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What thing (law, practice, etc.) most infringes on our right to carry?

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Campers, we need to quit knee-jerking and calling anything we don't agree with "liberal."

That really hacks off those of us who consider ourselves "liberals."

I think that the biggest problem we have is education. And the folks we NEED to educate shut down when they hear crap like that.

People desire safety. And when a gay atheist minority artist hears that you, with your guns, are fundamentally aligned against him, he wants your guns to go away. Because he's scared of him. Conversely, if you welcome him, without using all sorts of "conservative" rhetoric, to a "public safety and personal protection course," he's there.

WE are our own biggest enemy. If there are a hundred normal accepting folks out there, and one fellow with a klucker sticker on his mud truck, a confederate flag t-shirt, and an NRA hat on, guess which one is the loudest...

Aye bogie,

Liberal is a scam. Another robbed term that was twisted by far-leftist insurgents and wielded to attempt to bestow upon themselves the personage of the old and true meaning of Liberal.

Don' call 'em what they want to be called. Call 'em what they are.
Crappy thin belts and pants with too small belt loops seem to be the biggest infringement on my carrying.

I Love Texas :D
For me, that would be Wisconsin's total prohibition of concealed carry by non-LEO citizens.

{Ev'rybody Sing:}
Reds to the Left of me,
Fudds to the Right,
Here I am, building an AR or two...

(I'm not spending time or money on the right carry piece, holsters or belts, so I spend them on rifles, shotguns and big revolvers. These things are good, but they stay at home)

Yeah, TexasSIGman, I'd love some things about Texas, too.
Fear , and the relief that scared people feel when Mommy the Government says " There , there. I'll make it better. We'll take all the guns away from the scary men. You'll be just fine."

Daddy the Free Citizen needs to say : " I'm sorry you were scared. Be stronger, there is no other way to deal with scary men. Mommy can't help you. It's time to grow up."
Honors daddy, You are exactly right, rights not exercised are lost. We as civil rights activists need to start having marches, etc. Yea I know, they will come and arrest you for that in some places(D.C., Chicago, NYC etc),

Not if we can get 1, 2, or more thousands to March. Look at the illegals, look at the million man march, with those numbers, no one could stop us.

Afterwards, we can sit back and say"See 3,000 people with guns and not a single incident". (though I wouldn't put it past leftists to sabotage it)

Bogie, I agree with the liberal part of your synopsis, but not the other to some degree. While as distastefull as I find anyone who would wear a kkk t shirt, I still say they have a right to wear it as much as a Malcom X t shirt, La Raza t shirt or a gay pride t shirt.

I don't think it is fear that motivates a lot of the antis as much as intolerance, in spite of the fact all they teach is tolerance. It seems they only want to tolerate what they believe in.
Ignorance and emotion aren't exactly the exclusive property of the left.
You are right. I was kinda poking fun at the majority of the antis' beliefs.

I think that the biggest problem we have is education. And the folks we NEED to educate shut down when they hear crap like that.
I get frustrated because, it seems, those same people shut down when you try to talk and reason with them as well.

I have a friend at work, who is NOT anti-gun (he likes them). However, even he has said to me....
"carrying a gun gives ANYONE a tough-guy attitude" When I asked, he confirmed that he means "every single person" will get a bad attitude when carrying.
"carrying a gun is asking for violence"
"I don't trust myself to carry"
"I don't see myself ever needing a gun"

I don't agree with the first 2 statements. The last 2 are his own feelings, which are fine with me. Just passing this on.
In a larger, broader sense, Statism is the biggest thing standing in our way. Yeah, it's brought down on us largely by the Democrats, but lately (in the last 60 of so years) the Repubs have been nearly as bad.

In a more local and practical sense, it is the large percentage of workplaces who don't allow concealed carry.

They're both pretty nefarious, but I'd have to say that the workplace restrictions are the more sinister and oppressive.

The biggest threat for gun owners or supporters of 2A rights is BEING REASONABLE. Our schools teach that guns are evil, just like tobacco, drugs, warfare, etc. The passivity of the American voter will be the death of 2A rights as we know them now. The passive American is being lead by the liberal socialistic Democratic Congress without stenuous passive Republican objection.
Shooter, a lot of what your bud's saying is basically what the shrinks call "transference." Which means that the "subject" is transferring his feelings to others... Not exactly bad, but not good either... Your friend should maybe be around friends a lot (be supportive, okay?), and your friend also needs to realize that helping someone else is not a bad thing, even if a bad person is injured.

There are FAR too many "anti" gun people who think that carrying seems to make someone either invincible (yeah, uh huh...), or feel invincible.

Yeah. Some folks will get an attitude on.

Those _same_ folks aren't going to pay a lot of attention to society's laws, because they do not feel that they are obligated to them.

So, _how_ will keeping guns away from dumbnuts attitude-boy encourage safety? Because, he +will+ find them... and he'll then turn around, and HARM a DISARMED population.

Welcome to the program.

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