Wilkes-Barre, PA "Arctic Blast" IDPA Sanctioned Match -- NEXT WEEKEND!

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Moderator Emeritus
Oct 22, 2007
Central PA
Hi all,

Just passing along the word that there are still slots available for Jerry G's "Arctic Blast" match next weekend (1/15/11).

Always a good time, and a great opportunity to test your skills and equipment under more challenging conditions.

PM me for more info.
Nobody? 'Cmon, there will probably be snow! Last time it was something around 12 deg. as we started. No better way to get some practice under "real-world" conditions.

Great bunch of guys and gals up there and Jerry always puts on a good match.

I'll be helping out as an SO and would love to meet some High-Roaders!
I'll be there.

I actually ordered a new coat because I realized I didn't really have a heavy winter jacket and I didn't want to attempt shooting on Saturday with popsicles for hands.
Well, if you were there, I saw you at some point. CSO for bay 4, stages 10, 11, and 12.

I would have been the one threatening to send folks home for breaking the muzzle rules, especially on the weird "W" in stage 12.

Hope you had a great time!
Fun match. Had two realllll stinker stages that ruined the match for me.

I was the guy with the jammed up gun that shot right before the lady with the REALLY jammed up gun.
Oh! Well, it was a pleasure meeting you and I hope you get that sorted out.

I've been on the line with a gun that didn't want to play -- more times that I care to remember -- and it is a terrible feeling.

I missed taking home a 1st place plaque by 0.3 sec. To make that worse, I found an upside down primer in one round on stage 13 which made me do a tap-rack-bang that undoubtedly cost me at least twice that much time! Aaargh.

I had a GREAT time and it was a huge pleasure to work with all my pals from WBRP and Factoryville, etc. again!

Will I see you at MD states (Apr. 29-30)?
My issue was ammo related as well. Had a funny shapped case that chambered most of the way, but did woudln't fire and did not want to come out with a simple slide rack. I ended up clearing it but had already dropped the mag and then had to do a reload on top of all of that. Oh well.

I haven't really thought that far ahead, but I'll see if I can make it down there. I need to redeem myself.

Can you link me to some info on the Maryland match?
Yes, it's the same for me. Long drive but I used to live down there and have friends in the area so it's ok.

Of course, between Jerry's Independence match, Neil's match at New Holland, PA States, and maybe even more likely to happen in our area as the year goes on, there's no great need to travel so far.
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