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When you open carry, do people tend to leave you alone? And other questions...

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I recently saw a guy open carrying at Wal Mart and
just assumed he was off duty LEO. No big deal.
The Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit allows open or
concealed carry; when I carry, I carry concealed.
BigRedBowtie said:
Best Buy's worldwide headquarters in Richfield, MN is WELL POSTED! All entrances are posted according to MN law and I believe most, if not all entrances are equipped with their very own metal detector.

SIGH.... Best Buy used to be a cutting edge retailer when Dick Schultz ran it. Heck, they even invented the TV wall concept. These days, it's little more than a vehicle to sell extended warranties...
I went to ask a middle aged couple why they were parked in my driveway while carrying in a thigh holster. Despite my being younger than them, I was called 'sir'. I figure they either had exceptional manners, or thought I was a cop. I've answered my door a few times with my OWB holster showing, and not even noticed flickering eyes. People seem utterly oblivious.

(Also, this thread's question is not "do you open carry?" so "i never open carry" isn't a particularly useful answer on here.)
depends. if i'm going on a road trip out of anchorage i'll open carry, and no one i come across at gas stations or diners bats an eye. in town is another story. doesnt help matters by going into known hippy liberal hotspots like coffee shops.
oldnamvet said

From the posts I've read here on this subject it appears that many who open carry do it so they can catalog the public's reaction to their exposed firearm, or lack of reaction, and report on it here. I also believe that many open carry as a result of the LEO wannabe syndrom.

I ought to clarify that when I am carrying, 99% of the time its concealed unless I am in a restaurant. Of course, what I am wearing plays a large factor here. In the Ikea incident I mentioned, I had been wearing a sports coat earlier in the day and left it in the car cause of the temperature. Other times I've been coming back from the range and just didn't have anything to place over the gun.

I agree that many seem to enjoy getting a reaction, but with the exception of the commie mommie bitch at Ikea, its never been my intent.

I have no idea what the "LEO wannabe syndrom" is?
Is it that difficult to be a cop that someone who wants to be one can't get a job??
I live near to, and travel through Boulder, Colorado (The People's Republic of). I always conceal except at sometimes home. I live just outside Boulder county but, Boulder is a declared nuclear free zone. So, in the worst-case SHTF nuclear war scenario, I plan to continue concealed carry because Boulder will be the only land left because it will be protected by a dome of protection from the superior mind power of leftism (and the very serious nature of a Boulder city law banning nuclear weapons, especially incoming). And I will be protected from the leftists because my .45 is concealed and they would attack first using rocks.
Sean85746 said:
I was asked on many occaisions, MANY stupid questions such as:

"What do you got a gun for Dude?"

"Why are you carrying a gun? Are you gonna shoot somebody?"

"Do you have a permit for that gun?"

"Is it registered?"

"Are you some kind of bada$$ carryin' that gun?"

So, yeah...I heard a lot of ignorance spew forth from the uneducated, or misinformed.

Now...obviously, I carry concealed 100% of the time. If I am dressed, I am concealing a gun...or two.

Hmm. Useful to know what to expect. I'll be open-carrying in Arizona and Nevada early next year when I visit friends out there (they're all well-armed and ok with me carrying), as I lack CCWs there.

My responses to those questions would be as follows:

1) "Same reason cops do -- ya never know..."
2) "Not unless I have to.
3) "Nope."
4) "Nope."
5) "Nope".

I don't talk much to strangers on the street, and find that short, simple answers to such questions work a lot better than lengthy responses. :D
while waiting for my ccw

I would open carry in Reno once in a while and only a few dumb comments/questions, I was working in security @ the time and most folks thought I was a cop.
I agree that many seem to enjoy getting a reaction,
Why would anyone think that some are enjoying getting a reaction? I'm just going about my daily activies like everyone else. I'll bet the few comments most of us hear are of no more importance than someone saying nice car or nice bike. The vast majority of the remarks I hear is from small kids saying "is that real" usually followed by "can I see it". Virtually all of the negative comments I have heard on open carry have been from fellow gunowners as the rest of the public seems to show no interest if I have a handgun on my side or not.
heypete said:
Hmm. Useful to know what to expect. I'll be open-carrying in Arizona and Nevada early next year when I visit friends out there (they're all well-armed and ok with me carrying), as I lack CCWs there.

My responses to those questions would be as follows:

1) "Same reason cops do -- ya never know..."
2) "Not unless I have to.
3) "Nope."
4) "Nope."
5) "Nope".

I don't talk much to strangers on the street, and find that short, simple answers to such questions work a lot better than lengthy responses. :D

what part of arizona are you visiting? the reactions you will get will vary city to city.
South of Tucson

I open carry all of the time down here. The only time I have ever been questioned was by a oriental fellow. He asked "Is that real?" I said "Yes" He then asked "Is it loaded?" I said "If it wasn't I might as well be carrying a hammer." As far as Best Buy goes, nobody there has ever mentioned anything about going there openly carrying. As a final note, when you are out and about in the southern Arizona desert, it would be wise to heed the advice I was given by a couple of Border Patrol officers, "Don't ever be out here without being armed"
BigRedBowtie said:
Best Buy's worldwide headquarters in Richfield, MN is WELL POSTED! All entrances are posted according to MN law and I believe most, if not all entrances are equipped with their very own metal detector.

Oh I know! I like a good puzzle, so the first thing that went through my head as I walked into Best Buy's HQ was "how would I get a gun in here?" It's interesting that they feel they need strict security--so much for trusting employees and visitors.
I open carry frequently. Other than a strange look from some tourist, I have never had a problem. I suppose it depends on where you have chosen to live.
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