What to do in this situation?

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Aug 22, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
If this has already addressed in another thread in the past, I apologize.

Ok, here's the situation. You're out with friends who do not know that you CCW. When you made the plans to go out with them, there was no mention about going to anyplace that is "off limits" for CCW.

Then, during the outing, the majority suddenly changes the plans to go to a place you're not legally allowed to CCW. It could be a bar, or a private business that you know has "posted". Or, you could live near the border of a state that doesn't honor any of your CCW permits, and they decide to go across the border.

You either can't part ways with your friends because you relied on someone else in the party for a ride, or you have your own car, but you're afraid making up some excuse not to go would sound suspicious.

What do you do?
Pretty simple, put the gun in the car trunk or go home.

If they don't know that you carry, maybe they should. Things could get pretty interesting for them in a setting where the need arises.

All my buddies know that I carry.... but then again, they carry too.

Even the "non-gun/anti-gun" folks that know me are comfortable with the concept that I am armed. I have gone to lengths to educate them to that end.
I'm not a fanatic, just that I have a concern for my own safety and well being.

With a little persuasion, I have gotten all of them to accompany me to the range. They all had fun...... even the "anti-gun" folks.

Education is key.... not Opinion.
If it is your car, unload the gun and store it in the trunk, in a locked box if you have one. If it is not your car, 'fess up, and explain why you can't do what they want to do. If that means they are no longer your friends, you have made a choice. Call for a taxi.

You might also consider whether carrying a gun all the time is really necessary. If you choose to violate the law and do get caught, your friends could be in trouble too. Some states effectively make the owner/driver of a car responsible if anyone in the car has an illegal gun. (This is because the people in the car will all point fingers and deny knowing anything about the gun.)


I should have been more clear. I'm not trying to advocate breaking the law. What I'm getting at is the potentially awkward situation arising where you have to either make up a really good excuse or come clean.
I'd come clean, I would hope my friends wouldn't judge me if I chose to carry. Just tell them, and put the unloaded gun in the trunk with the mag out. You more than likely carry using a holster, so that would meet the qualification of being securely encased in FL. Unless you're hanging out with some anti-gun extremists it shouldn't be a problem. My two really close friends are LEO's so it's not a problem.

It's nobodie's business

I never ever tell anyone or mention that I am carrying. Ever.
It is so much better to keep it to yourself. If it comes to it, I make the excuse, and go elswhere. I am not so dependant on other people and thier activities that I simply HAVE to go with them to have fun or be involved.
I'll excuse myself.
"Coming Clean" as you put it, only tells people you are armed. It's no one's business but yours. Trust me, Keep that kind of information to yourself.
Just come clean, it's really no big deal. I live less than 5 miles from the Ohio border and have had to ask my friends to pull over so I could lock my gun in their trunk. Those people are still my friends and now they know I carry.

First, obey the law. Second, if you really need to get out of the situation, feign stomach illness, as in, "I'm sick, turn around and go home." Then, either get magically better 5 minutes after you get home and de-CCW, or just play it out in full. Frankly, I'd just assume come clean with my friends that I have a concealed weapon.
It interests me the number of people that hide the fact they carry a concealed weapon from their friends, I am very open with my friends about carrying and as a result of that several more people now have their CWL. I can't see how them knowing puts me in any danger.

It doesn't hurt me at all for the people I'm spending time with to know I'm carrying a firearm and as mentioned avoids a potentially awkward situation if you need to use your weapon or if you are weapon is suddenly not so concealed :D.

As long as you are obeying the law they shouldn't have that big of a problem with it and if their opinion of you changes so drastically they don't want to be around you anymore you are probably better off anyway.

It is far better to be honest with them, they can give you a heads up if they may be planning on going to a place you can't carry and can take into consideration your restrictions when making plans.

If they aren't experienced with firearms you have an opportunity to share knowledge about them, open a few people's eyes and maybe gain a few range buddies.
leave it in the car. im hoping nobodies so scared that there is nowhere they wouldnt go without thier gun. and besides, if you know you're definitely going to need it in the place you are going, it's probably a place you shouldnt be going in anyways.
No reciprocity with Ohio yet?

Nope, and not likely either. Indiana has no training requirements for a handgun permit and that seems to be the stopper in a lot of the states that do not honor our permits.

How is it that OH has IN listed but IN doesn't have OH listed for reciprocity?
Indiana honors every permit, even foreign country permits.
Leave your cell phone in the car.

Get to the door and tell your friends you left your cell phone in the car.

Go back to the car by yourself, leave your gun and take your cell phone.
It interests me the number of people that hide the fact they carry a concealed weapon from their friends, I am very open with my friends about carrying and as a result of that several more people now have their CWL. I can't see how them knowing puts me in any danger, if anything it reduces it because it will moderate their behavior as well as maybe resulting in them having more situational awareness of threats.
The main reason I don't tell people I carry is so that they won't tell other people that I carry.

Another reason was illustrated by a situation that someone posted about either here or at TFL (sorry, can't find it at the moment). The CCWer got into an edgy situation in public with a friend present. The friend said in an easily overheard voice "Do you have your gun?" Things worked out all right, IIRC, but being marked as an armed person can easily turn you into a target as well as limit your options for response.
Maybe I'm just outing myself as the kind of person whom has fewer and fewer friends.
Honestly I have very few new friends since I moved away from home some 7 years ago.
I dont' consider work aquaintances friends.
And I tend to avoid social outings with co-workers unless I would consider adopting them as friends.
That said I would never lie, cover up, or deceive anyone I'd consider having as a friend.

They can either accept that I have strong opinions about politics and religion that I do not alter at the whim of the group for cohesion, or the can go socialize with someone else. The same goes for my beliefs on firearms.

Thanks to many new laws I just simply don't do "the bar scene" Heck I never understood it when I was in my teens and twenties. For me it was a hard pill to swallow, paying as much for one drink as I could buy a sixpack with (I don't drink that swill most people call "beer") But that's just me.
Maybe I have ausberger or I'm just anti-social.
I think it's just because I have found that most people are shallow, lame, and generally lacking in the character dept.

It's strange how the all of the guys in the tight group I grew up with are preverbial "brothers from another mother" yet I have only found a handfull of people like that since.
I do detect some real hostility here. It is one thing to have your own opinions and cherish your right to them. But some folks express their opinions loudly, often, and ceaselessly, to any and all within hearing range. Those folks seldom have any friends and wonder why.

In fact, it is usually easy to get by with concealed carry anywhere that doesn't have a metal detector, but the risk of being arrested if found in violation of the law is always there. In some cases, letting your friends or even family know you are armed can be bad. A drunken friend telling a cop at a traffic stop, "Don't mess with my buddie, he carries a gun and will shoot you!" is even worse than having your cute little 5 year old stand up in a grocery cart and scream to the whole store that "My daddy's got a gun!!!"

Jim Keenan,

I understand how the drunken friend scenerio could get ugly in a hurry, but I like to think that the friends I keep are smart enough to not talk like that, especially to a LEO, and I don't carry in situations where friends and myself might be drinking heavily. Even with a CCW permit isn't that illegal? (To be intoxicated while carrying?) I think the risk of friends knowing I am carrying is less than if they didn't know in a critical situation. What are your opinions of the other dangers of them knowing you are armed?
In the case of the child yelling "Daddy has a gun" is there anything illegal with that? It doesn't sound like it would fall under brandishing, although it would be embarrassing.

Curious to hear YOUR opinions.
Most of my friends are aware that I have the
CCW permit, but are not aware of the specific
situation at any given time;) In the sort of situation
you describe, I could make a vague dissent and offer
another choice, secure The Item as needed, or
plead the effects of age and infirmity (not really
a stretch). Depends on who is involved, if I said
something more specific about the problem I think
they would be at least understanding. I do try to
hang with reasonably bright folk and stretch to
their level. :)

"Hey, guys, let's pick someplace else. I can't go in there. I was 86-ed from there two years ago."

"Oh, how come?"

"I mooned the bartender and they called the cops and the cops told me never to come back." Or, "It's a closed issue and I want it to stay closed.";)
But some folks express their opinions loudly, often, and ceaselessly


I have some wonderful friends, but i tell you, they say the dumbest things around me sometimes. "Oh, don't mess with him, he'll shoot you." That's why I don't let them know I have a CCW. As if I walk around all day just waiting to fill someone full of lead. I'm pretty mellow, but once someone finds out I have a gun, I'm instantly the star of Death Wish 6.
Depends on where you are. If unloading the gun and locking it will keep you out of trouble, do that. If you're headed for Massachusetts don't even think about it. That is not acceptable in Mass.
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