WI: Ed Thompson rears his head again

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Dec 25, 2002
Decatur, AL
Text of Ed Thompson's July 31 Radio Comments on Kevin Barrett and 9/11 Truth:

At last, Democrats and Republicans agree on an issue concerning the truth. At least two Wisconsin gubernatorial candidates do. But you might not like what I have to say about the truth when I come back with „Just a Little Common Sense.‰


Kevin Barrett is the University of Wisconsin lecturer who believes that the 9/11 disaster was not only an inside job, but that the government had something to do with it.

He is not alone in this contention. A Brigham Young University physicist, Steven Jones, has done thorough research on 9/11 that supports Barrett‚s argument. Eminent American Theologian David Ray Griffin agrees.

A Zogby poll says that 42% of the US population thinks there has been a 911 cover up, and 45% think Congress should investigate.

On the other hand, a lot of people think Barrett is a kook. That‚s where Green and Doyle agree.

On TV, Doyle questioned whether Barrett has the capacity to teach students in this state. Green said that no taxpayer or tuition dollars should be going to Kevin Barrett so he can tell students that September 11th was created by the government.

46% of the legislature signed a letter to UW-Madison calling for the university to fire Kevin Barrett. All but one of them were Republicans. I wonder if Doyle feels a little awkward being in agreement with all those folks from the enemy camp.

Kevin Barrett says that he encourages students to question information and use their brains to figure out what the truth might be, no matter what the issue.

It‚s like the plaque on Bascom Hall says, that the university should (quote) „Ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.‰ (unquote)

I don‚t profess to know everything about 9/11 but there are reasons to question the official version of the disaster.

Rescue workers statements referring to controlled demolition were not reported by the media. The mangled steel girders from the buildings were recycled out of the country without being subjected to scientific analysis. And why have so many reputable scientists shown, through extensive research, that the towers didn‚t collapse because airplanes flew into them?

When Representative Steve Nass was challenged to a debate on the issue by Barrett, a Nass spokesman said, that would be like debating the existence of the bogeyman. Does that mean Nass thinks 42% of the American people believe in the bogeyman?

I haven‚t heard all that Barrett has to say, but I do like the idea of sifting and winnowing to find the truth.

Apparently Kevin Barrett has read that plaque on Bascom Hall and regards it as a job description.

Our elected officials ought to do the same. I‚d prefer a government run by the truth rather than one running on blind emotion.

This is Ed Thompson with „Just a Little Common Sense.‰ Let me know what you‚re thinking. Send an email to [email protected], or just drop in at the Teepee and say hello.

All Ed Thompson's radio comments are archived at: http://www.b945country.com/modules/web/index.php/id/164
'Just a Little Common Sense' is a pretty generous comment when talking about the Chris Farley of the Thompson family.
There's a major difference

between encouraging students to think critically, and encouraging them to buy into any of a thousand cockamamie conspiracy theories running around.

9/11 could have been a government plot to destabilize the constitiuton... except that the Bilderburgers would never allow it because of it's impact on Wall Street. Or the current unrest in the Middle East is a plot by the Templars to retake control of Jerusalem and other Christian sites under the cover of a collapse of the Israeli government.

The biggest and strongest argument against ANY major conspiracy theory is the assumption that events that would require the collusion of hundreds or thousands of people (a Navy AEGIS cruiser shot down TWA Flight 800) can be kept secret.

Too many people who can't, or won't, take control of their own lives find it easier to believe that some dark, sinister force is in control of everything, and they're helpless to do anything about it. (And remember, free pop psychology advice is worth what you pay for it.)

Just my $.02. YMMV
Emminent Americian Theologian my you know what. Google this so called theologian and see what he believes. He is way out there in loony land. I actually watched the elderly man give his conspiracy lecture on FSTV at some lefty university. I was surprised the audience stood and applauded many times. Good Grief. I worry for our Country when kooks get so much serious attention. I might say he never did say where the planes with the missing people went. Although he claimed all the highjackers had be seen since and that is the gospel truth.
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