Will this desiccant work?

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Dec 1, 2006
We just got a bunch of laptops at work and every bag has silica gel desiccant packs in them. Will this work for my ammo cans?

If so, I'm taking it all :D
If you have enough in the can, sure. Just remember to roast it before you put it in the cans so that you don't put saturated silica gel in the can.
roast it? How would you recommend doing that? jw
Baste it in a solution of orange juice, scallions, allspice, and scotch bonnet peppers, then turn slowly on a spit over a pimento wood fire for three hours. :neener:

Bake it in the oven on the lowest setting for about 10 - 15 minutes... you just want to dry out any moisture in the packs. Just watch out in case the little packets aren't heat proof.
Easier than roasting is... microwave. I work on airplanes and a lot of our radar system have desiccant in them to keep the waveguides from arcing. Anyway... we microwave our stuff to remove the moisture.

Oh, I forgot.... Let it cool off before you throw it on live ammo!
yeah I was wondering if a microwave or dryer would work :)

haha I'll wait until it's cooled off to throw it in the cans
He's not asking about SHIPPING ammo, he's asking about long term strorage.
I use desicant packs that's come in everything from guitars to hiking boots.
As stated, bake it a while in the oven first.
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