Yugo SKS mags

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Feb 19, 2005
The Granite State
OK, I have a Yugo SKS. A while back, I tried putting a 5-round detatchable mag on it (I think it was Zytel) and the last round would always jam. I posted on my old forum, and they told me that would probably always happen with detatchable mags on my Yugo.

I was just wondering if anyone had had luck with hi-cap deatatchable mags with a Yugo. Thanks!
Hi caps are illegal with the yugo due to C&R status. I have one of those 5 round mags for my yugo and I have the same problem as well. cant figure out why either :banghead:
They pretty much all suck unless you are pretty good at tweaking them. If you can find the fixed 20 rounders I *think* those work better but I'm not entirely sure.
Because of the C&R status of the SKS, to add a detachable mag, you also have to make sure that a certain amount of the gun is US made to make the gun legal.

See here for details:


BTW, the word around is the detachable mags suck.
Stupid question #74.6

Just a thought--What would be wrong with leaving alone the perfectly good, perfectly functional 10-round magazine that comes on the SKS? You want to put on a 5-rounder--WHY??? Is there a legal requirement for a hunting rifle in your area?

Can't see the need except for a legal req.

As to the 30-rounders--Bah! Unless you're going to conduct a Rambo-type attack, why would you want one of those? I was contemplating getting one, until a friend pointed out that it would just encourage my buds @ the range to run off 30 shots in 10 sec. or so, and overheat my bbl. Its other uses would be to make the gun awkward to shoot prone, or over a rest, and to catch on brush and weeds. Seems like a lot of expense and hassle for small benefit.

The SKS takes 10-round stripper clips quite nicely.
I was thinking how an SKS would be perfect for a trunk gun but the one thing I don't like is that it would take a long time to load if the need arose, which is where a detachable mag would come in handy. Do they make stripper clips for SKS's? How well do those work?
There are lots of stripper clips for the SKS, and they work fine with the Yugo. Additionally, you can load 10 rounds into the magazine, and then hold down the top round while closing the bolt, and allow the bolt to ride over the top round without chambering. Then, when you need the rifle in action you just have to cycle the bolt to pick up the top round.

(Yes, I know that someone is going to complain about "overcompression" of the mag spring, but I have never found this to be a problem. My "RV gun" is a Yugo SKS, and I keep it in this condition in a standup closet in the motor home. It is kept from bouncing around by a velcro strap attached to the closet wall that goes around the front of the barrel. I have never had a problem with this method.)
The Chinese strippers flooding the market work just fine, for a few dollars each 20. The Yugo is a fine rifle - I need another one....
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