WTB: Forster Tap-a-Cap

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Feb 21, 2009
I am posting this in the blackpowder forum because it is (from what I can tell) strictly related to BP. If it needs to be moved, please do so.

I would like to buy a Tap-a-Cap at a decent price to try it out. If you have one laying around that you are not satisfied with or just want to dispose of, let me know. I would like to try one out, but don't want to pay a lot for a dust collector.

I have read comments both for and against this item, but want to make my mind up for myself. Drop me a PM if one is available.
Bugslayer. I've got one and while the homemade caps are not pretty to look at, they work. For reliable ignition, I generally put two kiddie caps in per stamping. Good luck in getting one. I think they're worth the ducats you spend.
What's wrong with ring caps?
Not enough juice?
I'm going to try that soon. They seem to fit on a #11 nipple ok.

Tap O Cap

I had one and I was using the caps in a Thompson Grey Hawk and a Traditions .32. The produced caps failed miserably in both. I really liked the idea and I messed with different types of caps and everything I could think of and the produced caps never worked well for me. I did not try them in a pistol. I thought a pistol would be more picky which apparently is not the case. I wish someone could come up with a better ignition source for the set up.


I wonder how it would work using match sticks. There is a method on making primers with strike all matches. Basicly take the white tip and cut it with a razor blade then carefully cut it up. to a powder. then pack it into a primer that has been straightened. then reinstall the anvil. Well using this with the tap o caps. you would not need an anvil as thats what the nipple is for. there is a video on it i will see if i can find it.
Thanks for the vid on the primer repair! I've heard of using the match heads for caps, but I'm not sure how you'd keep it in the cap. Glue, maybe, but then would it pop through the glue? it's good knowledge for trying times, though, for sure! With that knowledge, I can load up .45 Colt for my blackhawk with home made powder and reconstituted primers worst comes to worst, or even .38 special. :D Very good to know.

IIRC, the white part of that match is antimony pentasulfide. Being as there's sulfur in the compound, it WILL be corrosive. I've also read, from "The Anarchist's Cook Book" many years ago, that this powder was placed in drilled out shotgun slugs to make an explosive bullet. I'm not sure I'd wanna fire said bullet, but I read that it was done. :D
i have heard that when you get the compound off the match tips you could wet it with rubbing alcohal to make it into a clay form then pack the primers. for the tap o cap it may work really good. either way when you watch the 2nd video it seems to work pretty good. if it will fire that much in a 911 it will ignite black powder for sure.
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