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Who'da thunk? Guns best crime deterrent after all

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Who'da thunk? Guns best crime deterrent after all
'People who say bad guys will stop because of 1 more law are full of it'

By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

When sexual assaults started rising in Orlando, Fla., in 1986, police officers noticed women were arming themselves, so they launched a firearms safety course for them. Over the next 12 months, sexual assaults plummeted by 88 percent, burglaries fell by 25 percent and not one of the 2,500 women who took the course fired a gun in a confrontation.

And that, says a new brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court by police officers and prosecutors in a controversial gun-ban dispute, is why gun ownership is important and should be available to individuals in the United States.

The arguments come in an amicus brief submitted by the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, whose spokesman, Ted Deeds, told WND there now are 92 different law enforcement voices speaking together to the Supreme Court in the Heller case.

That pending decision will decide whether an appeals court ruling striking down a District of Columbia ban on handguns because it violates the Second Amendment will stand or not. The gun ban promoters essentially argue that any gun restriction that is ruled "reasonable" is therefore constitutional, such as the D.C. handgun ban.

Deeds said this probably is the largest unified law enforcement statement in support of the Second Amendment ever, and includes nearly a dozen organizations that represent tens of thousands of police officers across the country, dozens of state attorneys general, dozens of prosecutors and a long list of federal law enforcement experts up to and including federal judges.

Oral arguments in the case are scheduled on March 18, and the LEAA brief is just one of 46 that have been filed on the side of seeking affirmation that the Second Amendment does, indeed, document a right for individuals to own guns in the United States.

The brief notes when the Georgia town of Kennesaw decided to require all residents, with exceptions for conscientious objectors, to keep a firearm at home, home burglaries fell from 66 to 26 to 11 in consecutive years.

In Orlando, the deterrence to criminals who simply knew that their victims may have a gun and may know how to use it and may be willing to do just that had a significant impact, because while Orlando's rapes were plummeting, assaults were up 5 percent across the state and 7 percent nationally.

The brief cites a study that discovered, based on interviews with felony prisoners in 11 prisons in 10 states, one third of the felons had been "scared off, shot at, wounded or captured by an armed victim," and nearly four in 10 had decided against committing a specific crime because they thought the victim might have a gun.

"Seventy-four percent agreed with the statement that 'One reason burglars avoid houses where people are at home is that they fear being shot,'" the study said.

The brief suggested the nation's crime rate could rocket should more restrictions be placed on guns.

"Numerous surveys show that firearms are used (usually without a shot needing to be fired) for self-defense at least 97,000 times a year, and probably several hundred thousands times a year. The anti-crime effects of citizen handgun ownership provide enormous benefits to law enforcement, because there are fewer home invasion emergencies requiring an immediate police response, and because the substantial reductions in rates of burglary, assault, and other crimes allow the police and district attorneys to concentrate more resources on other cases and on deterrence."

"Guns save lives," the brief said. "In the hands of law-abiding citizens, guns provide very substantial public safety benefits. In all 50 states – but not the District – it is lawful to use firearms for defense against home invaders. The legal ownership of firearms for home defense is an important reason why the American rate of home invasion burglaries is far lower than in countries which prohibit or discourage home handgun defense."

The brief said handgun ownership reduces the number of confrontational home invasions, so "the total U.S. violent crime rate [is reduced] by about 9 percent."

Deeds said it's always hard to predict the U.S. Supreme Court, but ideally the ruling would clarify the Second Amendment means exactly what its words say: that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

He compared it to the discussion of freedom of religion, should the Bible be banned. "For Christians there's no effective freedom of religion if they didn't have a Bible," he said.

"To have the Second Amendment right on paper, but to be denied the effective means of exercising that right at a moment of truth, when you're trying to defend yourself or your loved one from an aggressor, [is wrong,]" he said. "The gun is the only answer."

Where the rubber meets the road, he said, is when a good guy needs to survive an encounter with a bad guy, he said. There are two possible results: Police arrive on the scene later to have the innocent victim hurt or killed, or they arrive on the scene to "find the victim hearty and the offender on the floor."

"Every cop in American is going to pick the second closing of the story," Deeds said.

He said gun control originally was sold to Americans as a way to lower crime, but he disagreed. "People who sell this idea that bad guys are going to stop because of one more law are just full of it," he said.

"That's a lie. That's a fraud," he said. He also said it's a terribly slippery slope to say that under the Second Amendment, some gun restrictions are good because they are "reasonable."

"We are hoping that they [the Supreme Court] make a very clear, very unambiguous decision in favor of the Second Amendment," Deeds told WND.

Montana officials already have argued the U.S. already resolved any dispute about the meaning of the Second Amendment when it defined in Montana's compact under which it became a state that "any person" has the right to bear arms.

And U.S. Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., has led a congressional delegation in asking President Bush to order the U.S. Justice Department to submit a brief to the high court supporting the rights of individuals under the Second Amendment.

A similar request already has been submitted by officials for the Gun Owners of America, whose executive director, Larry Pratt, warned: "If the Supreme Court were to accept the Solicitor General's line of argument, D.C.'s categorical gun ban of virtually all self-defense firearms could well be found to be constitutional. ..."

The government's position is available in a document submitted by by U.S. Solicitor General Paul D. Clement. He said since "unrestricted" private ownership of guns clearly threatens the public safety, the Second Amendment can be interpreted to allow a variety of gun restrictions.

"Given the unquestionable threat to public safety that unrestricted private firearm possession would entail, various categories of firearm-related regulation are permitted by the Second Amendment," Clement wrote in the brief.

Because of the specifics of the D.C. case, the ultimate ruling is expected to address directly whether the Second Amendment includes a right for individuals nationwide to have a gun or whether local governments can approve whatever laws or ordinances they desire to restrict firearms.

The amendment reads, "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
There was a poll of criminals in prison about what they feared. The answer, in no particular order, was

Big Men
Big Dogs
Big Guns

Go figure. :)

The antis live in a far too civilized world in my opinion.
I like how they included interviews with actual criminals in prison. To me, *that* is where the real information needs to be gleaned from. 74%, wow.
I read this article on worldnet daily today and it is very good. I can not understand why so many universities and shoping malls with the "gun free zones" don't get it?

Guns in th hands of law abiding citizens deter crime!:cool:
I read this article on worldnet daily today and it is very good. I can not understand why so many universities and shoping malls with the "gun free zones" don't get it?

Because they don't care if you die...they care about being sued. If the families of those killed by deranged killers, would sue the malls and universities for disarming them (and win) we might see them change their attitudes and policies.
Unless you are intent upon suicide, the fear of "lead poisoning" seems valid. Who wants to get shot, stabbed or beaten if there are less daunting targets available? Think about the following for a moment. When was the last time a maniac tried to shoot up a police station? Yes, you can see this in science fiction films, but in the real world this does not seem to occur very often. I wonder why?:rolleyes:

I don't think your run of the mill thug is suicidal but I think there are cases of suicide by cop. The NIU shooter is the most puzzling to me because he did not leave any rational for his action. The others seem like they are playing a live first person shooter video game that want to run a good score up on or just misunderstand life so badly they would give it up to be 'famous'.
Who'da thunk? Guns best crime deterrent after all

Um.......NO. Although they certinaly do help the best deterrant is inaccesibility and numbers. Put enough fences locks and walls up the criminal will look else where to do their evil bidding. For the most part traveling in large numbers is good too. Often times a criminal will look for the lone person to rob. A gun will not prevent a crime if the bad guy does not know it is there(an arguement for open carry)but it will most certinaly stop a crime in progress most of the time.
Road, hmmm, yet another brilliant THR idea!

I can see the thread on THR now:

OP: "What for __________?"

"You need the Rhodesian Ridgeback Special."

"No, no, no, he needs the German Shephard Magnum."

"I like my White German Shephard Magnum because everyone at the dog firing range looks at me."

"I keep a Mini Yorkie Combat Master in my pocket because as the guys at the pet shoppe told me it is all I need."
"You need the Rhodesian Ridgeback Special."

"No, no, no, he needs the German Shephard Magnum."

"I like my White German Shephard Magnum because everyone at the dog firing range looks at me."

"I keep a Mini Yorkie Combat Master in my pocket because as the guys at the pet shoppe told me it is all I need."
I just prefer the BFD for those that dont get it D is for Dog
I tend to think that the preparation of carrying a SD firearm for many folks also raises their awareness on how to avoid certain situations that may make them a victim......whether at home or on the street.
i have three SPCA specials, but i would really like one of those high doller Anatolians. *grin*

The antis live in a far too civilized world in my opinion.
A fantasy world would be the more accurate phrase.

i have three SPCA specials, but i would really like one of those high doller Anatolians

View attachment 345233

This one is mine and although they walk the walk and talk the talk, they are really not anti personnel weapons like a Dobey or Rottweiler, they are ferocious against other predators.
Mine"s small....but he's crazy.


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I hate to state this, but some locations seem "soft targets" for maniacs. Public schools, malls and universities immediately spring to my mind. The "hard targets" seem like places where a maniac would be dispatched rather quickly. Police stations and shooting ranges would fall into this category. Obviously, there are many factors involved in mass shootings such as we seen recently. But I am always surprised that mass shootings do not seem to occur against so-called "hard targets". This is something that always crosses my mind when I hear of such events.

I have heard of one or two cases of some idiot pulling a pistol in a police station. Situation didn't last long and of course the idiot went to meet the maker.

In Iraq there has been a few cases of attacks on police stations, but they were a larger number of full combat ready persons, complete with automatic firearms and explosive devices and RPGs.
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If by "explosive devices" you mean "cars filled with explosives," yeah, they are doing that in Iraq. Haven't heard so much about frontal assaults though.
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