Where To Get Honest New Reporting ??

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James Bradley's The Imperial Cruise is probably a much better one, but few here would have the stomach for it. Very strong stuff, especially as most folks on "our" side of the aisle really believe that they LIKE T.R.
Like Midwest, I quit watching TV news a loong time ago. It's the only practical thing I can do, deprive the stations of viewer numbers & hope their advertising revenue reflects it. I have been known to inform business's that I don't watch, for what good that does, but it costs me nothing.

I too have pretty much just watch local news and that is for the weather and scores of college football teams that follow. I have always made an attempt at being informed but with the MSM as it is now if they reported that the sky was blue I would have to get three other sources to believe them. On a local station you can write, call and make enough complaints that result in a particular news reported being discharge or pulled back in line (well it was a decent idea), if we want to get honest reporting about a loose cannon trying to take out as many people as possible one approach that will get results faster than crying and complaining to the station manager. Revenue is what allows these channels to stay on the air, I remember a few cases when the average citizen started writing an/or calling to the sponsor. If you hit their pocket book and I mean hard the sponsors will sit up and take notice.
I spend a lot of time on google news, checking out links from multiple sources and leanings on the same subjects. They collect links from a wide variety of sources, and I run searches on key topics to find even more.

For gun specific news, the gun wire is unparalleled. It compiles stories from all angles of the debate, small outlets, major outlets, etc. All of it.
...most folks on "our" side of the aisle really believe that they LIKE T.R.

Heh heh. True, that ;). A great testament to the effectiveness of media control/complicity is just how little anyone today knows about Taft other than that he was the fattest president (for another 3-7 years :p), and about TR other than the phrases "Rough Riders," "Big Stick," "Bully Pulpit," and the National Parks :evil:

"but he hunted bears for the good of the nation...:("

I watch/listen to some of it.

I trust very little of it.

The weather forecat is the most accurate of all of it, and the weather forecast is a crap shoot at best.
I recently had a brush with the end game. 30 days in three hospitals and four major surgeries brought me around to what is really important, and text reading talking head pundits spewing their lies are not included.
Just look at the way current events are being portrayed by the various outlets, some praise a man while others do everything to destroy him. There is little doubt that most media is complicit in this conspiracy and it is becoming more evident with each story.
Since we're starrting to wag a bit.

We can summarize this as -

Most MSM isn't accurate

Even the MSM is poking at the inaccuracies of the MSM

Some news sources outside the U.S. are more reliable than those within the U.S. on events in the U.S.

The internet is full of blogs, news outlets, and news aggigators that range from fantasy to factual and understanding the bias of each is important to understanding how factual they are.

Triangulate on the truth with different new sources that you know the bias of since a steady diet of just one won't provide what you need for a healthy understanding of the facts.
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