Without guns in Oz, they won't have school shootings...er...um

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Apr 26, 2004

A LIFETIME of bullying caused a teenaged boy to snap and shoot his ex-girlfriend with a crossbow in a schoolyard, a judge said yesterday.

I want to hear Michael Moore's explanation of this. No guns. No satellite launch vehicles being built nearby and shipped through his town at night while he was sleeping. No NRA rallies in town. No banks giving out free guns. How could this possibly have happened Michael Moore? How?
He then threw petrol bombs at the two girls but they did not ignite.

Anybody notice how often these schoolkids come up with bombs?

They apparantly have detonation issues, and in this case were probably molatov cocktails, not proper bombs, but still!

Let them have the guns! Otherwise they might actually sit down and build better bombs! Oh wait, we have to ban propane tanks!
Remember, we're talking about "the land down under" here. "Petrol" is Brit-speak for gasoline, so I think Molotov cocktail is indeed a fair guess.
Anybody notice how often these schoolkids come up with bombs?

Once upon a time the PLO used to come into town and shoot the place up ... now that there's strict gun control imposed on the Palistenians they use bombs.

Its a natural progression. The boys in Columbine made a ton of bombs too ... think what damage they would of done if they didn't have their guns.

Take away the guns and the "badguys" will find something else

"Once upon a time the PLO used to come into town and shoot the place up ... now that there's strict gun control imposed on the Palistenians they use bombs."

The terror groups still have plenty of guns and use them too; civilians driving the roads near Palestinian towns are routinely fired on. And these restrictions are not new, they've been around even back in the PLO's heyday. Bombing is a new tactic used mainly by Hamas and Al-Aqsa; Fatah and Hizbullah use three- or four-man rifle squads.

OTOH, after the PLO started shooting up schools, Israel made it mandatory for teachers to carry pistols. The attacks stopped afterwards, I wonder why? :D

We need teachers to go armed. End of story.
Israel's El Al (I think that is the name of the airline) has armed pilots and has not had an airliner hijacked since 1969, if memory serves correctly.

Armed teachers? Properly trained, it sounds like a plan to me.

Not surprising that you rarely hear about things like this on the Communist News Network and related liberal media drivel outlets.
Israel's El Al (I think that is the name of the airline) has armed pilots and has not had an airliner hijacked since 1969, if memory serves correctly.

They also "profile" passengers. You know, where you take measure of the risk? They look for terrorists, not nail clippers. Sorry for the thread veer.

Are they not now registering swords too? The gangs have taken to swords because of the lack of guns.

Next up: The Assault Pointy Stick Ban (APSB).....
I remember reading about this when it first happened. I still can't beleive it.

The thing that got me was the line about the 'petrol bombs'. My friends and I used to make molotav cocktails and throw them at concrete walls down in gulleys. (We were young, it was fun). There are very simple to make. I try to think about how exactly this kid screwed up the instructions.
1. fill bottle with kerosene
2.stuff rag, wet with kerosense, in bottle
3. light rag
4. throw at object

How do you screw that up? (Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he couldn't figure this out, but come on, how did he make it to Highschool being that stupid)
Good point, FMJ. I'm surprised he was smart enough to put the arrow into the crossbow, with the pointy end facing out.
He then threw petrol bombs at the two girls but they did not ignite.

Silly Aussies. If that was an American kid, you know those bombs would have gone off without a hitch.

And they say our public education sucks...
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