Worrisome email from Midway USA

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Nov 28, 2008
I had place a magazine order that of course was backordered. I just received this email from Midway USA:

"We have been holding some products for you, waiting for other items to arrive so we could ship your order complete. However, we believe an Executive Order could be released any day prohibiting the sale of certain products such as high-capacity magazines and AR-15 parts and accessories. Therefore we have done a partial release of your backorders to ensure that any of these items and other items we had in inventory waiting to ship complete are all on their way, in case such an Order is forthcoming. You will receive a shipping notification shortly. Other items on backorder, that we have not yet received, are not affected by this partial release.

We appreciate your understanding and your business. We always put Customer Satisfaction first and believe this action is in the very best interest of our Customers.


MidwayUSA Customer Service"

They have basically no mags in stock, so I dont think this is a scare tactic, because they dont have anything left to sell.
This was to be expected, get ready for more.... just saying. Before people start "Boycotting" everyone out there, keep in mind these are uncertain times for "ALL" firearm mftr. companies and retail stores.
The wording of their e-mail was odd, but there's nothing wrong with what they did.

I could see if they have, say, 50K people with AR-15 magazines backordered, holding up everything else on their orders doesn't make much sense. Taking up warehouse space for no good reason.

I've had Midway split orders before. Haven't ever seen an e-mail like THAT, but the split shipment is nothing unusual.
I think it is a prudent and responsable action by Midway. Plus it is in their best interest. If there is a ban, they don't get stuck with stock that can only be sold to the military or LEOs. Good for you. Good for them.

we believe an Executive Order could be released any day prohibiting the sale of certain products such as high-capacity magazines and AR-15 parts and accessories.
They believe two things here. The first being that an EO is looming. The second thing they are saying is that an EO could ban magazines, gun parts and accessories.
No, they believe there is the POSSIBILITY of an EO and they are practicing effective and prudent risk management.
What mags? Are they imported? That is my biggest worry with unilateral executive action, that they'll find a way to affect imports. In effect it will just make things more expensive and/or push the market to other products. It not only doesn't do anything to stop crime, violence etc (which of course is not Obama et al's intent, rather they are after control and subjugation) it doesn't even really stop people from getting guns, ammo, etc.
No, they believe there is the POSSIBILITY of an EO...
By their own word, they state that they also believe an EO could prohibit the sale of magazines, parts, and accessories.

I don't know where they got this information. I don't know who told them that an EO had that type of authority. I wonder what makes MidwayUSA believe that an EO could do that.

Prohibit the sale of AR-15 parts? Like a castle nut? How could an EO prohibit the sale of a castle nut?
Practical side: Whenever I have a split shipment notice from Midway, I move the backordered items from shopping cart to wish list. If you leave them in cart, they ship as soon as they're available, and you wind up paying shipping charges for onesie-twosies. Not prudent.
I believe you just said what all of this is all about , it has very little to do with gun violance and everything to do with government control. There is something I think everybody needs to see ,go to youtube look up Australias gun ban,these peoples violant crimes have gone up by 60%, the bad guys have nothung to fear so they just kick in your door beat them in the head take what thay want.
One thing to be sure of is what ever they are doing its best for their bottom line such as multiple shipping fees.
Throwing something in about a possible eo has as much validity to it as the crap the local gs spews.

Makes paying higher fees seem not their fault.
Midway doesn't make much money on splitting shipping and handling fees.
They have to pay the shipper. They have to pay the handler. They pay for the extra box. I presume there have an honest profit built into the handling fee, not enough to connive over.
I thought there must be a national emergency for the executive branch to pass laws without congressional approval? There is no national emergency :banghead:
I thought there must be a national emergency for the executive branch to pass laws without congressional approval? There is no national emergency :banghead:

It isn't passing laws, it is changing the way that existing laws are enforced.

Fuhrer Obama would really have to hunt around to find an existing law which would allow him to limit magazine sales
I haven't recieved such notice yet on my backordered P mags.
I believe it's only referring to orders with both backordered and in-stock merchandise. They are simply shipping out the "in stock" portion of peoples orders, instead of waiting for magazines to come back in stock.

If you order is only for Pmags, then you're stuck waiting irregardless.
It sounded like they went ahead and shipped what they had to keep from having a ban stop something they had from getting to you, is that right? If so, way to go Midway.
I believe it's only referring to orders with both backordered and in-stock merchandise. They are simply shipping out the "in stock" portion of peoples orders, instead of waiting for magazines to come back in stock.

If you order is only for Pmags, then you're stuck waiting irregardless.

It's "Regardless" No such word as "Irregardless" :neener:

As for EO, maybe Midway is shipping items in stock that are imported? Because Obama could EO banning the sale and importation of Guns, and Firearm accessories that are not of Domestic manufacture. He does not need Congress for that.
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