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Who steals a cat?!

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Oct 15, 2005
Garland, TX
A friend of mine who volunteers for a local pet rescue group sent me the following:
Sunday night one of our foster cats cat Simon (aka Daddy-O), a lovely ginger tom, was stolen from the Casa Linda Petco.

Two large white men walked into the store hung around by the cat condos, walked off & then back by the condos. The employee present at the time, was "on the floor" & one of the men put a finger to his lips to tell her to be quiet, while the other raised his jacket to reveal a gun. They then took Simon out of the condo & left the store without taking anything else.

The police were notified & came & took a report & viewed the store video.

I have about 15 stray cats and kittens in my backyard. If someone wants one, they are more than welcome to come catch it. This is plain ridiculous.

Edit: I just saw a news report on this. It is a 1st degree felony punishable by up to 99 years in jail. You don't mess with someone's animals in Texas.
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Maybe someone who wants to train their fighting dog:mad:

If the strays in your yard bother you, see if SNAP (spay and neuter all pets) has a branch in our area. They will fix them cheap if you live-trap them and bring them in. And the fixed ones will hold the ground against incursions by others not of their colony. Look at www.alleycat.org or www.feralcat.com for info.

To keep this gun-related - I think displaying a pistol during a robbery qualifies as "armed robbery" but IANAL. Seems like an extreme risk - not likely the guy was just in love with that cat and had to take it home right then.

I'd have to guess that someone has a real jones for El Gato Tacos.:evil:
"Well, purebreds can fetch a lot of money on the black market."

Yes I just saw a movie where one BG says to another BG:

Frank: "Hey Lou, you got the cat?"
Lou: "SHUT UP! They might be listening."
Frank: "You don't have the cat do ya? I oughta kill you."
Lou: "You don't have any brains. I got the cat. You waste me, say bye to Puss-in-Boots.":D
This sounds more like a movie script than real life.

I'm sure we'll find out that the armed men were CIA agents, and Simon swallowed some top secret microfilm proving [random conspiracy theory]:scrutiny:
Nitrogen said:
This sounds more like a movie script than real life.

I'm sure we'll find out that the armed men were CIA agents, and Simon swallowed some top secret microfilm proving [random conspiracy theory]:scrutiny:
Unfortunately, all the feral groups in the area require rental fees for the cages and charge you for getting the cat fixed. Unfortunately, I just got laid off and can't afford the fees.

As to whether it would be legal to draw on them. In Texas, I think it would. Since one of the robbers displayed a weapon. Not to mention, we still have some funky rules about animal property. It wasn't to long ago that shoplifting a pound of ground beef was a felony. The law read that the theft of a cow, or any part of a cow, is a felony.
When you back over the godfathers cat - you need a look-a-like in a hurrry and the nearest ATM wasn't working .;)
cats are free, your a real jerk if you take a pet store cat. go to a farm, you'll find plenty of cute barn cat kittens that will be fine house pets and most farmers are far to happy to be rid of a few. we have 4-5 cats that live in our garage. they have kittens about 2x a year, maybe 3. the boys stay a season, and wander off and the girls hang around a bit longer, but not always. they are all friendly and petable, but come and go as they please. very convienent.
Several years ago we had a problem with some scumbags snatchi pet cats and selling them to research labs. Apparently, though, the law has been tightened up and labs now want to know the geneology of research animals, so it doesn't make much sense to snatch them off the street.

This sounds like some grade B sitcom where somebody's kid's/girlfriend's red tabby got smooshed and they needed a replacement?:confused: Or meybe they's 'rescuing a cat that got picked up by mistake?:rolleyes: Still, armed robbery over an undocumented animal doesn't make much sense, but where is it written that criminals had any sense?
This would not be the first time a gun was drawn when a pussy was involved.
I mean a cat of coarse.
f4t9r said:
This would not be the first time a gun was drawn when a pussy was involved.
I mean a cat of coarse.
Of course.
I was also wondering what an "undocumented animal" was when referring to cats. An illegal pussy?
So many euphemisms...
Sindawe said:
So to further the discussion, would one be justified in drawing their own weapon (assuming CCW legal) on these cat-nappers?

I'll bet it depends upon what state you are in. In Arizona, I think you would be legally justified to draw. Once the robber's weapon gets displayed in the commission of a crime I'd imagine it's a felony, and in Arizona you may use the threat of deadly force to stop a felony. Now, if the criminal continues to take the cat, or just leaves, but does not threaten life or limb (keeps the pistol in his jacket, for example), you can't shoot. I can imagine this being a bit of an awkward spot to be in ("stop, or I'll yell 'stop' again!"), but anywhere in the store would be an awkward spot to be in, whether you drew or not.

It might be wise to have my weapon more at the ready than the criminal's in case he decides to raise the risk to me and others.
Didn't you see Men in Black, the movie? Obviously this cat was wearing some pricey jewelry. Of course, now the earth will be destroyed...
Ive had two cats stolen from me in the past 4 years. One was a born bobtail older kitten. My girlfriend is a freak about bobtailed cats. She loves them. Come to find out later some guy stole it for his girlfriend!
I came home many years ago to discover the neighbors in the side yard, cops all over, and one of my windows broken out. The police had been through my place once, but as I was arriving, a K9 unit showed up; went through the house again, with me this time, and I was fretting about my poor cat having probably run away, but not saying anyhting because the officers were being Seriously Serious...

So the dog leads us all through the place and comes to stop at my bed, lookng under and then up at his boss. Two huge burly city cops reach in and, sure enough....

Pull out a tiny little old lady!

She's so drunk she make no sense. She's got a six-pack of colas from my fridge in one hand and my cat in the other!

I free my cat (who promptly hides). The cops sit the little old lady down outside on the porch, and grill her, a bit good-naturedly now that she's seen to be not especially harmless, and the story that emerges, in fragments, is that she thought my cat was hers, and broke in to "free" it (and, it would seem, anything drinkable in the place...)

Who'd steal a cat? Lots of people, I guess.

I declined to press charges. Drunk and dazed is its own punishment.

If they stole the cat to train their dogs, when they're caught, they should both be put into a pen to play with the friendly tigers for a few hours.
Who would steal a cat?

Why, PETA of course. And then they'd kill them and throw their bodies in a dumpster
Find a few cats that will absoloutly bite and claw up a bag of cat nip, we aren't talking love and play with it we are talking storm the beachs with guns blazing destroy the bag of cat nip with extreme violence, then spread some on the cat nappers nether regions and lock him in a room with said cats.
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