heard a lot of good things about them, and hardly any complaints.

I ordered 9 round mag and a Kangaroo holster for it, too. If that works out it will simplify my work day. I've yet to find a way to carry that fits what I do. Driving constantly and running in and out of places that I haven't been able to conceal well enough in is a pain. Bending, kneeling, climbing, and sometimes crawling makes it rough.