Whats up with Democrat/Socialists

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Dec 25, 2002
The Great State of California (Bay Area)
Why do leftys/Democrats always resort to name calling and feel good
I'm at work today and not once but twice was confronted by 2,50's
something,ex-hippie,draft card burning anti americans!
The first one constantly tries to bait me by making anti Bush,
anti-American statements.
The second tells one of the guys on the jobsite"Watch out,He's a
Republican and is voting for the guy thats going to throw all the
Mexicans out of the country!!(The guy he was talking to is a Mexican).
I mentioned casually in the past that I was a Republican,but have
never pushed it,or even mentioned it again.
I think these guy are afraid of me!
Granted,I'm not always pleased with the direction the party going,
and I would vote for a guy who would throw all the ILLEGAL Mexicans
I think maybe these have smoked too much dope and forget what
country butters their bread!!

Why do leftys/Democrats always resort to name calling and feel good logic?
I'm at work today and not once but twice was confronted by 2,50's
something, ex-hippie,draft card burning anti americans!

Seeing the logic failure here?
Uhh..St. Johns.

He's talking about two specific people. The descriptions may be completely accurate and fair, as far as you know.

It's not the same as stereotyping an entire political party or movement.
The first one constantly tries to bait me by making anti Bush,
anti-American statements.

No offense, but if you are saying that anyone who speaks out against what Bush has done (ie, starting a war based on a pack of lies) is automatically anti-American, then you are clueless as to what being an American means.

It is certainly true tht in recent months, it has become "stylish" to call anyone who doubted Bush's honesty and believed a hasty war was ill advised was some kind of anti-american terrorist lover, but the events that have followed the war proved the stupidity of that assumption. As it turns out, there was no immeiate need for military action and also striking at Iraq did absolutely nothing to make us safer from terrorism or strike at the people who perpetrated the 9/11 attack (since they are all in Saudi Arabia). Bush isn't even attacking the right country, and he knows it.

Bottom Line: It is absolutely a core American value to question leadership when the BS pile gets too high. Those who follow blindly are sheep, and they ultimately get what they deserve.
Why do leftys/Democrats always resort to name calling and feel good logic?

Is the original quote.

You said:

Uhh..St. Johns. He's talking about two specific people. The descriptions may be completely accurate and fair, as far as you know.

It's not the same as stereotyping an entire political party or movement.

The first statement is not stereotyping an entire political party?

The dem party has just been through about four months of being stereotyped as anti-american because a few of them initially spoke out against the war. Now, the shoe is on the other foot.
Bottom Line: It is absolutely a core American value to question leadership when the BS pile gets too high. Those who follow blindly are sheep, and they ultimately get what they deserve.

Well said, bountyhunter.

Men in authority will always think that criticism of their policies is dangerous. They will always equate their policies with patriotism, and find criticism subversive.

--Henry Steele Commager (1902-1998), Freedom and Order, 1966

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918

Why they do it? Fear mongering, and emotionalism go a long way to convince the sheeple that they need to steer clear of evil Republicans, and those terrible conservatives. Logic, and sound reasoning may rub off so yes they're afraid of you spreading the good word.

These leftists are trying to play the hate/race card in order to undermine any view of conservatives being accepted. That is is goal of many on the left. The so called tolerant are not really tolerant. Unfortunately this is nothing new.
I have no problem with anyone who has an honest criticism of Bush.

Heaven knows I have enough criticisms of my own!

What disgusts me are the blatant personal attacks on the man rather than his leadership. I also abhor anyone criticizing Bush (or any other president) on foreign soil. Let's keep our family squabbles at home.
What bothers me most about critics is that many times the criticism is a bigger pile of BS than the actions being criticised.

What also bothers me is knee jerk reactionism. IE: I don't lilke you so I don't like anything you say or do. The truth seems to get pretty regularly lost under these circumstances as well.

My $.02

What bothers me most about critics is that many times the criticism is a bigger pile of BS than the actions being criticised.

I would agree with you completely, sir.

I would submit, however, as the truth begins to come out on who was doing the lying about recent events that those of us who were branded as terrorist-lovers for saying we saw no reason to race to war were the ones having the BS shoveled onto us.... and it was GWB and his allies with the biggest shovels.

The whole time I watched it was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. Think for a minute.... what country on God's earth is most threatened by Iraq having nuclear weapons? ISRAEL.

What country knew five seconds after construction began in Iraq on a nuclear power plant (designed by Frenchman incidentally) that posed a threat by giving them access to nuclear material? ISRAEL.

Who put planes in the air five seconds later and blew the foundations of that plant to rubble? ISRAEL.

Who said "What the hell are you talking about?" when Bush said he had "proof" that Iraq had a nuclear weapons program? ISRAEL

Not one of our allies bought the line of BS about Iraq having a nuke program. Britain stood up and took the rap for it, but even our own CIA knew for over a year that there was no evidence of a nuclear program. They also said there was not a shred of evidence linking Hussein with Al Quaida, who were actually responsible for mudering over 3000 of our citizens.

The truth seems to get pretty regularly lost under these circumstances as well.

Maybe, but it's finding it's way into the light slowly but surely. I just hope I live long enough to see the Saudis who are financing the Al Quaida butchers called onto the carpet for it.
Democrat is not equal to socialist. Republican <> capitalist.

capitalism and socialism are opposite ends of an axis.
democracy and dictatorship/monarchy are opposite ends of another axis.

A state can be totalitarian and capitalist (fascism):

"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini

"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic State itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism -- ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

A state can be totalitarian and socialist (communism)
A state can be democratic and capitalist.
A state can be democratic and socialist.
A state can be anywhere inbetween the two axis. The U.S. has both capitalist policies and socialist policies.

Here is a list of some of the socialist ones:
socialized armed forces
socialized water
socialized police
socialized fired department
social(ized) security
road building/maintanance
public waste and water treatment
public schools
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