Yet another AWB Poll

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I did my part, here is what the current spot is:

The federal ban on assault weapons is set to expire Monday. In your opinion, should the ban be renewed or allowed to expire?
It should be renewed 47%
It should be allowed to expire 48%
Undecided 5%
I notice in all these polls I never see the "2/3 of America that support the AWB" that DiFi and others talk about. Do they not participate in polls? If what she says is true we should lose every poll but we win every one I've seen. I won't even consider the possibility that the "stat" was made up! :p
Something tells me that these polls Difi speaks of are taken around her office. By her. While holding performance review sheets in the other hand. :D
When I was there, it was up to 67%.

Ya know, after Monday, we're gonna have to nuke some othewr kinda polls.

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