Whitehouse Petitions

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I'm agreement with the repeal of NFA34, but these petitions have been pretty much useless.
Repeal of the NFA and Hughes Amendment require acts of congress. Neither will happen anytime soon.
And neither will be driven by presidential pressure. Congress tends to resent legislative pushes spearheaded by a 'competing' branch of government, unless they are already driving at it. But in the case of these issues, neither congress, nor our new president, have given any indication of wanting movement. Thus, the best course of action is to stoke support at the grass-roots and representative levels. With an influential senator or rep sticking his neck out on the issue, it is much easier for others to glob on and get a bill moving.

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We're supposed to offer suggestions for improvement instead of undermine 2A plans so while we haven't seen value in the direct petitions to the Whitehouse in the past we might hope they'll get more attention from an administration that sees direct interaction in a different light.

Let's DO add our names and encourage others to as well, BUT work more traditional routes to get real legislation through to get rid of these restrictions. Make your congress critter aware of your expectation. Tell them you expect them to draft and sponsor legislation to make it happen.

Look for the anti articles like those attacking HPA and comment cogently on their bias and lies.

AND work to get others to do the same through your circle of contacts to ripple the effort into a wave.
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Repeal of the NFA and Hughes Amendment require acts of congress. Neither will happen anytime soon.
As do most of the petions there. The President can throw his support behind legislation or even propose it.

HSO is 100% spot on.

Stop saying these petitions are useless or that it won't happen. Yes, I agree it's a long shot, but by not taking a minute to sign or by being a naysayer and not showing support for these petitions or the Hearing Protection Act, they certainly won't happen. It's better to take a minute to sign the petitions (literally takes a minute, just be sure to confirm your signature by going to your email and clicking the link after you sign) than snub it and give it no momentum. Better to try and fail than not try at all.

Gun owners in CA thought Democrats would never require ammo licenses or further restrict their rights. Likewise, we have an opportunity to show that there is desire to repeal the NFA and Hughes Amendment and put the liberals on the defensive.

Sign the petitions, forward the links to other pro gun people and at least you can say you did something instead of just whining about how our 2A rights have been squandered.
Barnbwt has hit it right on the nut. Convention has gone completely out the window this year but so far the Constitution still holds sway. The Executive branch does not make laws- that's up to the Legislative branch. Right now they're mostly focused on other issue and probably won't be focused 2nd Amendment issues. Pressure from the WH won't sway them unless there's a quid pro quo needed to further those ends. Dear Leader is currently embroiled in too many issues and seems to be committed to alienating every world leader before the month is done.:eek:

IRC the whole petition system was instituted by President Obama. I'm surprised it hasn't been unplugged yet. I'll be surprised if the system isn't discontinued once the WH realizes it's still active.
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It's really perplexing to me how these don't have enough signatures by now considering how large the firearms/pro2a community is. As far as petitions being a waste of time, how many like this have been submitted under this current administration? It's pretty obvious to see "business as usual" mode is over.
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While I won't condemn the Whitehouse.gov petitions out of hand, it is clear that change comes through the Congress so direct contact with your congresscritters explaining you expect them to introduce or sponsor legislation removing restrictions on lawabiding citizens (like the Hearing Protection Act or any of the relief in the ATF whitepaper) and our right to keep and bear arms is what matters more than anything else. If you do only ONE thing, make it that you expressed your expectation to your elected representative directly. After that these petitions are worth contributing to, but don't mistake them for equal weight.
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Signing these petitions is a complete waste of time. They are nothing more than informal polls.

If you really want the NFA repealed, start by writing letters and placing phone calls to your congressmen and senators.

More importantly, call and write to your representatives and tell them to get the HPA out of committee and out on to the floor to be voted on. It's a good place to start
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