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Who here has a concealed weapon permit? (California)

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Jan 24, 2006
Im new to these forums, and going through them, I have been both entertained and educated. Im far from a gun expert. I carried a little (unregistered) .380 for several years. Thats the extent of my gun experience.

I recently bought a (registered) Sig P220 and was wondering how difficult it is to get a concealed weapons permit in California. I see a lot of people talk about "carrying" pistols and I was wondering if most of you are law enforcement, licensed to carry, or risk concealing a weapon with no permit. I realize laws are different from state to state, but I was just curious about everyone's situation.
In general it is very tough to get a ccw in Ca. You might have some luck depending on the county you reside in. There is a website based on this (you'll have to google it) and it will give you an idea on how slim your chances actually are.
I was wondering if most of you are law enforcement, licensed to carry, or risk concealing a weapon with no permit.

Most of us have our permission card from one or more states, there's a few LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers), and those who conceal illegally generally don't advertise the fact, so it's hard to speculate on that. Still others do none of the above - younger shooters check the forums, as do hunters and competition shooters who don't or very rarely carry a weapon with them outside of their areas of specialty.
I think that it would be very interesting to see who actually holds a California CCW permit. Does such a list exist on the internet? I'll bet that it would be a who's who of the politically connected.:evil:
I'm in Los Angeles County :( Itd probably be pretty tough.

And unfortunately, the constitution wouldn't do me much good if I was caught with a concealed weapon.
Seven High said:
I think that it would be very interesting to see who actually holds a California CCW permit. Does such a list exist on the internet? I'll bet that it would be a who's who of the politically connected.:evil:
Only in certain counties. There are some counties that are practically "shall issue", or at least pro-CCW.
um, your Senator Diane Feinstein, the handgun hater, has an unlimited concealed carry permit in California. She's had one since S.F. mayor Mosconi was killed back in the 70's. By the way- her "comrade-in-arms", New York's senator Chuckie Schumer, also has an unlimited permit in New York. Go figure. I guess their lives are more important than those of our own families.:banghead:

ChuckB said:
um, your Senator Diane Feinstein, the handgun hater, has an unlimited concealed carry permit in California. She's had one since S.F. mayor Mosconi was killed back in the 70's. By the way- her "comrade-in-arms", New York's senator Chuckie Schumer, also has an unlimited permit in New York. Go figure. I guess their lives are more important than those of our own families.:banghead:

I think she got rid of the CA CCW when elected to the Senate. Photo opp, even. Then she got some sort of federal permit. At least that's what one of her ex-staffers said at a reception.
SigP220 said:
I'm in Los Angeles County :( Itd probably be pretty tough.

And unfortunately, the constitution wouldn't do me much good if I was caught with a concealed weapon.
You're right, a CCW permit in LA County is virtually impossible if you aren't one of Sheriff Baca's personal friends, a politician, or possibly a judge. Baca is anti-gun, and does not accept "I wish to be able to defend myself" as a 'good reason' to issue a CCW permit.

I also reside in LA county and wish I could get a CCW. Our best hope is to elect a pro-gun sheriff, or move to another county. I've heard San Bernadino and Orange counties have pretty pro-gun sheriffs, and it's comparatively easy to get a CCW if you live in one of those counties.
I have another address in Riverside County. Can you only carry the gun in the county you have the permit in? Say I get the CCW through Riverside County. Would I be able to carry in LA?

(If these are stupid questions, please forgive me. Im not as knowledgable on the issue as most of the guys on this site.)
In Minnesota, if you got a permit to carry in a rural area (which was easy to do, but you had to be a permanent resident in that area), you could carry in the big cities. The people in the big cities (who needed the permits more) couldn't get one (I know, because I tried). Since the law passed almost 3 years ago, we can all carry anywhere in the state we want (except where prohibited by law and except where signs are posted.

I know this is off the topic a little, but I talked to a guy who lives in Tennesee, and he said that almost all retail establishments have signs banning guns. When hell freezes over, and ordinary, law-abiding citizens can carry in California, who's to say that the resulting signage won't make it impossible anyway? Here in MN, the signs are not very common, they are usually posted on establishments that are trying to make a political statement
(like the Megamall).
SigP220 said:
I have another address in Riverside County. Can you only carry the gun in the county you have the permit in? Say I get the CCW through Riverside County. Would I be able to carry in LA?

(If these are stupid questions, please forgive me. Im not as knowledgable on the issue as most of the guys on this site.)

if you get a permit in riverside , your golden anywhere in the state (pun intended). Thats the route i would pursue if i was in your shoes. Also, get a utah permit as well if you travel often, that will give you coverage in the vast majority of the US.

Checking www.packing.org for more details.
The-Fly, thanks for the info. You know anything about the Riverside Sheriff?
Wisconsin's governor has just Vetoed CC again. I haven't checked on it lately, but I think the REP's are trying to override it again. If it passes, I'll take the class and get the permit just on principle, but in reality I don't see myself carrying very often.
SigP220 said:
The-Fly, thanks for the info. You know anything about the Riverside Sheriff?
A check with Packing.org's CA page lists the following information about applying for CCW in Riverside county:
Riverside County
General notes

Date updated: Jul 30, 2005 @ 12:43:55 am EDT

CA DOJ records indicate there are 698 permits in this county as of 2003. County population as of 7/1/2000 = 1,559,079

The following information was provided by an applicant:
"I have a copy of their policy for issuance. Good cause would be one of the following:
1) Life has been threatened. Documented proof with police report along with recommendation letter from police or sheriffs department that you obtain a permit.
2) Are an active/retired/reserve law enforcement agent.
3) Are a family member of an active/retired/reserve law enforcement agent with documented proof that your life has been threatened.
4) A city employee with a need to carry a firearm.

I hope you're active or retired law enforcement... I sure DON'T hope you've received a death threat (though that WOULD give you your 'good cause' :neener: )

Note that their color-coded map of California counties lists Riverside county as "Difficult to Obtain"... like Los Angeles county :( Sorry to be bearer of bad news...
I've got one. I live in a county where they are alleged "impossible" to get. It can be done.
Hey Fly,

I just need your name and address so I can get a restraining order. But I fear for my life either way. hehe

Here comes a long read, explaining my current situation. Id appreciate opinions.

On a serious note (all bullsh*t aside) my Grandfather (Im an early 20s law-obiding citizen) won the lottory a while back. He saw 15 mil in the lump sum. I tried to keep it quiet, but it spread through the city. Through the rumor mill (you all know how that works) I was hearing things about people kidnapping and/or extorting me. I didnt take it seriously until I noticed strange cars following me at night. One night I heard something outside my house. So I ran outside with a pistol a friend lent me. A car screeched off and I noticed the back window of my car was shattered (the garage remote control was inside).

I have since moved to get away from everything. Everything has been calm for about 5 months. Recently, Ive been feeling like someones watching me. I notice strange cars behind me late at night (when nobody else should be on the road.) Im normally not a paranoid person, but my senses are normally right.

I dont have police reports (other than the attempted Breaking and Entering) and I dont have restraining orders or anything. (I wouldnt know who to file them against.) Does anyone feel this is adequate cause (in the eyes of the law) for a CCW? This is the reason I bought a pistol for home. But I cant even go to school and work anymore without sweating bullets thinking someones after me. (I guess I cant say Im not a paranoid person anymore)
I've got one. I live in a county where they are alleged "impossible" to get. It can be done.


...but you aren't sharing the story how you obtained yours in an "impossible" county, where I assume denial of CCW isn't uncommon.

It would be helpful if you provided some details of your success.

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